Profile PictureKINGMAKER

Bernkastel V5

25 ratings

When the seagulls cried, the witches came.

The stench of blood was strong, pouring from the humans’ opened veins.

As the fourth twilight hit the night, the sky was no longer bright..

And above the sinking board, was the Witch of Miracles, her eyes reigned might.


This is not your usual subliminal.

I’ve never done anything like this EVER BEFORE.

Yes, it transcends the meaning of a Subliminal.

I can’t even call it one at this point.

Let’s face it.

  • You’re tired of not having the life you want.
  • You’re out of your mind when seeing other guys in power.
  • You feel like you’re going to lose it when you’re getting rejected by girls.

And that’s understandable.

The deepest urge in human nature is the desire of being important.

You crave for the things that you want.

You’re sick to your stomach when seeing other guys winning,

While you’re losing.


Do you know what their secret is?

The secret to gaining power, reputation and women?


Those guys are rebels.

They don’t follow the “rules”.

They’re the rule breakers!

And as a rule breaker,

You can get anything you want!

While average people are trying to get girls by being nice and following the rules…

The rule breakers are emotionally manipulating women!

This is why “nice guys always finish last.”

Because they’re boring.

Girls like men who play with their emotions.

Interesting guys.

Do you care about your teacher?


You could never see yourself forming a friendship with him.


He has no charisma, he’s not interesting, and he looks & speaks like a loser.

Never become like that guy!

(unless you’re a heavy masochist and want to live like a loser)

My man…

It’s time to stop following the rules.

Your journey towards becoming a RULE BREAKER is one click of a button away.

By using Bernkastel, you will:

  • Become a Master Machiavellian.
  • Never get rejected again.
  • Completely remove your Emotional Empathy, replacing it with Cognitive Empathy instead.
  • Fake your emotions, facial expressions and your body language according to situations to get the best results.
  • Scientifically increase your Intelligence.


Remember when I said that I’ve never done anything like this ever before?

Let me explain.

By using Bernkastel,

You will become a WITCH.

  • Imagine a vast of multiverses where all things are possible. You are now the ultimate master, the conqueror of all multiverses with no rival.
  • You are a God. Nothing and no one is above you.
  • Expansion of the Consciousness to view and interact with the Narrative Patterns in all of the Omniverse.

(yes, I know this is confusing. But you’ll know what it means soon.)

  • Ultimate Protection against all harm & evil.
  • Absolute Certainty and Belief that You’re the Main Character in your own Life. This is the first step of becoming a WITCH according to ERIKA FURUDO, and it is the reason why WITCH Names are written in all Caps, like THE LORD in the Bible.
  • As a God of this reality, you can do anything you wish to do with your absolute power. You can make your wildest dreams and fantasies into reality, with a simple command. You’re beyond the very fabric of reality itself. You’re the most powerful being, and no one and nothing can ever take that from you.
  • Most POWERFUL and supernatural master puppeteer in all of creation
  • Your power is infinite and your control is absolute. No one can ever oppose or defy you.
  • You’re the master of all things, the highest being who even the most powerful gods must bow down to, without hope of being able to ever overcome you.
  • You command, and the universe must obey.
  • You’ve mastered Psychological & Neurological studies and have successfully used your knowledge to completely master every aspect of human psychology and neurological processes. You even understand how to control one's subconscious mind in every possible way. You can alter and completely control the very perception of your target's subconscious, their most basic, primal thoughts.
  • Walking Halo Effect.
  • Always hold absolute killing intent for your enemies and anyone who challenges you

Within the Meta-World, there exists an infinite amount of fragments which each hold an infinite amount of worlds and timelines. Within each of these fragments, there is always a world in which you are victorious and the winner, from the smallest infinities to the greatest infinities there is to be; your Miracles do not shy away from existing and serving you with The Grace of a God.

  • Your Fate and Destiny are colored in a Mystical and Occult tint, causing you to always be drawn to Sources of Power from the Occult and Mysticism, specifically in the Dark Arts and Spiritualistic Dark Tetradism.
  • Astrological Upgrades fitting of an EVIL RULE BREAKER WITCH.
  • The WITCH Domain. This is a secret for now. But to sum it up, you’ll manifest everything you want in reality.

Now, that was a lot, wasn’t it?

But how can such a complex subliminal be made?



  • Energy Work
  • Morphic Fields
  • Ultraliminals
  • Meta States
  • Supplemental Affirmations

Only the seasoned Occultist can achieve such a performance.

I’ve been in the Occultist domain for 2 decades.

I have insider-knowledge passed on from my family.

You don’t believe that this subliminal could achieve great things?

Just look at what my Beta-Testers achieved.

(Keep in mind they’ve been using an older version of Bernkastel. This is the most powerful up-to-date version. You can’t even compare this version to the earlier works.)

You’re just one step away from becoming a rule-breaker.

One step away from becoming a WITCH,


You don’t understand how lucky you are stumbling across my work.

Imagine the odds of you finding me.

You’d firstly have to be interested in self-improvement.

How many people in real life do you know that are interested in self-improvement?

A few, if not zero.

You’re already ahead of ~80% of people.

Then, you’d have to somehow magically come across Subliminals.

I don’t know about you.

But I personally know 0 people in real life that are using Subliminals.

They’re HEAVILY gatekept.

You are now ahead by ~97% of people.

Next, you’d have to come across my channel.

Most people got brainwashed into using other channels that barely even work.

So you’re now ahead by 99% of people.


Is it all a coincidence?

I personally refuse to believe is a mere coincidence.


You’re special, and you’re meant to be.

Now, don’t f#4k it up.

You have a choice to make.

You go back to your life,

And watch the rule-breakers gain power,

While you’re a mere observer.


You become a WITCH.

And be the one that conquers it all.

I hope you understand how special you are,

And that you take the right choice.

PS: Through your purchase, you’ll receive newer upgrades of this Godly subliminal for free.


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You’ll get one of the strongest machiavellian occult mastery audios — created directly under my expertise and craft.

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Bernkastel V5

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