Profile PictureKINGMAKER


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“Work hard, and you’ll achieve all your dreams”

That’s a saying everyone knows by now.

You hear everyone saying it; 

Your favorite celebrities, athletes, musicians, etc.

And deep in your heart,

You once believed it…

“The popular people I love say this, so it must be true, right?”

But if you’re being honest with yourself…

That saying is utter BS, isn’t it?

Do you REALLY think that hard work alone will get you to the top?

I like to be realistic with you.


Think of the majority of people that are slaving their lives away, working hard for their dreams…

And yet they’ll never make it to the big scenes.

No matter how hard they try - which is tragic.

The people at the top work way less than the average person,

And yet they still hold way more achievements.

Working hard… 

Is only a waste of time.

Everyone works hard.

And yet, 

Only a minority gets to the top.

Why is that? 

The Pareto Principle says everything you need to know.

Out of all the people…

80% are complete failures/average,

Whereas 20%, the minority, dominate at the top. 

If you’re reading this - then I’ll make sure you’re part of the 20% statistic. (if you’re not already)

Most people think that hard work is the requirement to dominate the world.

That’s a lie they like to spread, 

To keep their competition in check,

And kill your dreams.

The real requirements? 

They are: 

  • High IQ (Social, Visual-Spatial, Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient. More info on this later)
  • High Energy Levels (the ability to do rigorous things for long amounts of time)
  • Occult Work From Top Magickians (to get to the top & curse their competition)


A fucked-up amount of Psychopathy & Cunning.

Why is that?

Because Psychopaths are extremely charismatic.

Lots of people at the top are extremely Psychopathic; 

They include:

  • Bill Clinton
  • Donald Trump
  • Andrew Tate
  • Charles Manson (literally made people believe he’s God)

They’re extremely analytical & cold-hearted - not even flinching when it comes to Manipulating people to achieve their goals.

These are real EVIL people.

They hold NO empathy whatsoever.

Pair that up with a vast amount of knowledge, zero kind of stress, high energy levels,

… And you have the most dangerous weapon to ever exist. 

Most people nowadays feel regret, guilt, a sense of giving up when thinking about manipulating others.

They hold no chance in the real world with those monsters.

They’ll get destroyed.

… And that’s what Grandmaster was made in mind with.

To erase any kind of weakness from your being,

And become the most dangerous, raw, evil psychopath ever,

So you can dominate the top. 

It will remove any sense of guilt, 

And it will force you to crave to manipulate & to cause danger.

This project is extremely dark - so I’ll warn you.

You will no longer prioritize others.

It’s time for you to put yourself first.

I can’t even describe the amount of effort that went into this project.

I’ve studied hidden CIA information - along with NLP, Hypnosis, Dark Psychology, Socionics, MBTI and so much more.

You will NEVER see anything like this EVER AGAIN.

You won’t find something like this ANYWHERE ELSE.

Not even Celebrities have heard about the stuff I’ve included in the document. (maybe some of them did)

Realize the dangerous weapon that you have in your hands, it’s not a game - it’ll alter your life path forever.

Some people aren’t prepared for this, and that’s okay - 

They’re part of the 80%, the majority.

Grandmaster also includes:

  • Makima V5 
  • Main Antagonist V2
  • ??? (keep reading for more info) 

Do note that this is only a summary.

For the full, detailed, much less censored version, 

Refer to the Google Document.


The Ultimate Despair

You embody that archetype of the Mastermind; 

Able to flawlessly manipulate & deceive anyone for any purposes.

Whenever you manipulate someone - all of your desired traits, skills, abilities and physical parts experience a devilishly large degree of enhancements.

Effectively and consistently manipulate any and all situations in your favor.

Personas to you are more like accessories, each mask you wear is infallible with no cracks to peer through.

Switch personalities infinitely, there is no number of personalities that you have. You have a personality for every single archetype.

You’re able to switch to the most fitting personality for every circumstance. 

