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The Darkest Knight

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The tool helping you to satisfy a woman every time…

And have her beg on her knees for more!

I know you’ve been patiently waiting for this.

It is finally here.

The Iron-Clad version of The Batman Who Laughs is available to the public.

Not only does it come in an upgraded version…

I also made a FREE calm version available!

I usually never make a calm version of my subliminals.

But I decided to make an exception this time,

And surprise you with a Calm Version,

As a special gift!

I’m sure the title made you curious,

So I shall entertain your curiosity.

But before going into it…

I want to make this clear:

If you’re struggling right now with women,

Or if you used to struggle with them in the past…

Know this: you’re extremely fortunate.

Why is that?

Simply look at what the Machiavellian author - Robert Greene has said:

“Do not envy those who seem to be naturally gifted;

It is often a curse,

As such types rarely learn the value of diligence and focus,

And they pay for this later in life.”

In other words,

The people who are naturally gifted don’t know the value of discipline & trauma,

And they will pay for it later in life.

ie. when they apply for a Cyber-Security job,

But they lack a skill they need to learn if they want to be accepted.

So, they try to learn it from YouTube, pay for courses, read books, etc.


Most of them will NEVER be disciplined.

They never experienced hardships early on in their life.

The earlier you experience trauma & hardships,

The easier & better your life in the future.

I’ve been there.

I know how it feels to experience trauma, sadness etc.

And I totally understand you.

I felt unspecial and left out from other friend groups.

I wanted to be happy, but I couldn’t.

Most people think that if they want to be happy they have to go out partying,

Or go out in clubs,

Or distract their minds by consuming illegal substances.

They couldn’t be more wrong.

If you want to be happy…

You have to become a better version of yourself.

The BEST version of yourself.

You have to do something about your life.

(not fucking around. not half-assing things)

And if you want to do something about your life,

Then simply change your actions.

You can’t expect to get a different outcome by doing the same old things over and over again.

And using the Iron-Clad Batman Who Laughs is a FOOL-PROOF way to change your outcomes.

You’ll be able to escape from feeling powerless, hoeless, unattractive and more.


I’m sure you loved the YouTube version.

But let me tell you a secret:

THIS Gumroad version isn’t even comparable to the YouTube version.

Let’s make an analogy.

If you were to attract one girl with the help of YouTube’s The Batman Who Laughs…

You’d attract five with the new version.

If you were to make $1000/month with the old BWL…

You’d make $5k/month with the new one.

If you were to increase your looks by one point…

You’d increase them by 3.


I can’t promise this will happen to you.

This is just an estimation.

Results are different for everyone.

But you’ll see a 3X increase of your results MINIMUM.

Why is that?

Because I put a lot of effort & sweat into this project.

And when i say a LOT…

I truly mean it.

If you’ve been a long user of my subliminals,

You know I don’t put much effort into my YouTube subliminals.

(and yet, from other people’s words, they’re still better than any sub-maker out there 😆)

My Premium subliminals hold high importance to me.

Why would I release Premium subliminals,

If they don’t exceed my YouTube ones in EVERY single aspect?

Not only your results are amplified…

You will also see them faster,

With less listening time!


  • your results are amplified
  • you’ll see them faster
  • with less listening time
  • You can listen to this new nuclear version for only 3 times,

And you’d see faster,

More efficient results…

Then if you were to listen to the YouTube version 10 times. (40 minutes)

Time-efficiency is on point with this one.

You don’t have any excuses left.

Calm version? Yes.

Efficient? Yes.

Time-saving? Yes.


This is your perfect chance to turn your life around.

Don’t just take my word for it,

Take a look at what results other people have seen from the old Batman Who Laughs:


Let’s not forget the Wealth Attractor results.

PS: Yes, I know, the Weath Attractor results are from Meta Lux 2 and KKV2.

However - the Wealth Attractor in this BWL project DOMINATES every “Wealth Attraction” subliminal that I have released in the past.

The Wealth Attractor v2 from Batman Who Laughs is a whole another level.

You get your investment back…

And you also get results from this subliminal.

The best way to describe this new Wealth Attractor is by experiencing it.

That’s all I’m going to say.



If you already have a girlfriend and you want to stay loyal to her that’s fine.

It will only increase her attraction towards you.

Or if you have any alternate reason,

You shouldn’t worry, since this is desired results only.


Let’s get to the benefits.

The document is 250+ pages long.

I will make a summary of the document.

So, it won’t cover everything.

The Devastator

Bruce Wayne

In the Dark Multiverse,

The Devastator is a corrupted and malevolent version of Bruce Wayne, created when he merged with the Doomsday virus.

In this twisted narrative, Superman succumbs to the virus, and Batman, desperate to stop his friend's rampage, injects himself with the Doomsday virus,

Gaining the destructive powers of Doomsday while retaining his intellect and strategic brilliance.

This tragic transformation leads to a brutal and destructive version of Batman who ultimately sees the only way to "save" the world is by eliminating all super-powered beings,

Resulting in a cataclysmic showdown with other members of the Justice League.

The Devastator's emergence exemplifies the dark and grim nature of the Dark Multiverse, where heroes become nightmarish versions of themselves.

Any repeat benefits are there to solidify and exaggerate those aspects further to boost results dramatically.

Most of the sections before The Batman Who Laughs serve to fuel and add to "his" power, and as a result, many of them include remakes of older audios with some added things.

Despite this, their sections have a huge list of all-new benefits as well.

Each section has their own unique remaster or upgraded version of an older audio, so you can view this as a very overpowered composite field of many of my past works, along with much more newer benefits.

Keep in mind that any remakes or upgrades are done completely in the hands of an expert and that no unauthorized people should attempt to bundle or otherwise change or manipulate the energy within my fields, as it will only end in bad. With all of that in mind, enjoy the theater!

The Pawn Piece Evolution

An extremely overpowered and absolute focused evolution section, transcendental body cores and more. Narratively embody darkness, power, attraction and even more in this super-package taking inspiration from some of the biggest subs of the last era!

Narratively transcend the idea of "Greatness", with that idea being an uncountably infinite large construct of platonic mass and Plot. Simultaneously empower the purest platonic form of the "Greatness" concept, as well as expressing it throughout everything that you and your story/tale/world commit on a Meta-Existential plane of existence

Metanarratively transcend the macrocosmic idea of "Power", infinitely usurping the idea in all forms and concepts. Skeletal Muscle Growth Overload, Extremely Active and Sensitive Male Hormones (detailed list), UNIMAGINABLY Sensitive Male Receptors (Androgen, Testosterone, DHT ((without any side effect such as balding)), etc.)

The Dark Knight Returns

This is the section that is based upon the mental elevation and transcendence of the user.

The things within this section are masterfully picked so that the brain and mind is elevated to a state of being that is nearly unreachable by the vast majority of human beings.

The purpose of this section is to mentally prepare you for the success that will come into your life as well as the amount of power that you are about to be experiencing.

Power always starts in the mind, and so it is imperative to anyone at the top of the food chain to have a strong and resourceful mind in any given hierarchy.

Optimally increased BDNF and NGF synthesis (for neuroplasticity & neuroprotection)

Optimally high Choline Alpha-GPC levels (for cognitive functions such as memory, learning + brain health)

Optimal Brain Function (everything about the brain's function is enhanced with extreme detail to superhuman levels)

Optimal Motor Function

Optimal Memory Function

Panmnesia (the opposite of amnesia; the trait to remember everything that you experience)

Your brain is now essentially a supercomputer capable of handling, articulating, integrating and understanding things with x150 more efficiency than the average brain.

Not only that, but the brain can comprehend x25 the amount of stimuli and information flood than the average brain can (These numbers were picked carefully so as to not overload or damage the brain)

The Drowned

Atlantean Royalty

The Drowned is a character from DC Comics' Dark Multiverse, introduced in the Dark Nights: Metal storyline.

She originates from Earth -11, where she is a female version of Bruce Wayne, known as Bryce Wayne.

In her world, she was a brilliant marine biologist who lost her beloved, Sylvester Kyle, to a metahuman war.

Driven by grief and a desire for justice,

She used her scientific knowledge to splice her DNA with that of a dangerous aquatic creature, transforming herself into a formidable warrior with control over water.

She then waged war against the metahumans of her world, using her newfound powers to devastating effect.

Bryce Wayne represents Batman's fear of loss and the lengths he might go to seek vengeance and control in the face of overwhelming tragedy, making her a chilling reflection of Bruce's inner turmoil and darkness.

The Queen Piece Concept

This modifies the self concept of the user.

The first thing you would relate yourself to being when you think about yourself is very important and high-value when it comes to work, business and social situations.

Not only that, it is simply good to have a powerful self concept throughout life so that you always stick by yourself and never betray your inner ideals.

A lot of people will have a strong exterior and look like they have the best life a man could ask for,

But when it comes to their inner concept they are frail and self conscious which will eventually catch up to their life.

These changes are to permanently counteract that and make you into the kind of legend that changes lives and takes everything he comes across.

By first changing the self concept of yourself,

You can then go on to manifest and create great changes within yourself.

We, as humans, create what we believe in ourselves.

If we view ourselves as smart and confident, our brains and minds will reflect as such which will then create vast positive scenarios in our life that simply couldn't have came to be if we didn't view ourselves in such a way and acted accordingly

When you first think about yourself, you often view and reflect upon yourself as being very:

  • hyper-ultra
  • masculine
  • dominant
  • seductive
  • smart
  • memorable
  • unforgettable
  • powerful
  • wealthy
  • destined for greatness
  • hard working
  • important
  • unstoppable
  • happy
  • focused
  • satisfied
  • creative
  • confident
  • successful
  • high off life
  • godly
  • amazing
  • transcendent
  • in charge of the situation
  • in high positions
  • in positions of power
  • ruthless
  • indomitable
  • aware
  • merciless
  • savagelike
  • charming
  • attractive
  • determined
  • persuasive
  • mysterious
  • enigmatical
  • impenetrable
  • mystical

Your inner self concept is very hardened and powerful which allows you to then pull off and have the courage to do things that no one else could bring themselves to do.

The body, like the mind, is something that needs to be in peak condition for anyone to truly be considered at the top of the food chain in hierarchies.

The Arkham Knight is simply a one-of-a-kind man that does not ask before taking.

He does not care about what stands in his way if it means he will enact his own vision of justice, and he does not care who he has to destroy or burn to stay at the top.

Who could possibly hope to overcome someone with a body like this? No one.

Godlike Genetic Memory Optimization: Intense rituals and fields placed on your genetic memory, filling them with the energetic blueprint of fighting masters.

From Bruce Lee to Connor McGregor, every piece of your body is prepared for war.

Your stamina is also massively upgraded and enhanced, allowing you to do impossible tasks such as take down entire armies of equally matched opponents in a single night,

Staying up for weeks at a time without any mental fatigue or damage,

And even running for hundreds of miles without pause.

You are also blessed with the skill to replicate, copy and master the fighting techniques and experience of everyone within either your local vicinity,

Or even the vicinity of your ocular vision (such as through a video).

You’re able to go entire weeks without eating and not be shaken; you don’t need sustenance, sustenance needs you.

Genetic Overhaul: Your genetic memory has a literal sentience to it, acting as a sort of living entity that resides within your body.

This entity that is your very existence acts to constantly improve itself, hardening any strengths and relegating any weaknesses to make sure that they don’t show.

Your body is essentially passively upgrading and evolving itself with every moment due to this high technology upgrade,

Applying and mastering useful information that would assist you in your goals, purpose and ideals as well as finding information that would directly help in the acquisition of wealth and power.

The Arkham Knights Narrative: The Narratives of Everything revolves around you and your position within the story.

Your darkness permeates the night and makes it darker than black, you’re the paradox that the plot does not ever stop supporting.

Destined to win, you’re followed and stalked by success with every moment. As if you were blessed by Barbatos, you’re quite literally shielded by the plot and the Story of Reality Itself.

You’re able to match up against any threat, no matter how ridiculously powerful they may seem compared to a human such as yourself. Because the plot demands a victor, the plot demands you to win.

Enchantment from Barbatos to: preserve your newbie gains for as long as possible, heal the telomeres whenever you lose any (resulting in infinite youth aesthetically),

Place your body within its prime state and keeping it there,

Placing your body within a powerful second puberty that gets stronger every time night falls (this puberty is also much stronger than the original puberty, making sure that you grow completely proportional and making sure none of the bones become damaged or misshapen, also protection of the hormones from going haywire or too low due to overexpression)

The Arkham Surgery: The energy in this portion targets your entire body and gives it an overview.

Your least attractive traits are then taken and replaced with the most attractive traits that are compatible with the rest of your body,

Taking your body and facial ratios into account.

Once that is done, your entire face and body entirely gain a huge increase in overall attraction,

Perfectly befitting you with the ratios that would be best for your current build and genetics as well as looks.

Paired with this is an overexaggerated energy that transmutes ugly traits to handsome traits.

Jawline repairing and improving the bone structure of your face so you don’t look like Dream.

The area around the eyes gains a huge overhaul and upgrade (still taking the rest of your face into account) removing any bad ratios or undesired eye shape.

Your face is then exposed to a massive masculinization ritual which exalts and enhances every aspect of the face,

Making you look infinitely attractive no matter what expression your face makes. (indirectly makes you photogenic too)

Then, your face undergoes another energetic surgery that fills it with the attractive blessings of Barbatos, making you appear x100 more attractive and handsome than you already are even after all of these changes.

This is enough to turn someone who is a 4/10 on a scale to a 10/10 purely because of how this energy operates and functions with upgrading your facial features,

Giving you a sharp and defined look that screams attractiveness.

Your face alone is going to be enough to get women wet and horny, and not even just because of the Barbatos blessings, but also because of your overall attractiveness as a whole.

Narratively have unlimited Mental Energy.

Dictated to fully ernergize and cure any mental burnout throughout the first listen.

Body is Narratively prepared to recognize any sort of attack, whether it be physical, mental, energetic or conceptual, and properly prepare for it (as well as learning how to utilize it yourself)

Indomitable Spirit.

Subjective Presence. Because your presence is filled with a darkness that cannot be perceived, you are able to go completely undetected to those that you wish.

Massive amounts of innate seductive capabilities. You seduce women without even trying, even the ones who would usually never be attracted to your personality become ensnared by your words.

Your powerful, dominant aura narratively attracts attractive women and rewrites them to fully and openly obsess and fantasize over you.

Attractive women are extremely eager and sexual with you, they are also narratively imposed and attracted to the thought of approaching you, as well as being encouraged by both their soul and their spirit to do so.

Enemies respect you and know full well to never toy with you.

Allies respect you and are always in awe with everything that you do.

Subjective Narrative Expression. Your Narrative is vastly different and changes depending on each person you encounter, however it always stays massively supreme and otherworldly. For those you are sexually interested in, you will come off as supremely attractive and alluring, hot and masculine, while for others you wish to have a business relationship with, you will come off more as a hard worker, efficient and capable individual.

Optimized Fight-or-Flight sensory.

Cult Leader Varuna v1.5 / Ba'al's Homecoming

What is Primal Astrology?

Primal Astrology is essentially the same as our current astrology but the energy manifested is taken from its strongest, original signature, typically dating back to its creation or first discovery.

As the generations went on and humanity evolved, growing more distant from the stars and the world around them due to technology and hubris,

Our connection to the stars naturally got weakened as well, making their influence over our lives smaller and weaker.

When I mention a "Primal" object or placement, this would simply be the equivalent of if you were at your strongest psycho-spiritual and sociological-narrative connection to said placement as most of us were centuries ago.

The rituals involved in the creation of these benefits are channeled from the highest, purest and darkest source from which their energetic imprint resides.

These rituals include the binding of the object’s energy to the mentioned placements/functions, to your life, and etc.

You will be receiving much more influence from these galaxies, stars, planets and asteroids, etc than anyone else could dream of having, already setting you above everyone else.

But, to take things a step further as I always do,

I have decided to do vigorous and personal channeling from various spirits and archetypes,

Binding their own energy to the pure energy of these astrological objects and then delivering these to you.

This is high-class consciousness surgery that is being performed.

The type of stuff that not even some celebrities would gain access to. So have some gratitude that you’re even able to obtain such a thing.

