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Prince Griffith

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The World Class System That Will Make You An Elite Charismatic Leader.


Prince Griffith.


You and I are both men.

And as high-testosterone men,

We all want to make the people around us proud.

We want to make our dear ones feel like they can count on us.

We want to have our girl trust us.

We want to LEAD the way.



And that’s what we do.

We lead.

So I’m sure you will agree that:

We’re all in a competition.

Some men lead better than the others.

Some men can’t even lead at all.

And those who can,

Will reap all the rewards.

They get all the women.

All the money.

All the POWER.

Just take a look at Griffith’s situation with Casca.

To give you some context…

Guts gave his heart to Casca.

He loves her to the moon and back.

Guts would literally fight against the whole world to save her from danger!

But Griffith got heavily injured,

And Casca had to take care of him.

While Griffith was alone with Casca,

Out of nowhere,

He leaned in to kiss Casca…





She just let Griffith kiss her.


Because Griffith’s presence is formidable!


She saw a man she could COUNT ON.

What can we learn from this?

That no matter how much your girl loves you…


She wants to turn off her brain,

And let her man have total control over her!

Nothing gets a woman wetter than knowing she can fully count on her man.

Does your girl fully count on you?

I hope she does.

You MUST become the best.

A man doesn’t die when his heart stops beating.

A man dies when he stops improving himself.

If you waste most of your day watching Netflix,

Playing video games,

And scrolling on social media…

You have to do some work brotha.

(Unless you’re fine with becoming the next Guts)

If you DON’T want to become the next Guts,

And if you’re ready to get all the women & power,

Just like Griffith;

The Charismatic Leader,

Then here’s what you will receive…

By becoming an owner,

Of the Newest Supreme Griffith subliminal:

  • Down to the very molecules that make up your body, everything within the molecules is perfectly majestic & ideal.
  • Everything about your inner world (how you perceive reality) is perfect.
  • Your inner world is rooted in absolute self-confidence, exhibiting Pure Masculinity. (underline)
  • Your inner world is completely calm, as it is rooted in the forbidden knowledge that truth, true peace and perfection is speeding towards your worlds
  • Your expectations always lead you straight to the path that you want
  • As royalty, your expectations are always exceedingly high for your desires, causing them to magnetize towards you at blinding speeds
  • Your royal aura speaks volumes about you, radiating all around your existence and shining like a bright star being observed through the naked eye - making people perceive you as the Perfect Leader.
  • Your face reflects your inner world's superiority, shining in perfect ambiguity
  • Your stunning voice shakes the scene, commanding your authority
  • Your inner bias of your own superiority & dominance creates a supreme reality within and without, as above and so below, ensuring that your reality follows your controller mindset
  • Your high expectations force you to give everything your all, laziness is destroyed and utmost focus is given
  • Your organs emit charisma regardless of the current state they are in
  • Your eyes emit powerful charisma that can bring anyone to your side
  • Your charisma can bring entire opposing armies to peace if you so decided
  • Your charisma can bring entire armies to war if you so decided
  • Everything you say completely charms the ones experiencing their frequency, causing them to fully obey and follow your words
  • Everyone blindly trusts you thanks to your voice, appearance, aura, presence and body language that speaks confidence.
  • Everyone blindly trusts you thanks to your voice, appearance, aura, presence and body language that speaks dominance.
  • Everyone blindly trusts you thanks to your charismatic voice, regal appearance, mysterious aura, dark, powerful presence and dominant body language.
  • Be in a state of pure darkness that transmits into reality helping you to exude Dark Masculinity, Extreme Self-Confidence & Self-Love, Dominant Personality, Narcissism, Machiavellianism, High-Functioning Psychopathy.
  • Eviscerate all negative emotions, such as: self-hate, guilt, remorse, anxiety, depression etc.
  • ‘I want it all’ mindset.
  • You’d sacrifice everyone & everything in order to achieve your goals.
  • You’d rather die than give up on your goals.
  • You’d rather die than not achieve your goals.
  • Ultimate focus towards your goals.
  • Master of Strategy. Seeing through 100 steps ahead.
  • Master of Mind Games. Everyone is your puppet and you’re the puppet master. You see humans as little things you can play with.
  • Master of Compliments, making everyone wanting to get compliments only and only from you. Also making them permanently emotionally attached to your compliments. They can’t live without you.
  • Master of Motivation. You can motivate anyone into doing anything. Want your friend to go speak to that girl? You can motivate him into doing so.
  • Master of Persuasion. Making everyone trust you. PS: Translates into business, dating endeavors too.
  • Master of Social Skills. You integrate into society easily.
  • Master of Flirting.
  • Master of Analysation & Observation. Within the blink of an eye, you can analyze any given situation and take the best approach. Within the blink of an eye, you know every past traumas, every weakness, every moral values, every strength of your enemy.
  • Master of Social Engineering.
  • Master of Dark Psychology.
  • Master of Manipulation.
  • Master of Defence against others.
  • Master of Psychological Operations (PSYOP)
  • Master of Gaslighting.
  • Completely detach from needing other people. You only need your love and internal validation.
  • Completely detach from wanting to rely on other people.
  • Completely detach from wanting to receive help. For you are the only person that can save yourself.
  • Everyone knows how dangerous and powerful you are, but that feeling of being submissive to you is attractive to them and so they willingly give you control over their lives
  • You’re loved by everyone. They don’t know why - but they have this need, this urge to follow you. They think it’s the best option.
  • Everyone trusts you with their lives.
  • You have the motivation and the tools needed in order to become the best there is.
  • You are a walking sex magnet.
  • You have a Messiah complex.
  • You have a Narcissism complex.
  • You have a God Complex.
  • You have a Saviour complex.
  • You are articulate with your words, demanding power in your voice.
  • You become extremely cunning. It’s like you were personally mentored by Niccolo Machiavelli. It’s like you are the person talked about in his book, ‘The Prince’.
  • Intellect Increase.
  • Your brain adapts to every situation.
  • Your brain picks up on any skill instantly. (whether that’d be in fighting, business, communication etc.)
  • You’re always in the center of attention.
  • You always win. You cannot, ever, lose. It’s like you have some divine protection around you. Like you’ve been blessed at birth by divine entities.
  • You don’t need anyone. The only person you need is yourself.
  • You can emotionally get close to everyone. People feel like they can tell you anything. People feel like they need you. People feel like they know you for a life-time. You’re like their maternal/parental figure. Essentially, you will get close to people like Griffith got to Guts.
  • Fake any emotion on demand. If you want to appear sympathetic and caring for someone, you can fake it and they’ll believe it.
  • The 48 Laws of Power included.
  • The Art of War included.
  • - The Art of Seduction included.
  • - The Prince included. (Machiavelli’s book on how to be cunning)
  • How To Win Friends and Influence People included.
  • You are both feared and loved. But when you cannot be loved, you are feared. You appear in everyone’s nightmares. You are The Monster.
  • Appear strong when you’re weak, and appear weak when you’re strong.
  • No one suspects that you’re evil. You always get away with it.
  • You enjoy playing Mind Games with everyone around you. You have an immense lust for it.
  • You completely remove the feeling of wanting to tell other people about your achievements (will induce jealousy and make you unlikeable), weakness, past trauma, struggles etc. (will be used against you)
  • Hold the best reputation and sustain it.
  • Nothing can damage your reputation.
  • Totally crush your enemy.
  • Everything that can be used against you is eliminated - making you impossible to deal with.