Ultimate Analyst

You can guess and analyze trends and statistics perfectly, down to the point of being able to know the exact instant when something becomes popular.

You have an extremely analytical mind and never take anything at face value unless you must, this personality trait of yours allows you to always stay ahead of your contemporaries because you're always thinking far more efficiently than them.

Perfectly read and understand body language instinctually, you have an entire encyclopedia on what every single bodily position means in any given situation bored into your brain.

Unparalleled analysis capabilities, it's as if you have an entire analysis database of everyone built into your very neurological function.

Your mind is able to breakdown a person’s psyche entirely and build a psychological profile on it,

Exploring all their weaknesses and knowing how to exploit them to your advantage.

Neural Pathways that connect your analysis skills with that of your detective skills, mixing the two and allowing you to have overpowered, Sherlock-level deduction and psychological knowledge from simply seeing someone once.

Your ability to analyze others is completely unstoppable and breaks through all barriers of protective OR detective senses, such as the sixth sense or the "feeling of being watched", your analysis bypasses such triggers so that no one will ever know you're pursuing them.

Absolute Manipulation

Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) is made up of many different factors of intellect and perception. It is a scaling of someone's complete cognitive ability and capabilities.

Vocal Comprehension Index (VCI)

Easily access all of the verbal information given to you with extreme ease to the point of effortlessness. 

Seek out and acquire new forms of knowledge and vocabulary from different sources, venturing out from your typical style of talking and expressing yourself, making all of your sentences sound unique to one another and not mere copy-pastes. 

This special quality of yours causes society to view you in what would be naturally seen as a bright, good and high light.

You have a high, soaring level of verbal intellect, using eloquent and unique words in all of your verbal mannerisms along with keeping conversations fresh by switching up narratives whenever you need to properly set the mood. 

You have a high enough Vocal Comprehension Index that you can understand what someone means when they say something more complex, allowing yourself to quickly fire back whenever it is required for you to answer something quickly (e.g., a test or a riddle).

You have the skill to always perfectly innovate in any endeavor and dominate it. 

Your innovations bring extreme changes to the world and everyone loves you for them.

You have the ability to give powerful, life changing speeches and monologues off of the top of your head that truly reaches into someone's heart and moves them emotionally. 

Understand extremely complex concepts and information transmitted through verbal speaking with ease, retain information given through spoken word instantly and forever. Automatically call on different information you have learned whenever you wish.

Monokuma Monstrocity

You can turn anyone you want into your Monokuma. People transformed into Monokumas are turned into puppets and slaves of your will, and they are an extension of what you truly want.

You are able to puppeteer and manipulate your Monokumas into feeling or acting in certain ways that they feel is truly genuine, but it is in fact simply emotions you implanted in them.

Manifest the perfect, most useful and skillful pawns for everything that you need to do. 

Everyone that you meet is compelled to obey you, now and forever. 

Their own goals and intentions become second to yours, the thought of even disappointing you is like a fate worse than death for them, not just a fake, pretend death, but the deepest and most disturbing despair that they could ever fathom — and further beyond. 

That's exactly why they subconsciously AND consciously know that they must obey and never go against you, regardless of what it is that you tell them to do, even if they are drawn to the worst of stamina, the worst of mental health, they would walk barefoot throughout an entire desert if you told them there was something you needed fetched out of it.

By all intents and purposes, they are pawns.

Despair Machine!

Vampyrize and remove the hope from everyone around you, using it as a sustenance and fuel for your higher existence.

Replace all of the hope in your environment with despair, and despair is your element, making you the absolute supreme leader of the world.

Invoke high amounts of despair in those who are against you, making them absolutely susceptible to your power and control that much easier.

Protected by a sphere of despair that automatically attacks.

Supreme Intellect & Focused Manipulation

You have a constant pull to properly persuading and social engineering others. 

The more you social engineer, the more you become better at it, far more-so than any other person when they're naturally learning a skill. 