Protection from Primal Astrology overwhelming you

Able to hold multiple planets/astrological objects in multiple houses without any difficulty

Desired Results only

Destruction of Chiron and all other negative asteroids (comprehensive list of 150+ asteroids removed from all charts)

Automatically harness only the positive aspects and benefits of your charts and any future modifications to them (detailed wording for each placement addition and change, down to your persona charts)

Automatically block out any negative effects of your chart and any future modifications done to it

Negatives from ALL of these placements have been totally removed

Primal Varuna conjunct the Ascendent at 0 Degrees [1st + 3rd + 10th + 11th Houses]

(Varuna is the ultimate asteroid of legendary fame, notoriety and royalty.

It is easily noted in every major celebrity's chart that they all have one thing in common: a prominent Varuna.

Both Martin Luther King and Adolf Hitler had a prominent Varuna in their charts.

Vladmir Putin, Eminem along with many others have prominent Varuna.)

Primal Aura conjunct Primal Varuna at 0 Degrees [10th House]

(Aura, being the asteroid that expresses everything about you down to a spiritual level,

conjuncting such a powerful asteroid as Varuna alone should tell you how powerful of a combination they are.

You exude and embody greatness and royalty,

Varuna being the deity of the sky and oceans,

You are a walking essence of awesomeness and lordship.

Your physical and spiritual presences call on respect from anyone who witnesses them with this placement alone.

This is a placement that should not be overlooked, everyone will be inclined to look up to you and treat you as a superior regardless of what could be coming out of your mouth.

Being in the 10th house, the house of social status, you are literally going to be viewed as this religious figure of great power and influence,

Making it easy for you to sweet talk and allure anyone that you meet.

You will have a golden tongue, speaking your way into literally any position.

Charisma comes naturally to those with this placement,

As they just have a natural air around them that seems to be freeing and calming,

But powerful at the same time, making them know you're not one to be trifled with, similar to the calming yet destructive tidal waves of Varuna's hand in mythology.)

Primal Kaali conjunct Primal Varuna at 0 Degrees [10th House]

(Kaali is similar to Jupiter in the way that it exalts and raises the voltage of everything that it comes into close proximity with to 1000, essentially boosting them to their maximum output.

When combined with Varuna, the land of the great and royal, one becomes truly a legend of fame and notoriety.

Abundance and attention comes extremely easy to you, regardless of where ever you would go your fate would always find a way for you to be noticed and admired somehow.)

Primal Apollo conjunct the Ascendant, Midheaven and Moon at 0 Degrees [1st + 10th + 11th Houses]

(Apollo, when in these powerful placements is seen as a literal, undeniable deity.

Worship comes in magnitudes to whoever has these placements,

Charisma being instinctive to your nature.

You can get anything, anyone and anywhere that you want with simple reflex responses.

Flirting is second nature to you, and you know how to speak to every type of person and get inside of their head to make them admire and adore you.)

Primal Apollo exactly conjuncts the Ascendant, Descendant, Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Priapus, North Node, Lust, Aphrodite, Valentine, DNA, Kaali, Eros, Ubatsi, Ishtar, Kama, Nymphe, Vesta, Cupido, Adonis, Sappho, Amor, Tristan, Psyche, Galatea, Isis, Osiris, Fuchs & North Node of every woman that meets you [1st House]

(I shouldn't even have to explain how amazing this is. This WILL make every woman spellbound by you and view you as true royalty.)

Primal Adonis permanently falls in the astrological houses all at once of every woman that meets you

Primal Adonis conjunct the Ascendant, Sun, Mars, Midheaven & Venus [1st + 10th House]

(Whoever has this placement is a romance machine.

Everything simply comes their way in the line of flirting and, quite honestly, simply existing.

Everyone will find a way to admire them and their nature regardless of what it is they're doing exactly, the world will just find a way to love the one with this placement.

Admiration for the one with this placement comes in abundance and never seems to fully go away regardless of any sort of bad blood that happens between them and the person with this.)

Primal Adonis exactly conjunct the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Midheaven, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Descendant, Neptune, Mars, Pluto & Venus of every woman that meets you

(Simply put, this Adonis bearer is a magnet of sexual chemistry and attention to heights unknown. Glancing at a woman would be enough to make her legs shake and incite interest in you. At this point, the world is simply yours, it is just up to how you want to take it.)

Primal Asmodeus permanently falls in the astrological houses all at once of every woman that meets you

Primal Asmodeus exactly conjunct the Moon, Venus, North Node, Lust, Fuchs, Jupiter, Priapus, Descendant, Ascendant, North Node, Aphrodite, Valentine, DNA, Kaali, Eros, Ubatsi, Ishtar, Kama, Nymphe, Vesta, Cupido, Adonis, Sappho, Amor, Tristan, Psyche, Galatea & Isis of every woman that meets you

(Everything you do hooks and spellbounds women under your allure, making them itching to get a feel of you and get closer to you. The simple act of knowing about you is enough to get them daydreaming and lusting towards you.)

Primal Eros conjunct the Ascendant [1st House]

(Radiate all forms of sexuality in your physical and spiritual energy.

It is hard not to get hot and heavy when women are around you due to how unrelenting your sexual energy portrays itself as, quickly turning the most timid and shy of women into the most open horndogs if they are around you and comfortable enough with you)

Primal Lust permanently falls in the astrological houses all at once of every woman that meets you

Primal Lust exactly conjunct the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Midheaven, Descendant, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, DNA, Aphrodite, Fuchs, Lust, Kaali, Kama, Ubarsi, Ishtar, Psyche, Sappho, Amor, Cupido & North Node of every woman that meets you.

(In this synastry aspect, everything about you will be seen as a turn on down to an atomic level for the women that are experiencing these conjunctions. They will be extremely into you)

Primal Casanova conjunct the Ascendant, Sun, Venus, Jupiter, DNA, Kaali & North Node [1st + 10th + 11th Houses]

(Seduction simply comes natural to you, as easy as you breathe seduction and charisma just seeps out of your very essence. Anything you say is enough to permanently woo girls)

Primal Casanova conjunct the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Midheaven, Mars, Descendant, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, DNA, Aphrodite, Fuchs, Lust, Kaali, Kama, Ubatsi, Ishtar, Psyche, Sappho, Amor, Cupido, Eros & Adonis of every woman that meets you

(The women that experience this powerful synastry combination are head over heels for the one that is giving it to them, their every thought will be about the Casanova and what they can do to show him that they are worthy of his attention, lust and love)

Primal Lilith conjunct the Ascendant [1st House]

(The magnetism in this placement is simply unmatched and felt by everyone who meets you.

The raw, unfiltered burning energy that emanates from someone with this placement is something that simply cannot be explained with any words, regardless of how extensive the dictionary is.

Those with this take whatever they please, using their own self awareness of their charisma and seductive skills as an excuse for the things that they do, which works every single time.)

Primal Lilith parallel Anti-Vertex & Quintile Ketu, Rahu, North Node & South Node (

Simply embody the energies of Lilith and the irresistibly wanted energy that she holds.

It is as if destiny itself is tied to making you be viewed as seductively and attractive as possible, the world even goes out of its way to reward you for being a heartbreaker and Lilith-like.

Could easily be seen as the second coming of Lilith due to how identical your energy is to Hers. Destined to break hearts.)

Primal Aura conjunct Primal Lilith [1st House]

(The Aura that is provided by your vessel burns with powerful, primal Lilith energy that simply cannot be tamed under any circumstances.

Everyone feels your burning, hot Lilith energy and is engulfed by the flame similarly to how moths are engulfed by the flames of fire, allured and attracted to the shine but then immediately transformed into nothing by the flame.

Your energy waits like a snake and strikes when the kettle is hot, always making sure to take advantage of your prey, especially in romantic and seductive situations where you inevitably reign supreme)

Primal Lilith exactly conjuncts the Moons and Venuses of all women that you encounter

(This mere placement alone will make women entrapped by your seductive nature and attracted to you on a mutual level, opting them to chase after you while you simply relax and let them come)

Your presence is nothing shy of otherworldly, shining throughout the atmosphere and giving you a literal physical presence in the room.

Whenever you walk into a room, everyone just simultaneously knows it is you and they change their posture and tone respectively.

Whenever anyone is in your presence, your brain impulses interact with their Electromagnetic Fields subatomically which commands them to gravitate toward you more mentally, making them more inclined to agree with and follow the things that you say, regardless of what the things actually are.

Whenever anyone simply hears of your name, your brain impulses remotely interact with their Electromagnetic Fields subatomically which connects their brain's image of the names, "Kukulcan" and "Quetzalcoatl" with your own name.

Whenever anyone simply hears of your name, your brain impulses remotely interact with their Electromagnetic Fields subatomically which connects their brain's image of the word King with your own name.

Your brain impulses remotely interact with the Electromagnetic Fields subatomically with everyone that knows about you and learns about you,

Making them view you and believe of you as the vessel of Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatl, regardless of whether they know about them or not due to it tapping into their ancestral knowledge of the deities.

Your watery atmosphere makes you accustomed to praise and worship from weaker wills.

You have a control over girls and women that can simply be described as the "Quintessence of Divinity"

Absolute control over girls/women

Absolute control over all types of femininity in every form

Femininity never affects you regardless of how powerful it is, you have the "Quintessence" level immunity to it

Absolute control over the physical physiologies and builds over all girls/women

Your Quintessence of Divinity is completely irresistible and unstoppable, girls simply cannot stop themselves from wanting and lusting after you

Femininity simply submits under your Quintessence of Divinity without giving any thought or question to it, your brain impulses interact with the femininity in other brains and EMFs and forces them to submit to your words

Femininity simply cannot dominate you in any outer or inner form due to your Quintessence of Divinity simply overpowering it in every way

Girls feelings do not matter to you, only your own feelings matter in the grand scheme of things

You always put yourself first and foremost

Your brain impulses alone interact with the brain impulses of girls nearby and automatically tames them, turning any rebellious and uninterested impulses and transforming them into those of interest, submission and horniness toward you

Your Quintessence of Divinity, powered by the spirit of Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatl makes it so that the souls, bodies, minds, feelings and spirits of every girl is under your absolute control and power

Divine, Toxic & Unrefined Femininity, it's all the same to you. You have control over it all, and none of them can escape your grasp. When you want something, you got it

Femininity as a concept is merely a stepping stone to your greatness, a symbol of your chosenness, a way that the universe expresses how strong you are.

You are always above femininity, and femininity is always below you.

As such, femininity is compelled on a systematic level to bind and bend to your will and dominance.

(What do I mean by systematically? I mean that, regardless of personal emotion or thought, on a systematic level all living things will synonymously view your name with those things as it is embedded in the very vital structure and functions of their brain)

Every girl obeys you completely due to the unique brain impulses that occur in them when you are on their mind, causing them to submit and listen

Girls don't need other men when you're in their lives, you're the only one that they need

Regardless of if you need them or not, girls always see you as the top priority and go after you

Other men simply don't exist to girls when they know about your greatness

You are always seen as the ideal type when it comes to girls, regardless of their typical preference your "Quintessence of Divinity" breaks through it all

Girls, systematically are programmed so that they are only able to and allowed to submit to you

Girls, systematically are programmed so that they are only able and allowed to have romantic feelings for you

Girls, systematically are programmed so that they are only able to have sexual urges and feelings towards you

The magick and subliminal work of girls against you always fails and backfires upon them

Girls cannot do spells or witchcraft against you due to the resistant watery atmosphere of your Quintessence of Divinity Electromagnetic Field

Girls cannot bypass your Quintessence of Divinity regardless of whatever Arcane techniques they try

Girls see all other men as ugly subhuman creatures that have nothing going for them in their lives, that's why they see you as someone different that stands out from the peasants

The powerful rush that comes with your watery atmosphere literally commands the vaginas of girls to dampen like they never have before

Your watery presence alone is enough to create wetness and horniness in the vaginas of girls towards you

Your watery atmosphere is enough to give girls beyond orgasmic levels of dopamine and love hormones to release within their brains

Girls systematically connect the idea of dopamine release and love hormone release with the idea of you

Girls systematically connect the idea of horniness and sex with the idea of you

Girls systematically connect the idea of masturbating with the idea of you

Attract all types of girls, regardless of the type of demeanor or personality that you portray, your watery Quintessence of Divinity atmosphere is simply too powerful to be bound to a specific type of woman or female

Women are willing to pay you to have sex with you

Women are willing to pay you to watch them masturbate

Women are willing to pay you to watch you masturbate

Girls are always trying to consensually have sex with you

Girls are willing to beg you to have sex with them if it means you'll say yes

The Quintessence of Divinity knows nothing about sexual preferences and it has the uncanny, otherworldly ability to turn any girl straight for you simply by them being within the same narrative field as you

Girls never try to betray you or go against your code & boundaries

Total immunity to toxic girls

Instant attraction of all desired girls and types of girls

Instant attraction of hot girls

Instant attraction of sexy girls

Instant sexual magnetism and attraction

You are an irresistible womanizer that gets whatever he wants from a lady

You embody the Quintessence of Masculinity that every girl and woman desires and needs in their life

You are always put on the highest pedestal

You are always at the top of the food chain

You always have priority in other people's lives

Absolutely have the uncanny Divine ability to use, manipulate, control and toy with every girl and woman that comes into your life

The Quintessence of Masculinity that you carry is filled with an addictive and drug-esque aura that attaches itself to girls and women and makes them remotely more and more attracted to you as time passes

Girls are simply unable to cheat on you

Girls simply cannot get you off of their mind whenever they think about romantic or sexual situations

You're living rent free in the minds of every girl

Your watery atmosphere incites sexual energy and horniness in girls

Girls are born to worship a divine vessel like you, and because of that fact you have no remorse for any way that you treat them

Girls are madly head over heels in love with you

Your penis is filled with addictive energies that etches itself into the bodies and minds of girls

Any girls that you desire break up with their man just for you

Every girl that breaks up with their man for you is eternally loyal and submissive to you

Girls allow you to use their bodies in any way that you please

The legs of girls are always literally open for you

You are the ideal bad boy that every girl is attracted to whether they want to admit it or not

You are the ideal bad boy that every girl secretly fetishizes and desires in their life

You are the ideal alpha male that every girl is attracted to and knows they need in them

You are the ideal alpha male that every girl fetishizes and desires in their life

You are the ideal expression of primal sexuality and masculinity that every girl is attracted to and fetishizes

You are the irreplaceable Quintessence of Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan

Girls always overly fetishize your penis and your body, every single thing about you that could possibly be made sexual by them is automatically made sexual in their minds, girls are like sexual fiends whenever they think about you

The sexual resistances and barriers between girls and you are completely eradicated with the Divine Authority of Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan

Your watery atmosphere crushes and influences nearby femininity regardless of the type and transforms them into sexual fiends for you only

Your watery atmosphere simply protects your energy from being absorbed or manipulated regardless of how vulnerable of a state you may appear to be in, even during sex your energy cannot be sucked

Girls accept that their role is to please you sexually and try their best to do so

Girls cannot resist you

Completely photogenic and radiant in every picture, video and even sound radiant and divine in audio messages, videos or phone calls

Everyone views you like a leader

Everyone views you with high praise

Everyone views you as highly renowned

Systematically, your name is synonymous with romance and desire

You always don the crown of an aquatic king

Your words can make anyone do anything you want them to

As you move you carry the trident of Atlantis, striking down any metaphorical threats toward you and your people; ensuring everyone is automatically humbled and feminized in your presence

Your aura leaks and drips with an aquatic allure and seduction, similar to the female Sirens that lure fishermen to their dooms

Anything you say systematically registers with the suggestive areas of the brain

Your words automatically fire neurons within the brain of the listeners and generates all new dominant neural pathways based around submission and respect to your cause

Systematically, you feel like the LORD

Systematically, you feel like a God on Earth

Systematically, you are viewed as a King

Your self conceptualized being is like a wild tsunami of irrefutable power

In the presence of water, your strength grows

As humans are made of mostly water, your very existence stutters them and lures them to you through the force of gravity

An immunity to being mocked, for the accusers are always immediately struck down by the trident of God

Systematically, your name is synonymous with terror, chaos and destruction

Systematically, the simple uttering of your name sparks unbelievable fear in the hearts of all, as you are a conqueror of worlds

Systematically seen as supreme

Your physical presence alone speaks and booms with power and leadership, reducing all presences within yours to little more than peasants. It would be like comparing an ant to a titan, but on a global-wide scale

Systematically your word is like the reckoning of continents, your mere voice is like hearing God's voice on Judgement Day

Systematically your name is like WAR

Systematically your presence alone is captivating and attractive to all, making them more receptive and likely to listen to your commands

Your watery atmosphere holds terrifying presence within, as if it had experienced every horror to grace the earth and walked out unscathed

Due to how powerful the watery atmosphere that surrounds you is, it constantly attracts people, entities and spirits that are willing to eternally serve you in war and do everything that you ask of them

You find yourself surrounded by an army of your people more often than not

People always rally themselves in support of your decisions regardless of what they truly are

Every decision you make is always backed with the open support of an entire nation

Systematically you are seen as an unforgiving warlord that cannot be stopped

Systematically you are seen as someone that MUST be followed and listened to, as if it were the brain's calling to do so

You are quickly finding yourself attracting a mass of people that can only be described as your personal army

Your army is in agreeance with everything that you say and command them to do, regardless of the stakes

You are the commander of water itself, everything with water inside of it is bound to following your word

Your brain's EMIs and EMFs can remotely interact with and thereby influence, manipulate or shift the polar inorganic compound of H2O, or water

Your brainwaves directly manipulate the water in other lifeforms passively, influencing them to do the things that you currently desire them to do

Your brain's EMFs are able to remotely interact with and thereby influence, manipulate or shift the Central Nervous Systems of other people's bodies

Your manipulative EMIs and EMFs can directly travel through your eyes and voice, using them as a conduit to directly interact with the brains, Central Nervous Systems, Motor Functions and Temporal Lobes of your victims

Utmost affinity to the element of water

Supreme Vo2 Max

Supreme Stamina, especially when swimming

Instinctively know the ins and outs of swimming and how to properly swim at the highest speeds

Supreme Speeds when swimming, speed is incalculable when you are swimming

Supreme Lung Capacity

Rejuvenated, healed and evolved Temporal Lobe through the water affinity

Rejuvenated, healed and evolved Central Nervous System through the water affinity

Unlocking of Junk DNA (completely discarding the negative and harmful DNA, so only the DNA that we are not currently available to use but would positively affect us)

Primal Aries Midheaven (With this placement you are undoubtedly seen as a leader and you are fascinated by things that challenge your core identity as challenge is a way to grow.