Well, that was a lot, wasn’t it?

There’s even more,

But for the sake of not boring you with all these benefits,

I just made a summary of them for you.

You should go ahead and test it.

After all - that’s what masculine men do.

They act.

Right now!

At this moment!

They don’t double-guess themselves.

They see the opportunity,

Instantly decide to take it,

And fully charges at it!

Skepticism or fear never holds men back from taking a decision.

And even if they fail,

Failure will not hold them back.

It makes them stronger.

They made some poor investment?

That’s alright,

They’re even more motivated than before to make more money and regain the amount of money they lost.

Some new idea they have didn’t work?

That’s alright,

They went through trial & error and learned from their mistakes.

The point is:

They never let emotions control them.

They don’t succumb to their anxiety, skepticism and fear.

They’re MEN.

They want something?



If you’re still reading this -

It means that you still have some doubts.

Too expensive?

Quality is expensive.

That’s why Lambo’s are seen in a great light.

They’re expensive.

Not everyone has them.

The ones who do?

They get whatever they want from life.

They’re seen as rich men, people you don’t fuck with.

Imagine if everyone drove a Lambo.

They wouldn’t be seen as special, would they?

A Lambo is rare.

That’s why it’s seen in a great light.

Through your purchase…

You will receive my Limitless Griffith subliminal.

It’s more than just a Subliminal.

The subliminal is only a tool.

You don’t care about the fact that it’s a Subliminal.

You only care about what you get.

By using Griffith,

You will become a Leader.

The Charismatic one.

The Cunning one.

The Seductive one.

If you’re still unsure about my work…

You can test my free stuff on YouTube.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

You don’t have to take my word.

Here are some of the latest results from people who used my subs:

But just because they got results,

Doesn’t mean you will, too.

Nothing in life is guaranteed.

You are now left with two choices.

  1. You invest in yourself.

You put your hands on Griffith.

You get your desired results.

You finally get rid of any social anxiety you have (if you have it),

Your charisma sky-rockets.

Everyone feels drawn towards you.

You can persuade everyone into doing anything you want easily.


Helping you to become a literal sex fucking magnet.

You see,

Most people listen to attraction subs,

And wonder why they don’t work,

When they have to fix the underlying issue.


You can use as many attraction subs as you want.

You can buy as many attraction subs as you want.

But if you don’t change internally, as a person,

And become the best version of yourself…

You won’t attract anything.

That is simply not how the subs work.

Attraction subs are meant to be a tool.

A cheat code.

The ‘cherry on top’.

But you need a good foundation, too.

Can you imagine an ugly dude, with no confidence, gets scared when talking to women,

Attract every chick he wants?

Definitely not 🤣

Griffith has them both.

Griffith has the tool,

And the transformation that you need.

And the second choice is,

You use Griffith,

And nothing happens.

Yeah, I understand.

Paying $$$ on something and being disappointed sucks.

But that’s life.

You either learn from your mistakes,

Or you get mad about it, do nothing, and gain nothing.

If nothing happens…

That’s fine.

You now have 10x the motivation to get more money.

Picture this:

Let’s say that hypothetically,

You’re put in a situation where you must become a millionaire in a year,

Or something bad happens to someone close to you..

Regardless of the odds of you getting rich…


You don’t even care if you might fail.

You only care about saving your dearest one.


Because now you are pressured.

Pressured and stressed.

You will do ANYTHING to save your person.

Even if you think you may fail.



Now it’s time to make a choice.

Will you try?

Will you act?

Or will you be passive,

And watch how life passes around you,

Living an average life,

While the CHARISMATIC Leaders get to have Unlimited Power,

And an abundance of women?

I hope you’ll be wise about this,

And choose the best option.

Become An Elite Charismatic Leader In Less Than 30 Days By Getting Ownership of Griffith Today.


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Prince Griffith

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