Your accelerated growth factor allows you to have massive levels of power in the world as you can essentially start as a child and automatically reach a prodigy-like level in any sport or field.

Your every action is equal to the highest and most strong brainwashing tactics of super advanced civilizations which they use to keep people in control.

You have the capabilities to completely override and bypass the mental, conscious mind of someone and instead speak directly to their subconscious.

Every demand, command and order given from you is automatically accepted as something that must be done and cannot be refuted as though it were an axiom of law, regardless how ridiculous it is.

Ultimate ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder)


(Disclaimer: ASPD doesn’t make you an anxious, shy loser.)

Extremely callous and unforgiving. 

Relentless and despair-filled in everything that you do, spreading and dishing out high amounts of pain and despair towards others.

Destruction of Emotional Empathy.

Heightening of Cognitive Empathy.

Massive Cognitive Empathy Increase.

Only view emotions analytically.

Understand everything there is to perceive and know about emotions without experiencing them, have stronger emotional intelligence than those with any sort of emotional empathy and as a result you know how to perfectly manipulate.

Extremely charismatic and persuasive. Instinctively know how to appeal to the desires of everyone around you, making them feel as though they are special to you. This is paired with your Monokuma Monstrosity to totally relinquish one's control over their own emotions and thoughts to you.

Removal of all Harmful Patterns + Addiction (Other psychopathy submakers forget to do this and then turn their listeners into low functioning psychopath zombie drones).

Increase in self-preservation and putting oneself first, essentially harshly bypassing the idea that you would have 

Increase in self-preservation and putting oneself first, essentially harshly bypassing the idea that you would have depression or self harm simply out of boredom or for the desire to feel something like most low functioning psychopaths do

High social intellect and awareness (you don't want to be one of those low IQ psychopaths who think they look cool and mysterious when they just look autistic).

Perfection of mirroring. All High Functioning Psychopaths are MASTERS at mirroring and masking. 

This audio achieves this goal by attributing specific Narcissistic Personality Disorder traits to the brain while simultaneously activating High Pattern Recognizing Behavior (and then tying those further to creating Dominant Supreme Neural Pathways and Long Term Potentiation for each function). 

Your new thought process will subconsciously and instinctively become something like this: observing someone highly successful in 「 」field, analyzing all of their behavior and actions in said field, making a mental and unconscious copy of their mannerisms, facial expressions, body language, tone, speaking, eye movements, work ethic, work efficiency, and et cetera. 

Once this is done, you take those traits and improve them for yourself tenfold while immediately putting it into action with far greater efficiency than the actual person you are mirroring, you can do all of this in an instant and with zero limitation or restrictions. 

Extremely overpowered Self-Concept upgrades to the point that you genuinely and truly compare yourself with that of Absolute Infinity, God and The LORD.

You have High-Powered Delusions that manifest beneficially for you and positively affect your life. Your delusions are unable to be killed or stopped, and nothing can reverse them once they're made manifest.

Extremely self-centered and self-serving, self-sexual and self-obsessed. Seeing your face in the mirror is enough motivation for you to keep living and reach your goals.

You have an obsession with power and taking over the world, you do everything in your power to focus on reaching the absolute apotheosis and pinnacle of all of your goals, even if it transcends Human means.

The Metaphysical Entity of Monokuma

You aeonically don two Monokuma hairpins, each of those pins having detailed effects on your overall power. 

White Monokuma

When the White Monokuma Hairpin is active, everyone sees you as the most innocent thing in the world. No one could ever conceive you of doing harm or manipulating others, regardless of how open you are about your actions if you are a manipulator.

Pretty privilege and privilege for simply existing, as you exist people will constantly make excuses for why you do the things you do even if they are completely inexcusable.

Immunity to accusations and claims coming out against you, there is no one who will ever try to threaten your high position in society.

Speaking of, wearing the White Monokuma Hairpin passively activates and manifests high amounts of political and social power in all of your circles, dethroning whomever was at the top (or the "friend group leader", as some people try to say).