Your expectations for yourself are always high and you always try to incorporate things into your instincts so that you can apply it into your future life.

Your reputation is that of extreme confidence and energetic leadership.)

Primal Leo Midheaven (With this placement you are undoubtedly seen as the life of the party in every single way imaginable.

You have a reputation for always being in the spotlight and having immense creativity and drive that flows into your work life especially.

You always think big and never sell yourself short, something that some people admire about you.

You're always willing to start new, innovative projects to test your capabilities and improve yourself for the better.)

Primal Scorpio Midheaven (Your reputation is that of a great detective, due to you never letting anything slip through your eye and your mind. Think of Sherlock Holmes, Ayanokoji or L.

You keep a mental record of everything and everyone you encounter and what you can use for later.

You always trust your intuition and you work best in a career which allows you to use it freely to assist your work, rather than a strict environment with little to no flexibility.

You are extremely observant and capable of keeping a good secret to yourself, and you thrive in environments that are not stagnant and are constantly changing and evolving themselves, something that you liken to yourself as you are always changing up your persona and evolving to become the best you.)

Primal Lilith exactly conjunct Primal Pluto exactly conjunct Primal Mars [10th House] (You ooze sexual attraction and magnetism, it follows every part of your life. It may be seen as a way of power for you, and you're always using your naturally fiery sexual potential as a way of getting an advantage. You communicate in the ways of power and magnetism, captivating everyone with every single word that falls out of your mouth.)

Primal Taurus in Primal Immum Coeli (You are always comfortable with yourself and how you feel in any given situation, especially when you are alone to your own thoughts and devices. This relaxed nature opens a doorway to many new ideas, thoughtforms and ways of life that totally eliminate anxiety and stress from the risks. Meditation may be a way of life for you and may open new doors to possibilities that you could have never expected to happen, if you indulged in it long enough. Your relaxed nature allows you to freely express yourself without any worry of being judged or hated for your words and it shows an incredible inner confidence and self love that many envy about you.)

Primal Fixed Star Algol, Primal Champion, Primal Andrejka, Primal Tyrannosaurus, Primal Varuna, Primal Walpurga, Primal Abundantia conjunct Primal Immum Coeli (You radiate with a dark energy that can only be described as an out of control tornado of devilish energy. You give the vibes reminiscent of old folklore with destructive Oni spirits that stop at nothing in their path. Your allure and confidence combined with your unnatural abundance and overpowering, domineering nature makes you an unstoppable force of nature, simply put.)

Primal Champion, Primal Andrejka, Primal Tyrannosaurus, Primal Nike & Primal Abundantia exactly conjunct the Ascendant, Jupiter, Midheaven & Mars [1st + 10th Houses] (An atmospheric pressure of winning and abundance is always looming over you, with every word you say and with every action you take. You are always the champion and the winner in every situation, regardless of how much the odds seem to be stacked against you, you always prevail, whether it is due to last minute revelations that completely change the course of the event or if you were already destined to win from the start. Your abundant nature is combined with the powerful atmospheric presence of warlords, as if you were put here to conquer and lead your people into victory.)

Primal Moon in Primal Sagittarius exactly conjunct Primal Mars [1st + 10th + 11th Houses] (You always have a positive outlook on life regardless of how things seem to be shifted towards you. You always have an unrivaled courage and extravagant aggression that seamlessly flows with your confidence and charisma. You always see the bigger picture and plan many steps ahead to victory, never taking a moment to falter.)

Primal Leo Ascendant exactly conjunct Primal Pluto (You're loved by all and your confidence is felt through even the most pessimistic of people, making you simply an addicting presence to be around. You're always the utmost life of the party and you bring so much energy, confidence and creativity to the table that people wouldn't know what they'd do if you weren't there with them. Everyone notices your expression of power through undeniable charisma and confidence when they first lock eyes with you. You are playfully expressive with your power, always showing your superiority in extravagant ways and always being comfortable in your lines of power, as you know that you will never be dethroned. Despite this playfulness, it is not the same as overconfidence and arrogance, as you can easily back up your playful demeanor with an undeniable expression of true power at any point.)

Primal Leo in Primal Sun [1st + 5th + 8th + 10th Houses] (With the Primal Sun in Primal Leo you are completely one with your outer expression and the way you present yourself, exuding a primal level of confidence, bravado and magnetism towards others and your desires, everything seems to fall into your hands.

You easily discover personal power by using your appearance and presence to their highest levels. Your central purpose is to go all in right from the start, you rarely ever hold back.

You shine by letting your flamboyant, dramatic, creative side radiate out to others as they watch in awe at your uniqueness.

Being you means that life is a grand drama, and you see yourself center stage. You’ve been given a powerful creative license at birth. You easily discover personal power by risking being a clown, an entertainer or a wild card, to break free from group expectations, logic and conformity.

Your central purpose is to burn with creative passion and let everyone turn completely to ashes at the sight of it. You shine through your personal contribution to any creative process.

Coming into your own requires finding the courage to face any rejection that may come when you offer up something special within yourself to the scrutiny of the group.

You are becoming a complex attention whore.

Primal Sun square Primal Mars (Unbreakable masculinity mixed with powerful bravery and confidence, with this placement the world truly is yours for the taking.

Everything you dream of having has an undeniable chance of becoming yours inevitably due to the drive that you have and the force that you put on to reach your goals, meaning that nothing is truly outside of your reach.)

Primal Sun sextile Primal Pluto (Dark undertones and swirls of power constantly build within your core identities and spill out in sections over your body and persona, making you come off as an enigma to others, making them that more interested in learning about you despite, or maybe because of, how mysterious and kept to yourself that you are.)

Primal Sun trine Primal Venus (Everything about you exudes a magnetism that is rarely felt, even in charts that are high on attraction they are no match for this placement. Extremely likable and worthy of a huge following, people simply can't say no to this placement.)

Primal Mars exactly conjunct Primal Jupiter (Undeniably strong core beliefs and values, especially when it comes to wealth and money, your unshakable nature opens an entire doorway to powerful manifestations and abundance. Powerful sex drive and libido that can easily be released in the form of raw, animalistic sex.)

Primal Mars trine Primal Venus (Communicate and ooze sensuality and beauty, everything about you is alluring and attractive to anyone's ears. Not only that, but you have the perfect balance of everything that you could desire in your life. Life in perfect harmony.)

Primal Mars in Primal Sagittarius exactly conjunct Primal Pluto on Primal Antares at 9th Degree of Primal Sagittarius (Extremely powerful bursts of fiery anger and overwhelming domination over all forms of life and communication. Your way of communication is a mutable, unstoppable path of flames that can change its color at the single snap of a finger. Anger is never underestimated and always feared by everyone in the vicinity. Total ruling over all Scorpionic things and nature, embody the atmospheric presence of calming waters that can easily transition into an unstoppable storm that nobody could survive the waves of.)


Your presence is highly reminiscent of warlords

Your presence is seen as powerful

You are seen as divine

You are seen as royal

On a genetic level, you are identical to the vessels of Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatl, the only difference being that you are vastly more powerful and of more potent nature than the other descendants of Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatl,

Your genetic build being the closest to theirs since the dawn of age, truly making it a convincing theory that you are the second-coming of the deities

Because of your confidence, the world is yours.

Superior Genetic Anatomy


You are gifted with superior divine testosterone due to your unique affinity to and vessel of Quetzalcoatl

You are gifted with superior divine masculinity due to your unique affinity to and vessel of Quetzalcoatl

You are the one who is the most masculine, the Quintessence of Quetzalcoatl

Your bloodline is the most sought after and prestige of them all due to its connection with not only Kukulcan but Quetzalcoatl as well

Your bloodline is of pure Royal and Divine blood, the most pristine of all bloodlines

Your bloodline is always at a total advantage when compared to everyone else, your bloodline is like the lineage of superheroes when compared to others

Your bloodline is systematically viewed as being that of supreme high value and stature

You are like a force of powerful nature, you could easily be compared to a walking nuclear war missile and it wouldn't be outrageous to say

You are on a higher stature and driven potential than any other human amongst you

Your potential to generate huge amounts of proportional skeletal muscle at an astoundingly fast rate is unmatched

You are gifted with extreme potential when it comes to generating and balancing high amounts of Testosterone (or Estrogen, when it comes to your female offspring. But since you are a man, for you and your sons it will be targeted to Testosterone)

You are the Quintessence of Masculinity at its highest Royal Stature, you are like a pristine God of Testosterone, fitting for the vessel of Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan

You are a living and walking, never-ending Testosterone Generator

Your body is perfectly fit to handle and properly balance all of the Testosterone that is generated and booming within you

You are a living and walking, never-ending Serotonin Inhibitor

You are a living and walking, never-ending Myostatin Inhibitor

The Androgen Receptors within your skeletal muscles specifically are extremely sensitive and dense

You have a Supremely increased Androgen signaling to the Androgen Receptors

Supreme balanced and lowered Cortisol

Supreme balanced DHT

You are a living and walking, never-ending DHT machine

You are completely immune to balding and infertility

Immune to being too hairy from high DHT (so that you can keep the perfect model aesthetics in this audio)

You are gifted to have complete immunity to anything that does not fully serve your ideals, and this is passed on throughout your bloodline as a sort of "Genetic Superpower"

Any negatives related to high and constantly growing amounts of DHT and Testosterone do not affect you, as if your body on a molecular level simply ignored the negatives and only focused on the positives

Your Central Nervous System is unmatched in its pristine condition and strength

Your Temporal Lobe is unmatched in its pristine condition, health and quality (the Temporal Lobe is DIRECTLY linked to sub results and receptivity)

Your Testosterone upgrades your vessel of Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan to divine levels

Your voice always speaks with power, royalty and authority over the situation

Submissiveness does not exist within your code, all your bloodline knows is conquering and dominance

It is impossible for you or anyone with your Royal Blood to submit in any way regardless of the odds stacked against them

It is impossible for anyone with your Royal Blood to lose

It is impossible for anyone with your Royal Blood to betray their Royal Family

Between the Royal Family comes easy to you

Your body has an immunity to all disease and imperfection

Your white blood cells are 10x faster and more damaging to foreign or harmful material in the body and expunges all forms of imperfection autonomously, giving you supernatural beauty, health and state of being

The Telomeres are much more naturally lengthened and regenerative than typical living things, making it so that you constantly keep a look of natural youthfulness regardless of how old you become

Repairing of the Dopamine Receptors

Repairing of the Serotonin Receptors

Repairing of the Endorphin Receptors

Predisposition to mastering the Art of War

Predisposition to mastering the Laws of Power

Predisposition to how to properly handle war

Predisposition to Godhood

Predisposed to War

Predisposition to being royalty

Predisposition to superiority

Superior to other lifeforms

Predisposed to having unnaturally high potential energy

Predisposed to properly handling unnaturally high potential energy

Predisposed to having unnaturally high kinetic force, potential and energy

Predisposed to properly handling unnaturally high kinetic force, potential and energy within your body

Cleansing and healing of any unwanted and unhelpful predispositions through the usage of healing water energy and cleansing

Unlocking of potential

Predisposition to beyond olympic talent of swimming

Superior swimming tactics and skills

Superior lung capacity

Superior Vo2 Max

Made up of divine royal cells

Improved when compared to other persons of your species, every flaw that could have been seen or felt in them has been corrected and erased within you

Genetic Crystalline Light Body activation (The crystalline light –body is a sign of spiritual ascendance, it is when the body begins to take on a vibration similar to a divine crystal and everything physically improves, health, looks, stature, etc. The body also begins to literally glow ethereally)

Predisposed to the Epsilon brainwave state

Predisposed to the Golden Ratio

Express the Golden Ratio

Predisposed to beauty

Predisposed to handsomeness

Predisposed to having a mid low trust face

More Alkaline than Acidic

Alkaline Body

Evolved brain function

Faster EM Impulse speeds

Faster processing speeds

Photographic Memory

Easy instantaneous access to photographic memory given the information at hand

Predisposed to heightened prowess in hypnotism

Hydration empowers your cells and fuels as well as reinforces your muscles and tissue

In every cell houses a field of protective energy that generates dark matter and affects your personal morphic field positively

Cells are totally protected against any negative or radiating effects of the dark matter housed within the protective energy surrounding them

Others are genetically predisposed to:

Worshipping and following you

Believing you

Seeing you as God

Trusting you

Believing in you

Accepting that you're above them

Supporting you

Putting their lives on the line if it means that you'll be satisfied

Seeing you as the vessel of Kukulcan

Seeing you as the vessel of Quetzalcoatl

Your brain's EMIs are dominating and much stronger and fortified and thus able to not only handle others thoughts and processing without stress of overload, but directly neurally influence with, and in turn control the unconscious thoughts, subconscious suggestions, temporal lobe and conscious motor functions of the victim

Your very presence, from your pheromones, spiritual pressure and Electromagnetic Field interact with the mind, body and soul of others you so deem as enemies causing immediate fear and disdain

Holy Death's Embrace

The Protection of Holy Death

The Holy Death Atmosphere around you causes your people to respect and adore you but also fear you just as much, similarly to how religious people love their God but fear Him all the same

All of the barriers and road blockers that stopped you from reaching your goals have died a long, long time ago

The Holy Death erases all that does not serve you

The Holy Death empowers and protects your field of aura

The Holy Death makes you strong

Lady Death empowers you

The Holy Death surrounds your presence, embedding itself into your warlord aura

Dark Matter fuels your power

Your heart is like a black hole

You embody the greatness of Holy Death, her presence surrounds your life so beautifully

You are the masculine avatar of perfection, the negative space in reality that needs to be expressed for the sake of duality

The Royal Nation / Walpurgisnacht Empire v1

Where you go, your nation follows.

Your company is like a scalding hot beam of unimaginable energy, searing anyone in the vicinity but drawing them in nonetheless.

Everyone that comes across you is automatically initiated into your supernatural circle of worship and supremacy.

Even the supreme view you as the Most High.

You naturally touch the deepest corners of one's mind upon meeting, being able to affect it remotely with little effort.

Everyone that you meet automatically begins to manifest wealth and prosperity for you, putting your needs above their own.

Your aura resonates the deepest bass that a frequency could logistically have, reaching the very core of the bodies of humans and reverberating within them.

Viewed as a Lord and nothing less, your self concept has evolved to match this fact.

Every time you consume water, your body acclimates and grows due to the newfound fuel.

Your body is built in a way that it could survive purely off of the water within the environment through metaphorical gills.