Whenever a metaphorical or un-literal attack tries to reach you (accusations, exposes, rumors, etc) they are automatically denied by the rules of the world itself. You are the Headmaster of the UNIVERSE, the one who destroys Hope.

The Infinite Monokuma Army

Your Infinite Monokuma Army comes with three different modes, each with their own positives. These modes can be switched seamlessly with each other simply by willing it.

Passive Monokumas (Headmaster Monokuma, Surveillance Monokuma)

These Monokumas are equipped with extremely advanced viewing technology that allows them to spy on anyone at will simply by telling them to, they can see things in perfect clarity about others. 

There is no specific range for how far they can go, so they could travel the entire universe in an instant. 

They are completely undetectable even by the greatest sensors, and they transcend any protective barriers.

Active Monokumas (Railgun Monokuma, Patrolling Monokuma)

The Active Monokumas are far more… Deadly.

They are extremely hyperactive and they go around manifesting things upon enemies and competitors in your circle.

Active Monokumas ruin the Hypernarrative and Narrative Potentiality and Power of those around you so that they are always beneath you and compelled to rely on you for everything, 

Even those who are far above you financially or in some other way will find themselves offering all of their power to you whether they truly need to or not, 

Because their minds have been convinced by these Monokumas that whisper in their ear and heart like daimonic entities of fire that they must offer all of their wealth to you instantly. 

Active Monokumas also send out and make manifest extremely high and potent levels of propaganda and rumors against your enemies as a whole, ensuring that they never get even a step ahead of you. 

Whenever a new rumor is created, or a propaganda in the matrix against those who claim to be against you, you actively become empowered by the same Monokumas that did the extreme damage to those people, so you are not only making others lesser but also making yourself greater at the same time (which stacks with the benefits of Despair in this audio, 

Your targets will obviously feel Despair from such propaganda and rumors which just in tandem evolves you even further into an endless domino effect of transcendence and apotheosis on the mental level).

Weaponized Monokumas (The Punishment Time Monokuma)

The deadliest of them all, this Monokuma is a mode that one switches to when all other options have been exhausted. 

With their destructive power and unrelenting behavior, it is a surefire certainty that no one can survive the onslaught that comes from this mode once they are hit by it. 

Weaponized Monokumas curse and doom (DUME - Death Unto My Enemies) opponents endlessly to the point of redundancy and cruelty to the umpteenth degree. 

They destroy the narrative, happiness, hope, metanarrative, hypernarrative, thoughts, powers, skills, strengths, muscles, brains, bodies, fates, paths, luck, fortune, astrological power, magic, energy, numerological luck, supernatural strengths, reputation, glory, grace, talents, fearlessness, learned lessons, learned skills, languages, neurological function, genetics, blood, health, communication, spirituality, time, emotions (chaotically), positivity and so on of those victims and enemies who dared to cross you. 

Aeonically doomed, in the way that their curse is timeless and cannot be lifted or removed by any means, transcending this life and even following them into multiple reincarnations so that they may pay the penance for whatever it is that forced you to activate this mode. 

Your body is in absolute perfect condition. 

There is no farther condition than the one that your body is currently in, and as a result, you are the absolute Ultimate Soldier.

You can instantly dispose and take care of even the most skilled fighters in the world, your body has been implanted with extremely gatekept and overpowered ritualistic and brain-reformation techniques to make you the most effective soldier in the world.

Ultimate Soldier Serum. Brain rewired to be that of the greatest and most instinctively overpowered soldier, your instincts are that beyond reason and your power is illogical in the strength it contains within a human body.

Instinctive knowledge of how to use everything as a weapon, the most optimal ways to use weaponry and how to dispatch entire armies single-handedly.

You can converse with someone for a minute and convert them to your cause. Imperceivable charisma.

Your voice has an interesting tone and frequency to it that causes a superpowerful resonance and compels them to serve you like the Monokumas they are.