Every nation that isn't your own falters to your glory, breaking down any logical explanations for your power, merely existing as an enigma that simply "IS"

Prepared to go to war over your ideals and nation.

Equipped with the proper tools and knowledge to easily win any war.

Everything bows to you eventually.

People see you as a King.

Wherever you go, you are viewed as a divinity.

Respect comes naturally to you due to your innate royal status as the vessel of The Drowned

You embody the atavistic meaning of Infinity –

With your sub-aeonic proportions being outsourced from the ancient Kings of Atlantean Lineage throughout various mythologies and tales,

With each of those tales showing not even a fraction of the para-possibilities built inherently within your Narrative as a Territory Lord of the Ocean.

Alterations of your genetic expressions on an atavistic level, ensuring that your highest expressed aesthetics are those of pure greatness and raw dark royalty.

You literally turn heads whenever you go anywhere, with your royal nature exuding from your very pores into the atmosphere,

Expressing an intoxicating pheromone of greatness and divinity.

The women who feel this pheromone are automatically placed into a trance and encouraged to approach you and worship you, breaking all neurological and sociological resistances that may have narratively stopped them from doing such a thing

Final Contingency

The Murder Machine

The Murder Machine is a character from DC Comics' Dark Multiverse, introduced in the Dark Nights: Metal storyline.

He originates from Earth -44, where he is a malevolent version of Bruce Wayne.

In his world, Bruce lost Alfred Pennyworth to a brutal attack by his enemies, and in his grief, he uploaded Alfred's consciousness into the Batcomputer, resulting in an AI-driven, ruthless Batman.

The Murder Machine embodies Batman's fear of losing his loved ones and his desire for control, showing the horrifying consequences of his relentless pursuit of power and technology, as he becomes a heartless machine willing to do anything to protect Gotham City, even if it means forsaking his own humanity.

Supreme Intellect and Efficiency on all fronts, act as a living macrocosmic embodiment of the experience of Batman’s intelligence.

Your body's natural healing processes have become incredibly efficient to the point that it can quickly and effectively fight off any ailments and infections.

All of your bodily functions are enhanced to the point that they far surpass those of average human beings, with any attempt to compare you to them being disrespectful. Your heart rate, breathing, metabolism, and brain function increase at a speed that you could not even imagine.

You are empowered by the presence of the Moon and Dark Celestial Objects, allowing you to absorb those energies to enhance your body's machinal capabilities even further.

Your body is fully self-healing, and any injury or wound is healed nearly instantly.

You feel absolutely no pain or discomfort at all, even when fighting the worst of your enemies.

Every aspect of your physique is perfected and enhanced to the absolute pinnacle, to embody the ultimate physical perfection.

Every strand of your magnificent body is a reflection of the infinite beauty and grace of the cosmos.

Not only that, but you further embody the greatness of the Macrocosm's darkness unveiled into your single vessel, becoming a living atavism of cataclysmic power and unbound control.

As the Nether within the Dark Multiverse began to spread, there was a cackling bat who appeared .

This bat, merged with the insanity of his inner darkness, bestowed an evil gift upon The Murder Machine.

That gift… Would change everything.

The code was hijacked. Altered, and rewired.

…With a deadly strain of the Uroboros Virus.

『The Uroboros Vial was consumed, birthing a new kind of monster into this realm.』

The Vial of Uroboros has opened your mind open up to an entirely new box of concepts, places and ideas that somehow, in the vast multiverse, haven't been thought of yet by humans

The Neural Pathways in your mind have been reconstructed to also primarily serve a new purpose of intellect, competence and wit

The Uroboros Vial has been ingested in your brain and as such has reconstructed it to have optimally increased BDNF and NGF synthesis

Your brain has been reconstructed by the Uroboros Vial to be free of all literal, conceptual and mental damage that could have come from the result of trauma, mental illness, addiction or any other harmful interaction

The Uroboros Reconstruction Rate has transformed your mind into a supercomputer of learning, you pick up on things and remember them with perfect clarity

The Uroboros Reconstruction Rate has blessed your brain with Photographic Memory

Your Mental Eye has been ruthlessly unleashed with the power of the Uroboros Vial, opening your inner consciousness to a new wave of reconstruction

The Uroboros Reconstruction Rate has quickly caused your Choline (Alpha-GPC) to increase to massively optimal levels

The Uroboros Reconstruction has completely repaired your brain upon its first contact, repairing all damage, addiction or otherwise harmful things

The Uroboros Reconstruction Charge has completely reversed all damage that has been done to your brain receptors

Any injury, trauma or damage done to the brain whether self inflicted or afflicted by outside sources has been completely repaired and reversed

The sentient Uroboros Serum within your body promotes passive growth and improvement within your genetic memory, causing it to learn as it experiences new sensations, techniques and situations

The sentient Uroboros Serum within your body promotes skeletal muscle growth

Your brain receives large amounts of dopamine release when doing things that you see as work or research, essentially promoting you for improving your brain

Your body was modified long ago by the Uroboros Serum to enhance your workout gains, you're genetically mutated to genuinely and naturally receive more benefits from working out than your contemporaries

Your Brain is protected by the Uroboros Reconstruction State from any injury, trauma, damage or illness

Rationalized Fight-or-Flight senses, your body naturally analyzes the situation around you and the potential outcomes, deciding whether or not it's smarter to fight or to flee. This Fight-or-Flight system works near instantly as soon as the potential danger is located and your brain is sent signals to act appropriately

Any previous mental illnesses that you had before the Uroboros Serum healed you have been transformed into their inverse effects (e.g. If you had self sabotaging traits, the Uroboros Serum has transformed that into the inclination and intuition to sabotage the lives of your foes with perfect accuracy.

The Uroboros Serum has given your brain a supernatural level of memorization, nothing fades from your memory

Your intelligence is unbound by simple scoring mechanics and exists within a higher narrative's system created solely for the highest brain power and technique

Your brain automatically mimics the effects of certain frequencies when in situations that may require those effects the most. For example, if you required Alcohol and Drug Addiction Therapy, 7.5 - 8 would be mimicked throughout the brain. Your brain is also smart enough to know when not to create these frequency effects, for example when you are already listening to a specific beneficial frequency and you feel a certain way, your brain will not overlap the existing frequency with its mimicked version to preserve the power and effectiveness of your audios.

When you encounter information that can be helpful in the future, the synapses and neurons within your brain always experience Long-Term Potentiation which is a process whereby synaptic connections between neurons become stronger with frequent activation.

Normally, this state within the brain is not always activated and tends to take many action potentials (i.e. how one would normally strengthen a neuron, through for example research) to fully realize it

Biologically unrestricted Long-Term Potentiation

Whenever you feel you need to sleep, your brain automatically releases powerful amounts of Melatonin

Your sleeping time is always filled with insightful and interesting dreams

Your brain automatically releases Beta Endorphins for the purpose of inhibiting pain when you are feeling unwell physically or in large amounts of pain

Your brain automatically releases Beta Endorphins for the purpose of inhibiting pain before you enter a fight or spar

Complete repairing of the Dopamine, Serotonin & Endorphin receptors


  • Produce more Dopamine & Endorphins than before
  • Have more sensitive Dopamine Receptors & Endorphins Receptors than before
  • Repaired Dopamine Receptors, Serotonin Receptors & Endorphin Receptors
  • Inhibit TPH1, TPH2 & Prolactin

Mind can handle high amounts of stimuli at once without being overwhelmed

Totally remember and recall all experiences throughout your life, even experiences at a young age such as infancy. From now on, you also remember everything you experience in total detail

Mind can handle remembering and recalling all experiences in total detail as if it were a normal function of the brain

Your potential for learning is absolutely incredible, you pick up on things at such a rate that no one else even remotely in your fields can hope to keep up

Mind has always had Hyperthymesia (Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory) and functions completely without the downsides of it, to most feeble minds' amazement

Invulnerability to misremembering or miscounting events

Superior invulnerability to false memories and events

Superior Memory

Superiorly recall dreams

Superior Mnemonic

Superior Mnemonist

Encode information on a superior scale

Retrieve information on a superior scale

Encode and retrieve information extremely fast with a 100% accuracy rate

Mind operates as a kind of futuristic supercomputer, correctly calculating, understanding and encoding insane amounts of stimuli and information at a simple glance

Future Supercomputer-Esque Mind simultaneously calculates, encodes and deduces an enormous amount of simultaneous stimuli and calculations

Unlimited Mental Stamina

Unforeseeable foresight

Accurately predict the fluctuations and movements of any system, whether it is monetary, sociological, business related or others, your foresight views the beginning, middle and end of it all

Accurately handle any situation your mind is placed in, instantly connecting pathways to lead you to a winning solution with the current skills and equipment that you have

Accurately time any action to elicit the response that you wanted, for example accurately time a punch in a moment where the enemy is most weak, striking them the hardest way you could have in that current event

Accurately make the most out of any situation regardless of the tools currently available to you

Scientifically generate the potential for certain skills within your biological structure when they are necessary or even just desired, essentially making you the living blueprint for talent

Biologically unrestricted:

  • Memory
  • Calculative abilities
  • Creativity
  • Learning capacity
  • Perception
  • Statistics

Easily carry out multiple thought processes, calculations and deductions simultaneously while keeping the same amount of focus on all of them

Simply deduce and calculate everything you see with absolute accuracy, absolutely nothing succeeds in escaping your view

Scientifically optimal acetylcholine release within the neuromuscular junction

Scientifically optimal acetylcholine release

Biological Neural Growth in the Prefrontal Cortex & Medial Prefrontal Cortex

The inner voice within you is constantly speaking positive self-talk and written word, scientifically negating all negative self-talk or beliefs

Scientifically and biologically read the body language of everything and accurately decode it instantaneously

Scientifically and biologically see beyond the facades of people and view into their truest intentions, especially when it comes to your role in them

Scientifically mysterious weight, the weight associated with your presence is surrounded by an inescapable fog that cannot be penetrated, essentially making it nigh-impossible to discover anything about you that you do not wish to be revealed

Scientifically all-powerful, all-knowing Subconscious mind that fully listens to and integrates every willful command that you give to it (excluding unwanted commands)

Scientifically dominating weight that has a unique "Batman Phenomena" when integrating with the Subconscious minds of others, essentially making you view into them and choose to change them at your will

You can perceive that which cannot be perceived through your use of the Uroboros Vial, you can interact with and become one with things that are no longer there, you are the ultimate specimen of bio-engineering

Through Bio-Engineering, your genetic code has been completely healed and repaired from any damage, traces of addiction, or otherwise unwanted properties

The thirst for power within you pushes and guides you to always outperform your contemporaries, revealing the true power and potential of the Uroboros Serum

Through Bio-Engineering, your brain has been completely and safely reconstructed to create dominant Neural Pathways that associate Subjective Studying and Subjective Research with Subjective Positivity, Rewards, Happiness, Excitement and Interest

The Uroboros Serum completely reprograms and shifts any Dominant or Lesser Neural Pathways that are subjectively self-limiting, self-negative, or self-sabotaging and transform them to be self-positive, self-rewarding and self-helpful in the most dastardly of ways

Dominant Neural Pathways that associate Self Growth with Subjective Positivity, Happiness, Rewards, Excitement, Interest and Desire have been fully formed within your brain through the reconstruction process of Uroboros

Dominant Neural Pathways that associate the self as being subjectively beautiful, attractive, charming, seductive and intelligent have been fully formed within your brain regardless of the Uroboros Serum, although the presence of the otherworldly Serum undeniably enhances these factors

Dominant Neural Pathways that associate knowledge with power have been fully formed within your brain

『Superior Anatomy』

Morphogenetically superior on a scale that is generally unbeknownst to the average perception

Morphogenetically superior statistics

Biologically superior on a scale that is easily noticeable by anyone who would view you, whether through a scientific lens or through the regular eye

Biologically superior statistics

Skeletally superior anatomy

Effectiveness and receptivity of all neurotransmitters and neuromodulators increase by a minimum of x20

Understanding of science and biology beyond the level of even peak scientists and biologists, understand the levels of science beyond science

Superior understanding of the laws of physics, reality & mathematics

The genetic amalgamation between man and science, a true hybridization of science

The physical potential energy between you and science is unreasonably high and strong-lasting

The genetic potential expression of man and science, hybridized together

Perceive and understand things on both a microscopic and a macroscopic scale

The potential for greatness in scientific evolution and scope exists within your atomic structure, it just needs a release…

The potential for scientific innovations and revelations exists within your atomic structure, requiring a release

As someone between the world of man and science, a quasi-explorer of dimensional structure, the laws of scientific phenomena open up to your mind

Superior brain and processing power, brain functions & invulnerability

Scientific Natural Regeneration (Excluding Harmful/Cancerous cells)

Scientifically operate and employ all knowledge and skills at their highest levels in situations that would require them, further utilizing them in ways that are best for you and your personality with enough effectiveness to fully reach your goal in the event

Scientifically on a level of transcendence beyond the norm, physically on a level that is as undeniably above others as the undeniable existence of gravity

Scientifically on a mental level of transcendence beyond the norm, mentally on a level that is as undeniably beyond the scope of contemporaries as the undeniable existence of oxygen

Despite the amount of scientific prowess within your atomic structure, it never gets to your head. On the contrary, your uniqueness allows you to keep your ego in check and you consistently exist in a state of Mushin

Even in the most biased of arguments, your charisma always leads your contemporaries to fully agreeing with you and simply being unable to ever say no to you or any of your causes

Mentally operate at a level that is so undeniably beyond the scope of your contemporaries

Scientifically healthy Central Nervous System & Peripheral Nervous System

Scientifically increased Schwann Cells & Oligodendrocytes

Scientifically balanced level of Electrolytes within the brain

Scientifically optimal Antioxidants

Scientific Rejection of Mitochondrial decay and Oxidative damage of any sort

Scientifically exposed to environments and situations that, since a young age, would prime you for supreme intellect and smarts in real time

Increased effectiveness of the Neurons within the brain

Promotion of Remyelination

Promotion of Neurogenesis

Protection against Neurotoxicity

Optimization of all Monoamine neurotransmitters for the purpose of supernatural intellect and scientific health

Healthy levels of all Monoamine neurotransmitters for the purpose of supernatural intellect and scientific health

Immune to outer unwanted mental tampering and manipulation of any sort

Scientifically superior mastery of:

  • Marine Corps Martial Arts Program
  • Close-quarters combat
  • Military Doctrine
  • Military Policies
  • Military Procedures
  • Military Training
  • Military Services
  • Military Tactics
  • Military Strategy
  • Military Warfare

Superiorly adapt to changes in strategies, events and causes to immediately switch up your plans and courses of action to counter it

Superior Morphogenetic Code

Constant scientific biological evolution

Scientifically adaptive intuition and programming, instincts are programmed with superior scientific adapting

Biological Electromagnetic Radiation Protection

Scientific Endocrine Disruptor Protection/Immunity

Every ounce of information that you have processed you can recall via an always growing onboard "library" within your head instantaneously and apply it to whatever problem you're trying to solve with maximum efficiency

Scientifically download information and skills watched and absorbed from media as well as life and even through simple touch

Biologically update your systems at any moment and create new features for oneself

Easily transcend self spiritually and physically with these systematic biological updates

Body and mind learn from every endeavor and you instinctively never make the same mistake twice, or even make the same mistake you've seen someone else do

Scientifically operate as an undefeatable system, everything systematic about your body acts in coordination and a clear plan to your goal

Systematic scientific defense system against the unwillful manipulation of your body, mind and spirit, instantly guarding against and alerting you when any tampering is detected

Scientific self awareness, awareness of the systematic movement and behavior of everything inside of your body down to the atoms and instantly detect when something goes awry within your system before it can cause any true injury or harm

Systematic scientific self preservation defense systems that automatically send you on the most efficient paths to success, especially when your life is at any sort of danger

Scientific Defense System against any internal unintentional damage, mishap or injury

Scientific Optimal Nerve Factor Growth

Scientific Optimal Levels of Neurotrophins

Scientific Increased Production of Neurotrophin-3

Biological Stem Cells focused on damaged areas of the brain

Scientifically increased amounts of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the brain

Biologically optimal 90 minute sleep cycle

Biologically superior sleep stage transitions

Biologically superior sleep stage quality

『Superior Seduction』

Simply acknowledging the existence of someone opens up your mind to all of their attributes, including but not limited to:

their likes, how they are seduced, how they are repulsed, dislikes, favorite foods, favorite drinks, favorite hobbies, favorite colors, their goals, their aspirations, their fears, their desires, their fetishes, their secrets, their ideal person, their idols, their favorite locations etc

Scientifically, charisma is in your atomic build at a level that is unbelievably potent, which lets you naturally sway anyone to your movements and sides on any manner by simply being yourself

Understand the scientific and psychological explanations and phenomena behind seduction and love, allowing you to charm others on a level that others simply wouldn't be able to understand

The scientific potential within you for influence and charisma is potent in its external phenomena

Your mere auric sphere is an alluring drug to women, urging them to be a bigger part of your narrative and contribute to it

Everything about you is simply captivating to women, urging them to learn more about you

Your mere brainwaves express dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, euphoria, pleasure, lust, immense arousal, endorphins and phenylethylamine inside of the bodies of women around you

Women feel telepathically connected to you on a deeper level due to the sphere of your scientific presence, making your presence literally have a greater weight on the physical reality around it, acting as a sort of "Batman Phenomena"

Your scientific presence creates a unique phenomena when it conjuncts with the scientific presences of women, sparking desire, romance, lust and interest within it towards you, guiding destiny for them to have deep, positive feelings toward you

Your scientific presence creates a unique "Batman Phenomena" when it conjuncts with the scientific presences of others, alluring and charming them to join your cause and follow you regardless of what you speak

Simply your name exhibits the same powerful scientific presence as you being there, as if you were a conceptual presence of scientific evolution

Your scientific presence's "Batman Phenomena" also ignites and rejuvenates every carnal romantic/sexual/lustful hormone/chemical inside of the brains of women, specifically when you are around, this carnal effect grows in strength depending on how private the two of you are together (for example, it'll be greater if it were only the two of you alone in a room for a while compared to being in an entire group of people)

Through the scientific lense of women, you are the ideal lover and partner to spend their lifetime with

The scientific weight of your presence is addicting, regardless of how heavy it is, people just can't help but continue to come back for more and more

Your scientific reality transforms your physical and mental iterations into being extremely beautiful and alluring

Highest value of people

Cornucopia (Wealth, Abundance)

Benefits (Benefit Theme: By the power of infinite wealth/abundance + reverse formula: money manifests YOU) :

Extreme amount of abundance towards your desires

Money constantly chases after you

Money is manifesting you into its’ life

Develop a true link to the highest vibrations of wealth in the omniverse (+ Empowered by the Dark Matter from the Dark Multiverse)

Develop complete control over all money & wealth

Money fully desires to gravitate towards you

Complete mastery of the Law of Detachment towards money

Wealthy & Abundant mindset

Money is magnetic towards your body

Constantly have opportunities to gain money or get wealthier every planck instant

Attract safe entities that can safely grant you all of your monetary desires

Attract people in the physical realm that can financially assist you

Attract business partners that can financially assist

Beyond Meta Luck

Always win the jackpots of every lottery you partake in

It is literally impossible for there to be a reality where you’re unwealthy

Fate has signed it so that you are bound to become extremely wealthy & rich

Money would do absolutely anything to become yours

Money is completely infatuated and obsessed with you

Your aura is filled with that of royalty and wealth

Your aura is as wealthy, majestic and royal as a pure diamond

Your presence demands respect and obedience

Your energy field itself attracts riches

Your astrology chart has completely shifted itself to add the most wealthy and beneficial aspects and placements

Your astrology chart has completely shifted to abolish all negative and undesired aspects and placements

Your entire body is imbued with the most royal and beautiful energies

Your wealth holds no bounds

You have the perfect mindset for attracting money and wealth

Any and all limiting beliefs you hold regarding money, wealth or abundance are completely destroyed at once

Your desires are the most powerful magnet towards you

Ultimately, in every single facet of the meaning, attract total levels of abundance weighing towards the positive nature into your life at this very moment

In every single facet of the meaning, become eternally boundless when it comes to wealth, riches and attraction

Everything about your aura radiates and exudes the positive levels of riches

Own a positively unique Electromagnetic Field that literally attracts wealth, riches and abundance [The Electromagnetic Field is what our body is centered around, by shifting this, you are literally shifting the makeup of your reality]

Reside in a world of your creating, full of abundance, wealth and happiness

Feel completely happy and free now that you are rich and wealthy

Eternal Gratitude for your extreme bouts of wealth, positivity and riches

Riches quite literally fall into your lap, money always finds it way into your life in positive increments

Hardships always seem to be magically solved and you always have more than enough money to solve any problem that could arise involving wealth

Third Eye seals and captures all amount of positive wealth in your reality and massively draws it toward you, creating a spiral effect of gratitude and abundance

Money always enters your life in every positive increment possible

Your amount of riches speaks for itself

The Alfred Protocol

The Alfred Protocol

High amounts of intuitive and natural intellect, with that intelligence far surpassing all other known lifeforms

Supercomputer Narratives Harnessed Into The Mind

Massively optimized Heart and Mind

Combine the Intellectual and the Intuitive areas of your mind to create an all-new, all-superior form of supreme intellect

Supreme Memory. Photographic, audiographic, memory recall, hyperphantasia, pamnesia, etc.

Overpowered Neural Pathways towards Success, Mental Supremacy, Memory and Intellect which are constantly maintained by reading this book.

The Red Death

Speed Demon

The Red Death is a character from DC Comics' Dark Multiverse, introduced in the Dark Nights: Metal storyline.

He originates from Earth -52, where he is a malevolent version of Bruce Wayne.

In his world, after losing his allies and the people he loves, Bruce becomes consumed by desperation and steals the Speed Force from the Flash, Barry Allen, in an attempt to save Gotham City.

This act merges Batman with the Speed Force, turning him into a merciless and destructive speedster.

The Red Death represents Batman's fear of helplessness and his desire to gain ultimate power and control to protect his city, even if it means sacrificing his principles and becoming a threat to those he seeks to defend.

Surrounding your body is an uber-powerful field of impermeable energy that works to passively and constantly upgrade and influence your bodily organs.

It causes your skeletal muscles to grow at rapid speeds and, even then, appear much larger than they actually are.

Your punches are hard enough to be compared to a metaphorical shattering of space-time with every inch, always surpassing the eye speed of any of your targets, making it even appear to some as if you had instantaneously traveled.

This impermeable energy blares and signals to your brain whenever there is nearby danger, allowing you to perfectly prepare for a counterattack.

When an enemy is in your view, your eyes automatically identify and trace all of their weakest areas.

After this information is sent to your brain, you begin to immediately discover the most efficient and lethal ways to execute and attack these areas.

Due to the constant blaring of your impermeable energy, your movements are completely unpredictable in the heat of battle.

To enhance this effect, it is almost as if the sirens within are actively working to hinder the opponent and distract their very consciousness from its higher dimensions.

With every attack, your movement speed increases and the strength of your blows multiply, making you a dangerous foe to leave active for too long as you'll constantly ramp up bigger and bigger stacks of dangerous momentum.

Your kinetic energy is trapped within your fists whilst you are going about your life, allowing you to masterfully fire it out towards specific vitals and areas at the perfect moment during battle.

Supreme Voice Deepening.

Attractive and seductive voice without speech impediments, removal of any and all negatives about the voice or vocal cords. Women get wet and cream from the very bass of your voice, as the frequency within is rewired to directly hit against their sacral, root and heart chakras with every vowel.

Supreme Voice Layers.

Superior and Unrecognizable Voice from whom you were before.

Commanding, domineering voice.

Omnicompetent body and physique, body has its own unique existential narrative layer which is so far above and removed from the rest of Humanity that it is laughable to even compare. Still, it even matches the heights and pinnacles of all other individual physique narratives and layers, as if you were a walking composite of every single pro that a body could have.

Narratively recognized as Masculine Perfection.

The Grim Knight

Tyrannical Surveillance

The Grim Knight is a character from DC Comics' Dark Multiverse, introduced in "The Batman Who Laughs" storyline.

He originates from Earth -44, where he is a malevolent version of Bruce Wayne.

In this reality, after witnessing his parents' murder, Bruce Wayne uses the gun that killed them to kill the criminal responsible.

This act sets him on a dark and brutal path, where he fully embraces firearms and deadly weaponry, becoming a ruthless vigilante who operates with an extreme and lethal code of justice.

The Grim Knight represents Batman's fear of succumbing to his anger and vengeance, as well as the potential for him to cross the line into unrelenting brutality, forsaking his no-killing rule and his moral compass to achieve his goals.

Constantly discover ways to make massive amounts of profit and money with one hundred percent security.

Infinite Surveillance amongst all enemies and stocks, intuitively know the best niches and areas to invest in that would net the most amount of profit to you.

Unimaginably rich and successful not due to luck or on a whim, but because all of your actions up until now have been extremely calculated and successful and so they have all massively paid off in your favor.

Unimaginably powerful bank presence.

Have allies and friends in high places who are always willing to cut corners with you and offer you business ventures and opportunities which will net you high amounts of money.

Have the presence of a billionaire. You are respected because of your wealthy, Jupiterian Narrative

Supremely Influential, Charismatic, Powerful & Persuasive. Own anything you desire through your mere cunning and persuasion alone, the entire galaxy is a personal bank for you.

Supreme Sales Sovereignty, having the uncanny powerful ability to be able to pitch and sell absolutely anything to anyone, even to the people with the most stubborn minds. You could flip a single penny into millions in the very instant it was launched into your bank account. People love to buy all kinds of things from you, as their brains and neurological pathways are rewired to have unimaginably and unmatchably high amounts of dopamine and orgasmic triggers whenever they do so.

Networking Supremacy.

Unmatchable amounts of persuasion skills and innate persuasive capabilities, everyone you come into contact with also has their own uniquely desired viewpoint and perception towards you and everything you do.

People always see you "With Love," and as a result, they are always going to take your side and understand you for (who they think) you truly are.

Attract millions of loyal and returning customers who would buy absolutely anything from you. Those customers then recommend all of your shops and unique offers to the people they know and speak extremely highly of you and your business with every opportunity they get.

Your businesses are completely invulnerable to the narrative or the plot-point of getting negative reputation or flack.

Your customers always leave the highest ratings possible for all of your products, both offline and online.

Absolute Business Visionary.

Gain an amazing and hard working, qualified and loyal employees for your team that work to grow your business to the absolute pinnacle of its true potential.

Absolute and Supreme Negotiator, intuitively use the most forbidden and powerful negotiation tactics to lower the prices of anything you yourself are interested in purchasing dramatically.

Profit whatever amount of money you spend in a massive x20 return rate, netting far beyond what you originally invest.

The Batman Who Laughs

Imagine if Batman, the iconic caped crusader, were pushed to his absolute limits and ended up becoming his worst nightmare.

The Batman Who Laughs is like a dark and twisted version of Batman from an alternate universe.

In his world, something really bad happened:

The Joker, Batman's arch-nemesis, managed to infect Batman with a toxin that messed with his mind.

This toxin turned Batman into a horrifying combination of himself and the Joker. So, he's got Batman's skills and intelligence, but also the Joker's craziness and maliciousness.

Picture Batman dressed in a creepy, dark, spiked-out outfit, complete with a sinister-looking mask.

He's super intelligent, just like the regular Batman, but he's also totally evil and ruthless, with a wicked sense of humor.

He enjoys chaos and causing pain, which makes him an even scarier villain than the Joker himself.


So. BL Lacertae, what is it?

I’ve spent years of my life studying this nucleus and yet, I still can’t find myself coming to a concrete answer to that question.

However, one word that rings true with this unique object is undoubtedly doom.

This galaxy’s nature and operative functioning is one of truly terrifying ramifications, it seems to cause haywire wherever it appears.

Of course, in this audio’s case, those will not apply to you but rather your enemies. Surrounded by death, yet never touched by it.

BL Lacertae, unfortunately, is decidedly malefic in its influence.

Keywords for BL Lacertae include holocaust, burning passion, consuming or transforming fire, demonic energy, instability, ruin, blight, derangement, act of suicide, self-destruction, self-sacrifice.

High amounts of BL Lacertae influence and power.

Darkness that is composed of pieces of BL Lacertae's fragmental Kakera essence.

Primal BL Lacertae conj. the Asc & filling/enhancing every chart of the native massively with the unbridled curse of the Antichrist

Favored by BL Lacertae

Vesteria’s Enslavement Arrow (VEA)

PS: this excludes family.

Your voice & texts layered with essences that incite lust, excitement, romance, pleasure, horniness, submissiveness, obsession and flirtation in the women who hear it.

Your voice/texts release high amounts of euphoria, dopamine, adrenaline, Phenylethylamine, arousal, oxytocin, endorphins and serotonin in the women who hear/view it

Your voice/texts give the women who hear/view it the subconscious need, desire and want to obey you, submit to you, give you blowjobs, have sex with you, flirt with you, touch you, send you nudes, date you, chase you, kiss you, masturbate to you, fantasize about you, let you sleep with them, be your slave, let you do whatever you want to them, reject other men & women and dislike other men & women romantically/sexually

Your voice/texts releases high vibrational amounts of love, lust, obsession, attraction, horniness, euphoria and arousal essences in the spirits, souls, minds and emotions of the women who hear/view them

Every woman who knows about you/views you/hears you/interacts with you fantasizes about you dominating them, masturbates to you, is interested in you, wants you, chases you, flirts with you, is instantly aroused by you, wants to have sex with you, wants to date you, views you as the only option, is romantically interested in you, is sexually interested in you, feels drawn to you, views you as their true soulmate, is obsessed with you, loves you, has vivid dreams about you, thinks about you forever, texts you constantly, worships you

All women that know you/hear you/view you are forever obsessed with you, enslaved by you, in love with you, horny for you, crushing on you, wanting you, needing you.

All women that know you/hear you/view you associate romance with you, associate sex with you, associate lust with you, associate orgasms with you, associate love songs with you, associate romantic movies with you and associate romantic stories with you.

Your pheromones are absolutely limitless and even exist on a spiritual level, affecting all desired women that it crosses and causing them to be inflicted with the Legendary Love Potion of Vesteria [Custom love potion created to target every sexual/romantic hormone/emotion within females and also trigger complete submission]

All women that you encounter are inflicted with infinite love spells, sex spells, slave spells, obsession spells, "fuck me" spells, "text me" spells, Adonis love spells, Eros love spells, Asmodeus sex spells, the full effects of every potent crush subliminal being used on them at once and enslavement spells

All women have the unstoppable need & craving to:

obey you

serve you

give themselves to you

It is genetically impossible for a person to forget you after they encounter you.

Women are convinced that they're not good enough for you, causing them to chase after you even more.

Force all women to submit completely to you and become your slave.

Enslave the hearts, minds and bodies of all women that you encounter.

Astral body automatically creates clones to have lustful sex with the bodies of those you are romantically or sexually interested in.

Divine Feminine Manipulation [manipulate all forms of femininity, even the most divine + channeled from the energy of the divine feminine to strengthen control].

Feeling your aura sparks strong feelings and emotions of euphoria, nostalgia, love, lust, attraction, horniness, dopamine, pleasure, adrenaline, oxytocin and romance within all women.

Your presence sparks strong amounts of vibration, wetness, arousal, horniness, lust, love, attraction and sexual energy within the vaginas of all women that you encounter.

Own total dominion over the:

Heart, Sacral and Root Chakras

Sexual Energy




Astral Bodies


of every woman that you encounter.

All exes/old crushes are remembering you, missing you, thinking about you, talking about you, reminiscing about you, dreaming about you, fantasizing about you, forgetting their new crushes/partners for you, chasing you, obsessed with you, texting you, contacting you, calling you, flirting with you, talking to mutual friends about you, trying to get mutual friends to contact you, wanting you, needing you, viewing you as the only option, strongly attracted to you and adding you on social media.