Eye contact with others is enough to make them submit. You have extremely dominant, foreboding and revolutionary energy that is built and molded through the most fiery source of them all, making it impossible to NOT serve you.

Dead, psychopathic stare, given the intensity and the charm, attraction and persuasion of the Psychopathic Stare.



They believe in the importance of emotional involvement and strive to create meaningful connections with others. 

EIEs are skilled at understanding the emotions and inner workings of people, making them natural persuaders. They value equality among social standards and hold strong views about governance and social customs.

Let’s take Oprah for example, (a well known EIE member). 

She uses a lot of verbal and emotional expression, usage of the hands, the intense micro expressions of the face and the infliction of tone. 

This is what makes her so powerful in regards to her persuasion (she also owns a whole media platform based on artistic expression)

She really knows how to pull at the heart strings when she’s trying to convey a certain message.

If you notice most who are part of the EIE are some of the most prolific orators. 

Also what makes a great speech? Lots of expressiveness driven by intense emotion in the internal world. Let’s dive into some key things that make this personality uniquely magnetic.

  • are vibrant and passionate individuals who value emotional involvement.
  • They excel at understanding emotions and connecting with others on a deep level.
  • EIEs are skilled persuaders and hold strong beliefs about social standards and governance.
  • They have a keen sense of the moment and strive to improve negative conditions.
  • EIEs value equality and are driven to create meaningful connections with others.

What makes this personality type so influential is there tendency to understand emotion to the upmost degree, almost like they personally know everyone they are speaking to without directly interacting with them.

EIEs are extroverted focused individuals with a keen sense on understanding the emotional psyche of others. almost like they have downloaded entire research papers on every emotion and how it affects us as a whole.

They thrive on challenging societal norms and governance since they are independent and ambitiously driven human beings. 

Imagine for a second you come across someone who is a high energy individual who is vibrant, attention detailed and overall highly passionate. 

Such a person will have you hooked into whatever they have to say cause they involve your emotions and what makes you tick so to speak. 

It’s like having a best friend who you never interacted with, they can make a person want to work for them simply due their energetic pull when they speak. 

They typically involve stories and various literature devices that get your imagination into high gear. (The more vivid the image in your Brain the more receptive you are to it). 

If you didn’t know, our brains are literally wired to associate stories with more than just words being voiced, but also to be wired with lived experiences. (The brain can’t differentiate between imaginary and real). 

Now you kinda have a glimpse of why emotions are so powerful in tandem with how our brain processes them.

Also a scientific tad bit, our brains release oxytocin when processing a unique story—more so why EIE are so intoxicating from an oratory standpoint. 

EIEs are very quick on their feet, not taking long at all to bounce back from adversity or any kind of rigidity in their lives. they are very fluid in their approach, like a snake moving slowly through a treacherous terrain getting its bearings. 

They seek externally what they are internally, they look for people who can manage complex systems. like finances, planning and innovation and self management. 

  • While EIEs prioritize the emotional aspect, they strive to make their actions align with rationality.
  • They value logical explanations when questioned about the importance of their decisions.
  • EIEs understand the significance of combining emotional involvement with logical foundations.


Introverted Feeling (FI) - They typically have a wealth of expressive potential within the confines of their inner world. 

So much so it shines greatly outwardly, 

Since they are emotive and passionate they tend to draw upon this to amplify the social effect upon others. 

Almost like a spell, using the imagination as a base and the emotions as a multiplier. this is how you can intuitively feel how much power they have 

Extroverted Intuition 

This one is simply to understand as they are very imaginative and overly curious, which will lead them to natural and superior innovation of ideas across vast amounts of fields. 

Extroverted Thinking

This one isn’t as represented strongly like the other 3, but still important as a piece to the whole puzzle. But they do have a tendency for external achievement through strategic and tactical means

EIEs belong to the much underrepresented beta Quadra, emotive expression, passion, strategy and grandiose of achievement to inspire finding what you're made for.