The friends of your exes/current/old crushes are recommending that they talk to you, date you, message you, contact call you, add you, approach you & chase you

Your exes/current/old crushes can't help but fantasize sexually about you, masturbate to you, orgasm to thoughts of you, wish you could fuck them, want to fuck you, send you nude videos, sexually approach you, send you nude pictures, have vivid sex dreams about you every night, submit to you and tell you about their fantasies

your old crushes/exes can't help but feel that they've made a great mistake by not choosing you/staying with you

Your exes & old crushes are crawling back to you

Your exes/current/old crushes dedicate their vagina/breasts/ass to you

Your energy invades the dreams of your exes, current and old crushes every night and has lustful, vivid and memorable sex with them

If desired, your current and old crushes and exes want to have a romantic future with you and constantly pursue you not only sexually but romantically as well

If desired, your exes and old crushes have developed enough so that they are able to have a stable romantic and sexual relationship with you

Hearing your name sparks strong feelings and emotions of euphoria, nostalgia, love, lust, attraction, horniness, dopamine, pleasure, adrenaline, oxytocin and romance within your exes, current and old crushes towards you

Seeing your face sparks strong feelings and emotions of euphoria, nostalgia, love, lust, attraction, horniness, dopamine, pleasure, adrenaline, oxytocin and romance within your exes, current and old crushes towards you

Seeing any of your texts sparks strong feelings and emotions of euphoria, nostalgia, love, lust, attraction, horniness, dopamine, pleasure, adrenaline, oxytocin and romance within your exes, current and old crushes towards you

The thought of you makes your exes/crushes/old crushes go crazy with love, lust, horniness, dopamine and attraction towards you

Desired endlessly by your exes/crushes/old crushes

Arachne's Seduction Arrow

Arachne’s Energy:

Shrouds all negative sights/thoughts/ideas/dreams/sentences/phrases/images/actions/videos/audios/texts about you so that they seem completely false/incorrect/untrue/fake

Enhances all positive sights/thoughts/ideas/dreams/sentences/phrases/images/actions/videos/audios/texts about you so that they seem completely truthful/priority/factual/correct/absolute

Creates morphic fields rooted within reality that have the purpose of granting you complete dominion over sexuality, complete luck when it pertains to sex and complete protection overall

Arachne enchants your desired women with the "spell of enlustment", essentially binding them to you

Enchants all desired women around you to be extremely attractive/hot/sexy/desireable and magnetic/pulled/allured/interested to/by/in you

Blesses all women around you to have the energy of total loyalty to you.

Total Seduction/Charisma/Attraction/Sexuality/Carnal/Superior Upgrade

Blesses you to embody the raw aggression of carnal desire/attraction/beauty/sexuality in the eyes/inner worlds/outer worlds of all desired women

Controls the physical worlds of all desired women to be completely focused on you against all odds


[Requirement: 20 listens]

Every thought/emotion/message/action/memory/dream/vision/energy tied to you reminds the women who experience them of the most primal/intense/powerful attraction/sexuality/sexual energy/magnetism/love/lust/want/desire/interest/subservience and is then subsequently reflected in your highest favor

Everything about you completely Radiates the most primal/carnal/intense/powerful/absolute/objective sex appeal/handsomeness/charisma/confidence/self awareness/magnetism/boyfriend material/husband material/worship material

Constantly attract extremely beautiful women that will financially spoil you

Constantly attract beautiful sugar mommies

All women throw their money at you

Women are all extremely open to delivering you money and your desires

Own extreme levels of riches within the physical reality

Manipulate the value of money

You are extremely valued by money

Women realize that money has no meaning if it isn't in your dominion

Generate a completely unique harem that serves all of your desires, wishes and needs

Manipulate your inner reality to project the finest harem befitting of a king onto your physical reality

Manipulate your outer reality to manifest the finest harem

Manipulate the inner realities of your desired women to join your harem and have no qualms with sharing you

The women within your harem are completely open to doing anything for you if it makes you happy

The women within your harem constantly submit to you and grant you all of your requests

The women within your harem are extremely attractive and dependent on you mentally, emotionally and physically

Manipulate the value of sex

Manipulate the value of Romance

Manipulate the harems of others and steal them for yourself, if desired

Complete detachment from fearing/pining for/focusing on the outcomes of interactions/friendships/relationships/conversations with females

Complete control over your inner desires and how to properly lessen them so that they don't control your life

Complete inner peace, happiness and fulfillment

Discover your inner happiness and true desires, destroy the illusions of your true desires

Destroy all inner limitations

Evolve your inner strengths to become their highest state

The New God of War

The Merciless

The Merciless is a character from DC Comics' Dark Multiverse, featured in the Dark Nights: Metal storyline.

He originates from Earth -12, where he is a dark and merciless version of Bruce Wayne.

In this reality, he was a valiant warrior who took up Ares' godly helmet, becoming a merciless god of war after the death of Wonder Woman.

Driven by his relentless pursuit of victory, he ultimately sacrificed his morality and humanity to achieve his goals, even going so far as to kill his closest allies.

The Merciless embodies Batman's fear of losing control and succumbing to his own ruthless nature, reflecting Bruce's deep-seated concern that his dedication to justice might ultimately lead him down a dark and destructive path

Ares Roar V2

This section goes over your body's genetic transformation into something greater, like the samurai of lost legend. A bloodline forged in war.

Become a walking nuclear plant of Testosterone

Mindset is always masculine and hard af

Unstoppable Myostatin Inhibitor

Androgen Receptors within the skeletal muscles specifically are much more dense and sensitive

Optimally low:

  • Estrogen
  • Prolactin,
  • Aromatase activity,
  • Serotonin,
  • Ayostatin.

Massively more Testosterone than the average man

Massive inhibition of all negatives from Testosterone

Massively more DHT than the average man

Massive inhibition of all negatives from DHT

0% Emotional Empathy

100% Cognitive Empathy

Everyone else simply exists as a tool for you to use to your advantage

You always accurately use people for their highest uses and advantages

You are like a chess player while everyone else is playing checkers

You have an intuitive knowledge for violence and fighting

You never lose a fight due to your destructive and unstoppable fighting style that overwhelms your opponents and crushes them

You always aim for the vital points of your opponents

You always win in any argument due to your ruthless and unrelenting, quick-thinking

Extreme amounts of high self-esteem and self-love

High Functioning Psychopathy

Sexual Energy has total immunity to leaking out or being drained

Sexual Energy is completely contained within your body

You are a one-man army, you are the warrior that can take down entire militaries on his own

Your presence is like the roar of Ares himself, bringing power, destruction and chaos to all that it hits.

Neural Pathways within the brain have been repurposed to promote a thought process of war, violence, intellect and manipulation

Despite the high amounts of war and violence that fill your mind, your mental control is powerful enough so that you are always the one who's in control of your body and decisions

Smart aggression and violence (instead of being a dumb aggressor, you are calculated and thoughtful about any violence that you enact whether it is physical, mental, etc. So you won't just go around fighting anyone like a dumbass and actually think things through)

Natural stoic

Destruction of weak energy and mental structures that do not serve the warrior

It is easy for you to get over heartbreaks or turmoil that would take typical people years to fully get over

Fear doesn't mean anything to you

Anxiety/Fear/Weakness Destruction

Each waking moment has to be productive, your brain was wired to optimize your days

Massively increased muscle mass and strength

Massive warrior frame that towers over others

Exponential boost to all workouts and auto workouts experienced through the body

A booming voice that:

  • strikes fear in the hearts of others
  • can get anything it wants out of anyone it wants
  • makes lions cower in fear
  • radiates Testosterone and masculinity
  • is eternally feared and creates anxiety simply from being heard
  • is persuasive and commanding
  • is attractive and seductive
  • is extremely deep and natural in its speaking
  • is equally as seductive as it is powerful and terrifying
  • has absolutely no stutters or impediments; the closest physical evidence of a perfect voice

Always sleep the proper amount of hours necessary

Promotion of hair growth and healthiness

Immunity to balding and protection of the scalp from balding or any other hair problems

Unforgettable Hunter Eyes.

Primal Aries Midheaven (With this placement you are undoubtedly seen as a leader and you are fascinated by things that challenge your core identity as challenge is a way to grow. Your expectations for yourself are always high and you always try to incorporate things into your instincts so that you can apply it into your future life. Your reputation is that of extreme confidence and energetic leadership)

Primal Aries Sun [1st + 5th + 8th + 10th Houses] (Radiate and embody the warrior's rage and exterior of Ares. Always have the drive and persona to achieve anything that is pushed against you. Any and all barricades against you always fall and cave in upon themselves from your very presence alone. Everyone always falls for your fiery energy and pride that is backed up with all of the skills and traits that you have to offer)

Primal Ascendant in Aries (Extremely radiant and fiery energy comes off of you. Effortlessly expresses the warrior's energy that makes being around you an addictive polarity that most can't resist themselves but take a try at. Your words always repeat themselves in people's heads, for the good or for the bad. A fighting master and a brutal warrior that stops at nothing to get the revenge that he deserves)

Inari’s Den

Blessings from the Kitsune Goddess Inari flows throughout your existence

Unbridled Kitsune Seduction

Transcended Kitsune Physiology

The unstoppable cloak of the darkest, greatest Kitsune covers you

Unbridled and Raw Spiritual Power

ALL of your Manipulation abilities are covered and reformed into Kitsune-esque Manipulation, the Ultimate Arts

Endlessly Transcend ALL OTHER Foreign Macrocosms

VEA Resurrection

The presence of you:

  • Elicits high amounts of carnal horniness, lust, sultry and seductive responses within women toward you, regardless of the setting you are in
  • Elicits high amounts of wetness and hotness within the vaginas of women around you, making them touch starved for you
  • Elicits specific brainwaves targeted to lust and carnal desire inside of the bodies of women specifically toward you
  • Makes women want to try every single sexual position with you
  • Makes the legs of women always willingly wide open for you
  • Makes women want you to touch them all over and fill their body with hickeys
  • makes women want to fuck you endlessly, generating high carnal desire and libido in their bodies
  • Makes every woman interested in you and wish to learn more about you
  • Alerts your perception to know the kinks, fetishes, romantic desires, sexual desires, romantic repulsions, sexual repulsions, romantic weaknesses, romantic sensitivites and more along with the information necessary to use these to your advantage
  • Causes you to become what is essentially known as a sex deity, you are viewed and felt as a being beyond mortality that has sexuality, romance and lust in the palm of his hands
  • Allows your pretty privilege and handsomeness to get anything you could want, especially when it's from women
  • Induces high amounts of carnal lust and desire within women from a simple glance toward your direction, causing them to always fixate on you and your presence

The women you attract always have gigantic asses, tight vaginas with strong PC muscles, huge and firm breasts that are immune to sagging, perfect figures, thick thighs, beautiful legs and immensely attractive facial features with attractive and sultry voices

The women around you are gaining gigantic asses, tight vaginas with strong PC muscles, huge and firm breasts that are immune to sagging, perfect figures, thick thighs, beautiful legs and immensely attractive facial features with attractive and sultry voices

The women around you allow you to do anything you want to their body due to how pleasure inducing your touch is

You constantly attract extremely horny and sex deprived mistresses who want you to fuck them endlessly

The presence of you makes these beautiful mistresses head over heels in lust for you, doing everything in their power to have the taste of your dick inside of them

Women always:

  • Want any excuse to show you their breasts
  • Want you to fondle their breasts and fill them with pleasure
  • Love when you suck and lick on their breasts
  • Want you to please their breasts and make them feel good
  • Love when you stare at their breasts and don't mind

Anything you do to a woman's breast fills their whole bodies with a lasting sense of euphoria, as if they had just orgasmed

You can woo any woman you come across, no type of woman is absent from your seductive scope

You're simply different from every other man, you can seduce people regardless of their sexuality, making them question everything they thought they once knew before meeting you

Your body language sends all of the right signals that you are a desirable romantic and sexual partner

Vesteria's Enslavement Arrow II: Lord of Seduction

Part 1: ”Awaken, My Lord!”

Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, literally:

  • ready to be chased by women effortlessly
  • obtain all of the supernatural traits required to woo any woman with a simple thought about them
  • obtain all of the natural traits required to woo any woman with a simple action towards them
  • become insanely charismatic, convincing and attractive

Upgraded Energy:

  • Allows your reality to become literally ready to invite in priceless, loyal and powerful women of all kinds
  • Blesses your appearance to be absolutely mesmerizing, you will become enchantingly beautiful to all women
  • Enchants your energy to have a familiarity with those of the hearts of women, allowing them to feel more comfortable when around you

Eyes resemble that of the strongest seduction energies within this world

Supernatural expertise of the tantric and sexual sides of esotericism

Regardless of your current life situation, your reality always finds a way to attract your desired females who openly wish to become sexually and romantically involved with you

Produce and generate powerful pheromones that are designed to make women absolutely lust for you

The unbreakable Paradigm shift of the ages, completely turning your world into a Kingdom full of bad bitches with all kinds of types, eradicating the idea of ugly hoes from entering your life

- A literal forcefield blocking their asses from getting in. You'll ONLY find and encounter bad bitches after this, and they'll be inclined to fall in love with you because that is their new fate as the chess piece of your reality.

Part 2: “You’re In My World”

Make others feel as though your very existence is foreign and originates from an entirely different reality, making them view you as extremely exquisite, priceless and otherworldly

Once others enter your reality, it is nearly impossible for them to leave. Not because they can't, but because your aura is so entrancing that they would rather stay with you for eternity

It is completely impossible for others to leave a negative or unwanted mark or print within your reality, everything within your reality is completely subjective and transforms to your true desires

Empowered by every thought that is created involving you, whether it is positive or negative, it evolves you on all levels

Your seductive and otherworldly aura is easily felt, related to and experienced by all women of all types, personalities and souls

Your seductive and otherworldly aura easily connects with and resonates to the deepest parts of the heart, sacral and root chakras within all women you view

Powerful, undeniable seduction rests within your indomitable spirit

Sacral chakra is undeniably divine and is expressed perfectly throughout all of your body

Sexual energy is easily expressed throughout your reality in the most positive of ways

Part 3: "You are mine!"

"You are mine!" is a special part that is dependent on your personal, subjective desires.

Whether it be with women, money, attraction, or whatever,

It will undeniably enter and transform your reality to gain the highest vibrational version by reverse-cursing your consciousness to have a radical Paradigm alteration.

In other words, this is a desire catcher.

Part 4: "Mental Magneto"

Every portion of your body/aura/being/energy radiates and produces its own unique magnetic field that produces a divinely carnal effect of attraction, lustly and lovely obsession in females towards you

The effect that your uniquely powerful magnetic field has on females is always extremely potent, obvious and supernatural

Your uniquely powerful magnetic field automatically causes dominant neural pathways that associate your presence/voice/body/face/appearance/aura/personality/idea/being with subjective attraction/carnal desires/lust/love/loyalty/value/happiness to form, strengthen and inhabit within the brains of all females that you encounter

Your uniquely powerful magnetic field automatically causes females to be more playful, fun and flirty around you but also treat you with the respect and dignity that you deserve

Your uniquely powerful magnetic field demands permanent respect and loyalty from all that enter it

Your aura shines at the brightest, highest echelon of seduction, power, mesmerization and charisma

Your energy radiates extreme amounts of power and domination

Unbridled seducing skills

All females that you come into contact with are undoubtedly affected by your undeniable charisma, seduction, power and domination

Part 5: "The Darkest Charm"

Eternal beauty upgrader, beauty and seduction upgrades itself into infinity

Charisma is ever growing, spiraling into infinity

Seduction is indomitably felt

Irresistibly magnetic aura, completely magnetize all of the opposite sex towards you

Unstoppable charisma, something about you is always ever so charming and attractive

Every portion of your body oozes attraction

Proportions match those of the greatest male supermodels to exist

The Darkest Glow-Up; glow up in your desired fashion, every part of your body radiates a high vibrational version of seductive darkness

- Lilith’s Blessing -

By the Power of Demoness Lilith herself, you respectfully ask that that you channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of True Lilith energies into:

All of your cells so that they become beyond perfect and desired

All of your energy so that they become extremely desired, perfect and dominating

Your mental realm so that it may become completely perfect, indomitable, powerful and unstoppable

Your soul

Your hair so that it may become thicker, longer and much stronger

Every inch of your body so that it may become truly symmetrical and attractive

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy into your voice so that it may become extremely seductive and desired, as well as spark true sexual energies and emotions within those that you desire

Your mindset so that it may become more war-like, ruthless, and dominating in all assets

Your body and muscles so that they may become extremely strong and flexible to unimaginable heights

Your energies, physique and aura so that they become extremely dark and primal while also exuding great amounts of compatible true Lilith energies

Your sexual energies and appeal so that they may become extremely dark, seductive and demonically infused

Your existence so that it may become much, much more dominant, expressive, brave, unstoppable, courageous, unforgiving and unforgettable in every asset

You channel extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that it may force all those you desire into total submission and servantry

Your eyes so that they may become much more sexual and desired in all ways and exude so much sexual Lilith energy that if you were to even look at someone, even through a photograph, they would immediately obsess

You channel extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that it may force absolutely everyone you desire to have the irresistible want and desire to immediately contact you due to the fact that it sparks instant obsession in them

Your existence so that it may cause all those you desire to love when you dominate them

Your skeletal structure so that it may become extremely perfect, aligned and dominating

Your presence so that while it’s extremely dominating and powerful, it’s also extremely relaxed and aloof in a sense

You channel extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that everyone you desire feels jealous of anyone who gets to spend time with you

You channel extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that those you desire are possessive over you due to your one of a kind Lilithian energy, despite their desire to be possessive over you however, you are completely indomitable and uncontrollable due to radiating and exuding the purest and truest Lilith energies

Your existence so that you are instantly placed into the highest echelons of all of your social circles while also simultaneously manifesting and attracting more social circles and entities that are completely compatible with you so that you may rule over those as well, whether it’s obviously or subtly you are always at the top

Your sex appeal so that it may become extremely animalistic and primal in nature while also completely attracting and dominating all those you desire, your sexual appeal and energy has the ability to turn even the most dominant of people or entities into the most submissive and open individuals simply by being in your presence due to the fact that they either consciously or subconsciously know that no matter how dominant their energies may seem, nothing will ever dominate your Lilith energies

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that every action you do, every movement you make, or even a simple energy or vibrational shift becomes extremely irresistible and noticeable towards all desired individuals in the omniverse, causing them to become even more infatuated and interested in me while also being in awe at your sheer perfection and power

By the power of Demoness Lilith herself, you respectfully ask that she protect you from all misfortune coming your way and deflect it no matter the universe

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy throughout your entire presence so that it may cut and see through absolutely all lies or deception to the point that everyone is forced to tell you the truth about everything, even if you don’t request them to your true Lilithian energy compels them to tell you the truth and beg for your forgiveness and mercy

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that your mere existence terrifies while also simultaneously completely attracting all those you meet, simply knowing of your existence or uttering your name is enough to bring terror or even chaos into others while also somehow igniting a primal, almost primordial and meta love, lust, infatuation, and interest within their very soul and existence to the point that they can’t help but wonder about you and sought after you, despite this obvious obsession with you however they are completely immune to ever having any urges, thoughts, or energies of harming you in any way, even unintentionally

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that even with a simple text message you passively ignite primordial obsession and interest within all who view it, they can’t help but instantly respond to it and pray that they’re lucky enough to have a cohesive conversation with you, and even if you were to ignore their messages they would still attempt to contact you, unless of course you told them not to, as they subconsciously and even consciously know that your energies reign over all of theirs, and a simple command from you is enough to make them cease all actions

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that no matter how you act or appear everyone loves you and your Lilithian attitude, energies, and presence to the point that they fall in love with you from the very first sentence you utter, or even the very first action you make

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy into your existence and presence so that all those who know of it are completely dominated and forced to totally simp for you and love you in all ways to the point that they would do absolutely anything for you from the smallest to the most gigantic and life-changing demands, or even if you don’t ask for anything at all, they feel a primal obligation to serve you and make you satisfied and happy in any way that they can

You channel and safely infuse extreme amounts of compatible true Lilith energy so that you may gain unbelievably high amounts of followers and social opportunities every planck instant due to the fact that the universe itself has been completely seduced and dominated by your Lilithian presence

You channel and safely infuse true Lilith energy so that all of your enemies are completely cursed and doomed in all aspects

- Attract Women -

Become a living magnet for women's love, attention and care

Ultimate Detachment from obtaining women as you already have their love, attention and obsession

Women are ultimately and madly obsessed with you, they cannot get you off of their mind

Any advice given to these women about you always ends in how perfect and high value you are, advising them to try and prove themselves to you by doing anything necessary and never stepping out of line

Everything in the Universe is pushing women to act positively and romantically towards you

Women are compelled to ask you out for Valentine's Day. Even if you say no, they beg to at least have primal sexual acts with you

Women always see your name everywhere and tie it to you, reminding them of how sexy and perfect they find you

Always appear in girls' dreams

Women always notice you; if they haven't noticed you before, they most certainly will now

Women are compelled to always make the first move and flirt with you, ask you out on dates, text you first, call you first, etc

Women don't mind how other people view your relationship and will flirt with you constantly in public even if you aren't dating yet

Women are always extremely authentic with you and don't play any games or lie to you, both out of respect for you and out of fear of losing you

Women constantly send you the sweetest messages and give you sweet nicknames

Women view you as the ultimate soulmate and partner for them


Keywords: immense concentration of mass and energy, source, magnetic

Positive: mysterious, captivating, knowing something that others want to know, wanting to attune to source

Negative: dilemmas of fate and free will

Neutral: ‘celestial anomaly’, the seat of universal source and cosmic balance, ultraviolet

Extremely powerful Great Attractor placements.

Overpowered Great Attractor energy throughout the Narrative.


Keywords: center of the milky way, transmitter of divine consciousness, sensitive point, ESP Positive: emitting wisdom, a stream of galactic consciousness, new paradigm thinking, personal freedom and truth, sensitive to sound, color and vibration, brilliant insight, craves implementation

Negative: release of trauma, emotional wounds, blackhole, dilemmas and choices involving dichotomy of ‘heaven and earth’, let go of what is in way for a new path

Neutral: source of energetic particles, the subconscious mind, ‘uranus/neptune vibe’, energy vortex, infrared


Keywords: heart of the super galaxy, super massive hunger, “reaching for the stars”, exceptionally intense

Positive: source of emitting wisdom, a stream of super-consciousness

Negative: dilemma of ‘nothing is ever enough’, desperate insatiable hunger, profound driving force,

Neutral: galactic healer+teacher, infrared, to pass a limit, to excel, transmutation

Extremely overpowered Super Galactic & Galactic Center placements.

8678 Bal/Bäl

"Keywords for this asteroid have yet to be officially determined..

I’ve noticed however that this asteroid has an extremely destructive and demonic influence (possibly named after the demon Ba’al)

In the chart of the Hiroshima bombing, Bal is in the 10th House, conjunct Uranus and the Midheaven 0° exact..

Bal was also parallel the Midheaven, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and the North Node..

Adolf Hitler had Bal in the 7th House of open enemies conjunct Mars (war) 1° orb….. that says a lot.

I have found this asteroid to also have something to do with someone who holds a lot of power and dominance over people..

Going up against a Bal dominant native, they are an extremely formidable opponent, and near impossible to defeat."

Overpowered Ba'Al placements, similarly to the Whiterabbit project

17942 Whiterabbit.

In astrology, asteroid Whiterabbit is said to signify “being drawn into something; finding oneself in a strange, possibly dangerous situation; life-transforming events; fascination; danger; sea-changes, and drug abuse. The twilight zone.”

This is one of the deepest and most fascinating asteroids that I have ever researched. A Whiterabbit dominant native, these are some of the most charming, idealized, influential, and fascinating people you will ever meet. The person that can charm anyone, who can so easily lure on anyone. Whether their intentions are good, or bad, doesn’t matter.

Everything included in my toted Whiterabbit audio.

Includes the old version of Dark Casanova Lord v1.5, with a few changes added to make it more up to date.


This is an Alternate Reality version of Endless Nine. It is not just a copy and paste of the one posted on YouTube. Consider yourself extraordinarily lucky for even being able to see something like this.

Meta Protection of Endless Nine!

Benefit Theme: By the power of protection/all/magnum opus


Gain absolute flawless luck throughout every realm and dimension (much more detailed)

Gain the Protection of the strongest shields throughout every dimension, realm, and more

Every realm, dimension, etc conforms to your desires

Total immunity to Bad Luck, Misfortune, etc.

Command your existence to gain the ability of Meta Protection

Command your existence to gain the ability of Meta Probability Manipulation

The probability of success and victory for you is always one hundred percent

The probability of owning all of your desires is always one hundred percent

The probability of being protected throughout space-time is always one thousand percent

Command your existence to gain the ability of:

  • Meta Luck
  • Meta Immunity (and traits)
  • Meta Negation
  • Meta Detection
  • Meta Invulnerability
  • Golden Luck

Your protection increases by infinity cubed each planck instant

Protection eternally evolves and adapts to any physical, mental, spiritual, metaphysical, supernatural, quantum, spatial, temporal, energetic, emotional & potential shifts, dangers, threats, & enemies every faster than planck instant by using your eternal knowledge to scan any and all possible shifts, dangers, threats & enemies & subsequently counteract them before they even reach you (through harnessing the Dark Multiverse)

Protection of Gojo: any attacks, no matter the type or density, will never reach you as there is constantly an infinite metaphysical and psycho-spiritual invisible space between you and the attack

Complete intuitive knowledge on how absolutely all forms of protection work, down to the molecular, psychological and even the energetical levels

Your undefeatable protection causes you to radiate an aura and a presence which feels literally unbeatable in all ways, as if space and time itself were constantly bending to your advantage. Even the weakest of sensors can sense this massive presence

Space-time warps itself to protect you from absolutely all dangers regardless of their type, level or density

Your energy is filled with so much protection and high vibrations that it quite literally burns low vibrational entities or people simply by being in your presence

Prince & Princess

You have your perfect partner in crime who worships you and wishes to do everything with you, regardless of whatever ramifications they may bring, it doesn't matter to them as long as it's with you.

Your partner in crime is extremely beautiful and is your idea of true physical perfection embodied into a single person, and they view you as the same.

Your partner in crime could never betray you, that is the only crime they will never commit.

Your partner in crime truly, genuinely loves and adores you.

There is nothing that you can't do if it's with your partner in crime.

Stronger than a Soulmate, more personal than a Twin Flame, it is impossible to put into words the true connection between you and your partner in crime.

Your partner in crime is immensely capable and smart, being able to enhance your own intellect by an insanely large margin.

Your partner in crime experiences high amounts of ecstasy when near you.


After transferring his brain into that of an alternate universe variant of himself but with godlike power…

The Batman Who Laughs became more than just a weekly villain, threatening the entire landscape of the Multiverse as we know it.

His first action? To absorb the techniques and knowledge of every Batman… Across every reality.

Now… It's your turn to do the same.

Even the most dominant is still a reaction to some fear that has shaped him, built him into a newer, crueller incarnation, perfectly designed to overcome it.

"Now, understand this, I know that I am not a Batman of any kind.

Not a Batman Who Laughs, not a Batmanhattan, not even a culmination of all dark Batmen.

I am more.

And to be more, I must not be a reaction.

I must be the thing that creates the reaction.

I will be the bullet.

The multiverse will be the dark alley.

And its worlds will fall like pearls before me."

Every time that there is a change in reality – whether it is within our observable universe or not – you become empowered by a hierarchical container of Infinity.

This empowerment extends to every aspect of your being that you would want to be strengthened, such as your looks or your charisma.

You can view this as a living JRPG leveling system – With you at the center of it.

Your Narratives act as a strong Black Hole that absorbs and steals the essence of all Narratives around it – Regardless of whether those Narratives are human or reality as a whole.

You begin to travel up the ladder of the concepts, with each passing layer being viewed as an insignificance comparable between that of how reality views fiction –

Your manifestation abilities also advance to the next level, being able to cause and create instant reactions in the Multiverse, empowered through your own Dark Multiverse.

Transcendent Energy of Dr. Manhattan


Benefit theme: All/Magnum Opus Style

All of these written words are infused with extremely secret and powerful energies which will boost the power of them greatly

Built-in Booster

All of these written words permanently transcend and evolve themselves to match your desires

The words in this book are permanently ingrained within the subconscious, fields are permanently ingrained within the psycho-spiritual landscape of your dark existence

This field and all sub-fields and rituals within it becomes infinitely more powerful with each listen and view

Subconscious/energy body is eternally evolving and transcending itself with each listen

Energy Body is surrounded and amplified by Pure Dark Matter that comes from the very center of the Dark Multiverse itself

All of these fields have been fully created, charged and integrated in all realms, dimensions, etc, guaranteeing high amounts of success with the usage of this audio

Receive the full benefits of using mirror magick/energy work/meditation/training for the following:

  • Self love
  • Faith in your power
  • Confidence
  • Becoming the most powerful being in existence
  • Boosting manifestations
  • Boosting abilities


  • the Law of Detachment
  • the Law of Attraction
  • the Law of Assumption
  • the Art of War
  • the 48 Laws of Power
  • Being Infinitely Strong

By the power of (extremely powerful and secret ancient, dark energies) you:

Have always assumed the position of the most powerful entity in all of, out, and around space-time, transcending the concepts of dimensions and narratives entirely

Have always been the most powerful entity in all of, out, and around space-time, transcending the concepts of dimensions and narratives entirely

You are the most powerful entity in all of, out, and around space-time, transcending the concepts of dimensions and narratives entirely

Infinitely channel power & knowledge from every low, mid, high vibrational dimension and realm, along with everything in-between.

Your sovereignty and power transcend the Narratives of your Homeworld, pushing your Dark Essence and causing it to permeate and harass the governing worlds around you, stealing and siphoning their essence to fuel your own.

You are the thief of the light in the cosmos, you bring a dark, humorous insanity (psycho-spiritually, not psychological insanity) wherever you go.

You break down the multiversal crossroads and paths merely by traversing through them, and your mere existence means death for the Gods and Creators above you.

You're not a God, you aren't even a human anymore. You are the cause of the reaction of the heat death of the omniverse, everything cracking into shards of regret around you, solidifying this new form of being.

Infinitely become more powerful with every action/planck instant.

Every shift in the omniverse is like a massive fuel generator to the Dark Multiverse that resides within you, acting as a living siphon of the lifeforce of those shifts.

You're aware of every shift and you plan for it. Down to a quantum level, you are prepared for violence and the idea of preparation itself, with your preparation time reaching its horizon point in this new Godlike form.

You are always so prepared that the Universe prepares itself to prepare the worlds around you to prepare you for every possibility and impossibility that you may face, pushing your Narratives into the paradoxical bounds of Absolute Infinity, and maybe one day, beyond even that.

Eternally become more knowledgeable with each action/planck instant

You act as a walking force of Cosmic Evil Eye.

The worlds around you crack and shatter with your presence, the eyes in your Dark Multiverse seeing all.

Anyone that you see is placed under your command and turned into a small piece of your Dark Multiverse, characteristically called and noted as a "Dark Knight."

These Dark Knight Chess Pieces are infused with psycho-spiritual deadly curses and rituals that rock their very core if activated.

They are automatically inactive but become very massively activated and explode whenever these Dark Knights make any sort of move to purposefully act outside of your favor or betray you, succumbing them to an eternal torture realm beyond their greatest imagination and fears.

This curse destroys them mentally, physically, spiritually and even conceptually, working to attack and break down all forms of happiness and victory within their lives until there is nothing left. And when they crawl back to you, you execute them.

Command your existence to gain the ability of Absolute Domination

Command your existence to gain the ability of Indomitable Will

Command every realm and dimension to conform to your desires and make you infinitely more powerful (detailed)

Know how to perfectly apply all of your power, knowledge, abilities and etc in every situation

Eternally channel all of your desired knowledge from the omniverse directly into your third eye, intuition, subconscious, muscle memory and consciousness

Command your existence to become infinitely transcendent

By the power of (extremely powerful and secret ancient energies) all of your:

Physical, mental, spiritual, metaphysical, astral and supernatural capabilities are infinitely upgrading with every planck instant

Desired energies are infinitely upgrading with each moment that exists

Desired abilities are infinitely upgrading with each moment that exists

Desired skills are eternally upgrading with each moment that exists

Desired meridians are eternally upgrading with each moment that exists

Shields are eternally upgrading with each moment that exists

Consciousness is eternally upgrading and transcending itself with each moment that exists

Chakras are eternally upgrading and transcending themselves with each moment that exists

Astral abilities and capabilities are eternally upgraded and transcended

Eternal knowledge and infinite power is evenly distributed throughout your existence

Untapped energies, potential, connections, skills, talents, memories and abilities are completely unlocked

Senses are completely upgraded and transcended to match the above

Quantum-Immortality Serum

Here lies another reality.

In this one, instead of the great Dragon Mind v2, an equally powerful audio based around Doctor Doom was released, taking his great knowledge and applying it to a level beyond understanding.

Using your Dark Power, you have taken those results from the other You as well. Pillaging your own soul. How poetic? It's only natural… You're greater than a human. You're more than a mere Batman. But to become more than what your Narrative tied you down to…

You have to destroy all of what was left that individualized you.

Meta Science of Doctor Doom!

By the power of (extremely powerful and secret ancient energies) , with every planck instant you:

Gain an infinite cubed number multiplied amount of intuitive knowledge, transcendence, control and dominance over all things related to:

  • Knowledge
  • Science and the 3rd dimension
  • Energy
  • Physics
  • Metaphysics
  • Pataphysics
  • The principles of the 3rd dimension
  • Quantum Physics
  • Concepts
  • Boundaries
  • Logic
  • Psychology
  • Biology
  • Technology
  • The Mind
  • Gravity
  • Sound
  • Electricity
  • Weather
  • Gasses
  • Time
  • Space
  • Your abilities
  • Philosophy

(You will also get them channeled and integrated into your intuition & subconscious)

Awakening of the Scarlet Witch

With use, this will evolve to the secondary version listed. Or it might also just be another definition of the previous benefit. Sometimes it is neither and you gain two different benefits simultaneously. Typically you can tell when it is an evolutionary version due to the differing words having a more "grander", or stronger definition as it goes on. For example, the presence benefit

[This Audio includes a perfect mixture of Subliminals, Supraliminals [Subliminals for Conscious Mind], and Ultraliminals [Subliminals for Higher Consciousness], Energy Charging and Morphic Fields to yield the fastest results.

Furthermore, every section within this audio is condensed in such a fashion as if they were their own audio. Meaning that you will get the same or even more intensity from each section as if it was the entire audio. Extremely effective for audios with lots of benefits]

Probability Warping / Probability Control / Probability Dominion / Probability Lordship

Mind Over Matter / Psychokinesis / Telekinesis

Probability Based Empath / View Emotions via Probability

Terrifying Presence / Corrupted Presence / Otherworldly Presence

Passive Spiritual Meditation / Strong Soul

Fate Denial / Fate Shifting / Fate Transcendence

Probability Perception / Perceive the Probability of Others

Probability Aura / Negatively affect the probability of enemies / Positively affect the probability of allies

Dreamwalking Possession / Knowledge of all Alternate Selves embedded within Subconscious/Unconscious/Intuition/Conscious

Chaos Energy Manipulation / Manipulation of Chaos

Nexus Energy / Singularity Energy / Ultimate Energy

Impossibility Manipulation / Possibility Manipulation

Hex World / Transform the World nearby into your own Hex Realm / Wandavision

Mind Dominion (Dreamwalking Possession Pt.2) / Overtake the minds of those nearby when desired

Sleep Control

ESP Intuition / ESP Feelings / ESP Emotions / ESP Knowledge / ESP Power / ESP Mindset

Intuition of the Dark Arts / Knowledge of the Dark Arts / Wisdom of the Dark Arts / Understanding of the Dark Arts / Control of the Dark Arts / Power of the Dark Arts / Dominion of the Dark Arts (EVOLUTIONARY BENEFIT)

Automatic Spellwork / Convert potential energy into Magick energy / Do all spells with ease and lowest of effort with twice the power / Instinctively drawn to powerful sources of information / Convert Expensed Magickal Energy into Kinetic and Potential energy

Meta Intuition / Magick Preparation Time / Hypercompetent Preparation Time Abilities

Powerful Intuition / All-Seeing Third Eye

Astronomy Intuition / Astronomy Manipulation

Blood Moon Empowerment / Blood Moon Energy Absorption

Kinetic Energy Understanding / Potential Energy Understanding /

Runes Manipulation

Deep dedication to research into the esoteric

Subconscious Supercomputer / Secret / Secret

Unlimited Flight / Boundless Aerokinesis

Physical Teleportation / Spiritual Teleportation

Biological Manipulation of Oneself and Others / Healing Manipulation / Injury Manipulation / Pain Manipulation

Unlimited Telepathy / Limitless Illusions

Memory Manipulation / Memory Viewing & Understanding

Chaos Magick / Magick Divinity / Unlimited Magick Energy

Witch Sight / Interdimensional Sight / Energy Viewing

Meta Protection / The Scarlet Witch was able to resist the power of the Phoenix Force itself through her Energy Resistance abilities, an entity with nigh-almighty power and strength

Automated Reality Shifting / Energy Nexus

Reality Acclimation / Acclimate to your surrounding reality and morph it to your wants and needs

Reality Transformation / Automatically transform the reality around you to your deepest desires

"No More Mutants"

Reality Manipulation through Voice / Vocifery (The power to affect reality with the power of one's voice) / Eventually, with use, will fully evolve into an Almighty Voice (The power to do absolutely everything through the voice)

Spatial Manipulation / Dimensional Manipulation / Cosmic Force Manipulation

Fate Overwriting / Overwrite fate with a simple wave of your hand

Psychokinesis / Omni-Element Manipulation / Nigh-Omnipotent Psionics

Magick Affinity / Magick Knowledge / Magick Intuition / Meta Magick

"Know that they will be loved."

Modified CIA written word included

Layered with all languages, codes, desired frequencies, desired morphic fields, and more

Includes Grabovoi numbers

Time Warping formula

Personal Mind Control formula

Energy charged

Memetic formulas (manipulating the powerful genetic triggers of the body to gain faster results)

Reversed written word

Neville Goddard inspired written word

Nikola Tesla inspired written word

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife inspired written word

Extremely detailed God State written word for desired reality purposes (optional, in case your religion goes against the God State)

Absolutely allow and connect with desired realities, while simultaneously repelling and rejecting connection with any undesired realities

Literally only capable of interacting and connecting with desired realities, it is impossible for you to be in an undesired reality

Ultimate belief and power to the point that you can effortlessly and even subconsciously transform your current reality into your desired one instantaneously

Automatically and supernaturally connected to the absolute, supremely highest energy source of your desires, matching it perfectly in all positive ways

Absolutely aware of the fact that the 3D is simply a reflection of your inner world and desires, and because of this it is effortlessly easy to manifest anything you desire

Supremely immune to ever underestimating your power under any circumstances

The 3D and anything that happens in the 3D has zero power over you because you know it’s a powerless mirror that you and you alone control

“How are you liking the trip so far?”

Effortlessly and automatically match the highest and most positive mindsets of those who have always had my desires and immediately integrate this mindset into your every-day behaviors

No longer a slave to the 3D (actual affirmation is extremely, extremely detailed)

All of your desires are ingrained in your inner world and thus undeniably reflected upon the 3D

Have such indomitable, supreme belief in your power and inner world that absolutely nothing has the ability to deter you from believing that it’s absolutely and undeniably true and factual (actual affirmation is much more detailed)

Supremely and safely open your aura to the written word and energies in this subliminal and this new way of life that you’re living (once again, actual affirmation is much more detailed)

Have the supreme and absolutely omnipotent ability to effortlessly shift anything about your current reality(s) into your desired thing at will, this can even extend to totally manipulating other people

You’ve always been the strongest reality manipulator to ever exist

Supreme reality manipulation abilities

Many written word for you to accept yourself and your true natures and understand that you’re completely worthy of all of these blessings and abundance

Absolute authority over other people in all of your realities, down to being able to instantly manipulate their very appearance or mindsets at will

Absolute control over your reality manipulation abilities and complete immunity to them ever going out of control

Your mindset and frequency instantly and supremely matches your inner world so much to the point that you have indomitable trust and belief that it’s absolutely factual despite whatever your senses, ego, or 3D may say

Anything that your senses or outer world says to contradict your inner world just makes your indomitable belief in it even stronger, speeding up your manifestation speeds even faster

Complete immunity to the beliefs of others affecting you

Reality is like a mindless puppet that you and you alone have supreme sovereignty over

You’re so obviously the highest and purest embodiment of all of your goals and inner world

It is simply impossible for you to even consider denying the fact that your inner world is absolutely factual, despite what outsiders may try to tell you, you always persist in the truth that your inner world is a fact

Universal Law Manipulation

It’s a supreme universal law that your inner world instantaneously and powerfully reflects itself onto the 3D as soon as it’s created

Supremely subconsciously morph your current reality into your perfect, desired reality at every moment of every existence in the omniverse

Eternally have the innate ability within your soul to supremely shift reality to your utmost desires (You have to realize how powerful this is, it literally creates a new trait and ability in your very soul to be a reality shifting lord, which will stay for all of eternity. This basically means that any and all past and future existences are immediately and permanently altered to have worked in your absolute favor. You will become a Nexus Point.)

You’ve always had the most supreme and undefeatable ability to shift your reality instantly and you’ve always been immune to any sort of limitations concerning your absolute reality warping abilities, allowing you to have hauntingly powerful control over it

You are the absolute ruler of your reality and nothing could logically or illogically ever change or even challenge that fact, and if someone dared to challenge it, it would just make your reality warping abilities even stronger

Your power and control over reality is so great that the mere argument of it is undeniably and absolutely invalid and null, voided entirely

Every time you practice using your reality warping abilities, even if it’s for the smallest amount of “time” possible, you gain supremely full results and a supreme increase in power to all of your abilities

Supremely unlock any and all gates, blockages, debts, or otherwise negative limitations placed on your body, mind, aura, and soul that limits your abilities or limits you from unlocking your absolutely divine and utmost soul, mental, and physical potential and path

The universe is always undoubtedly and supernaturally working in your favor to the point that it’s obviously unfair to others and positively and supremely bias towards your side of any situation you happen to be involved in

Every reality in existence is constantly morphing and shifting itself to conform to your absolute inner world desires

Big Bang Manifestation (Manifest with the power, energy, and speed of the big bang)


Luck embodiment

Luck manipulation

Law of Attraction manipulation

Abundance embodiment

Success embodiment and empowerment

Time-warp manipulation

Meta Time manipulation

Meta Space Manipulation

Meta Space-Time Manipulation

Space-Time Distortion

Meta Space-Time Rip Manipulation (Secret)

Nothingness Manipulation

Universe manipulation

Omniversal Manipulation

Nexus Manipulation

Alpha Reality Manipulation (The beginning of all realities)

Omega Reality Manipulation (The finale of all realities)

Astral Plane Lordship

Absolute Erasure

Superpower Manipulation


Omniverse Manipulation

Dimensional Lordship

Reality Lordship

Complete Arsenal

Event manipulation

Absolute law manipulation

Subliminal results manipulation

Subconscious manipulation

Mind manipulation

Emotions manipulation

Energy manipulation

Matter manipulation

Dimension manipulation

Divine physiology (optional, in case your religion goes against this)

10th Dimension Physiology Realization (Secret)


Wish manipulation

Wish granter physiology



Soul manipulation


Absolute Perfection embodiment (If you’ve read Medaka Box, this basically turns you into Najimi Ajimu, but far, far superior… Yeah. Or, in laymens terms, the Comic Book version of Scarlet Witch)

Absolute physiology (Become the absolute level of your desired physiology)

Absolute Magic(k) Manipulation

Science Lordship

False Reality Rejection (Secret)

Absolute Ability Mastering

Absolute Destruction Manipulation

Absolute Creation Manipulation

Absolute Transcendence

Absolute Totality Manipulation

Knowing that time is simply another barrier and man-made blockage, you consciously and subconsciously decide to ignore time altogether when it comes to your manifestations and results, causing them to instantly blink into reality, free of failure

Supremely open your mind and aura to these written word and positive energies

Supremely and unfairly gifted in the art of visualization, manifestation, reality shifting, dimensional jumping, etc

Absolute dimensional jumper physiology

Absolute reality warper physiology

Possess the absolute and perfected ability to instantly create and reflect absolutely anything outwards from your inner world onto the 3D

Realize that there are infinite amounts of realities, and thus an infinite amounts of yous all with their own different qualities. Knowing this, you supremely and selectively decide to shift to your perfect, desired reality

All desired subliminal results that you have achieved are absolutely and eternally hauntingly permanent to the point of complete irreversibility if you truly desired


Astral Projection Mastery

Lucid dreaming Mastery

Protection in the Astral Plane

Protection in the Dream World

Effortlessly use astral projection and lucid dreaming to shift to your desired reality or achieve any of your inner world desires instantaneously

You’re aware that creation is finished, so you have supremely indomitable trust in all of your desires and manifestations

Using this newfound awareness that Creation is Finished, you enhance your consciousness to a higher, absolute level and manifest all of your created desires unto the 3D plane

Supreme visualization physiology

Absolute ability to stimulate even the most complex of senses and emotions in your visualizations

Perfect sync with your higher self and spirit guides to the point that you could communicate with them at any time in any manner if you desired

Supreme spiritual awakening (many, many detailed written words for this so that you have the greatest spiritual awakening ever. Trust me, you’ll really, really appreciate this one )

Absolute indomitable will

Whenever you attempt a manifestation technique, the universe, your angels, and your spirit guides constantly reward you for your good behavior throughout your life

You’re constantly rewarded by your spirit guides, angels, shadow self, subconscious, spirit animal, familiars, higher self, ancestors, starseeds, and the universe

Endlessly spoiled by the universe with good things

Supremely the most spoiled soul to have ever been birthed in the entire omniverse

The universe’s favorite soul. Period.

Supernaturally gifted at controlling your emotions and energy

Possess the ability to switch your energy to match anything you desire, even permanently if you wish

Anything you even set your mind on obtaining seems to gravitate itself towards you, whether it be an object, an energy, a person, a spirit, or anything in-between.

The universe, your shadow self, your soul, your higher self, your subconscious, your divine masculine, your divine feminine, your angels, your demons, your guardian angels, your starseeds, your inner child, and your spirit guides are constantly presenting you with opportunities to grow and evolve yourself beyond infinity for eternity

Supremely infinite aura that is so absolutely and captivatingly attractive, mysterious, inspiring, strong, cold, and positive, yet intimidating

Absolute aura strengthening and cleanse package (many written word for this one)

Confidence and self-love package

Your spirit guides constantly enter your life and show themselves to you

Your spirit guides and positive entities constantly visit you in your dreams to give you advice

Distraction and procrastination deletion package

always have meaningful dreams

You have absolutely mastered the ability to persist in the emotions, energies, and vibrations of having already achieved your desires permanently

Winner package

Absolute divine transformation package

Divine glow up

Absolute power over reality

Subconscious and conscious indomitable trust, belief, and love in all forms of beneficial

manifestation and subliminals

Absolute detachment package

Supernaturally and absolutely get undeniable full and complete results from the first listen, which then proceeds to stack upon itself and get even stronger and more obvious with every listen

Complete merging of the conscious and subconscious (thank me)

Subconscious reconstruction and strengthening package

supernaturally and absolutely free and immune to ever having any sort of intrusive thoughts or negativity towards your desires

Gratitude package

Vibrational Cleanse and Upgrade package

Manifestation Package

Karmic Debt and Blockage Eradication

Absolutely immune to being interrupted or having your earphones fall out while listening to subliminals

Negativity buster package

Energy, aura, and soul strengthening package

Mindset cleanse and strengthening package

Healthy mindset and habits package

Protection package

Karmic package

Emotional package

Dedication package

absolute blockage removal package


That was a LOT!

Even if I summarised it,

It still took quite some time.

Impressing, isn’t it?

The benefits.

This is a one-of-a-kind subliminal.

Most powerful subliminal out there,

And it won’t be dethroned for a while.

The best thing about this,

Is the fact that it’s not even a bundle.

Other sub-makers would simply go to some audio editing app,

And layer their older subliminals upon others,

To make it a “bundle”

BWL is different.

It is ONE big subliminal.

(not a bundle!)

Answer yourself these questions:

Do you want to become the best version of yourself?

Do you want to enslave every woman and have them beg for more?

Do you want to have an abundance of wisdom and money?

I’m sure you do.


You can’t receive everything on a silver platter.

You have to give value,

In order to receive value.

Win-win situation.

You have to INVEST in yourself.

And looking at BWL…

It definitely sounds promising.

I personally think that investing in BWL has the highest Return-On-Investment (ROI)

Best investment I could make.


This may sound biased…

But deeply from my heart,

I GENUINELY believe this is the best investment I could make.

Who are you going to invest into,

If not in yourself?


This project may not be for everyone.

BWL has an incredibly dark connotation for it.

Only people who are ready for it will own it.

Are you ready?

I hope you are.

If you want to embrace this dark project…

Avoid feeling powerless and ugly…

Attract an abundance of wealth…

And satisfy your women and have them beg on their knees for more…

Become an owner of the Iron-Clad Batman Who Laughs today.


This is the best investment you could make for yourself.



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