Notable mentions in the Beta Quadrant (ambitious,driven intuitive and grandiose in perspective)

  • MLK
  • H*tler
  • Junko Enoshima
  • William Shakespeare
  • Malcolm X(with some nuance)
  • Friedrich Nietzsche(quite intensively)

Generally speaking, they desire to influence a large body of people with “bigger than life” type of ambitions and or goals. 

Some of the real figures have done subjective “evil” acts. 

But that’s crazily subjective in every sense of the word, anybody who goes against the benevolent set of rules and moral principles can be considered evil. 

Largely though, some of them are misunderstood, they wanted to do things a little differently than what society would have promoted to deliberately cause change. 

Typically EIEs have multiple facades with no true identity, the “them” you think you're interacting with isn’t the “them” you would say is their “true self”. 

They can emotionally manipulate easily due to the fact they are so fluid and smooth with their movements and words. 

They would want to be part of a group of deep intellect and organization, with a strong hint of exclusivity to it. They often will use poetry and elegantly sounding words and phrases to inspire deeper meaning in the message they are trying to convey. 

Since they often use their imagination to create a serenity of awe and grandeur in their speech, it leaves much room to interpret what they are saying. 

It almost feels like a theatrical performance when they speak, sometimes telling multiple stories in one string so to speak. (Shakespeare was a god of speech and elegance for obvious reasons, mainly due to the dramatic meaning in his writings). 

Pragmatism-EIEs know the importance of having competence in a range of fields, 

But they steer towards the chaos of emotions due to emotions being the deciding factor why someone does something. 

They really hit home in the emotional center of people, cause they are aware that’s how people stay pulled into their cause.  

Ideas deeply etched in their subconscious is the drive for creative and explorative innovation. 

They starkly go against the status quo and write their own path through achievement and far reaching ideals. (heavy Aquarius & Uranus energy)

They have the uncanny ability to come up with complex inner workings of majorly working systems. 

Let's take Steve Jobs for example (one of the most popular EIEs of the modern world)

We’re talking about a digital mastermind who changed the entire world through the complex and ever changing idea of the iPhone. 

Due to his dedication and down right ambitious hunger, he changed the way we looked at technology. 

Who would’ve thought we could have a whole computer in the palm of our hands, a device so powerful it’s considered a super computer by ability alone. 

This is truly a masculine man (even if he didn’t like the macho type).

But he displayed what masculinity looks like  in the mental and creative space. 

Taking an eruption of ideas (feminine=chaos) and project those outwardly and create a new reality with them (masculine=order). 

Which by spiritual standards is an act of god (for the religious or the esoteric aspects for those that resonate with its messages). 

EIEs are indubitably some of the most if not the most creative visionaries this planet can ever conjure up. They are natural born leaders who are a goldmine of knowledge and progression.

An EIE personality feels the need to “test” their subjects if they have a particular interest in them, (powerful for networking purposes, as this will show you what they're made of).

A EIE would desire to have a strong team on his side to make the mission easier and linear to obtain, once a subject would start wanting to test out their desire for eventual “independence”. 

EIE will hit them with the most abysmal side eye in history, “why is this?” “What’s the motive here?”. 

They will literally pick a part this subject like dissecting a chicken, even if means destroying their psyche to uncover the intent behind their desire

EIEs in a nutshell are ones who can masterfully manipulate others emotions for long term gain, they are strategists and planners. 

Typically they can put on a fake mask of emotional empathy, cognitive empathy suits them better since they want the attention on them. 

There are variances of this type, there’s  more positive ones and the ones who lead toward malevolence. 

Constantine the Great and Commodus back in Roman times are notable mentions here. 

Especially Commodus, who used every resource and structure possible to have political power in an effort to assert dominance to those around him.

Ultimate Bias

Anchoring Bias

The anchoring bias, or focalism, is the tendency to rely too heavily—to "anchor"—on one trait or piece of information when making decisions (usually the first piece of information acquired on that subject).

Everyone anchors their choices on pleasing you. 

Neurologically, the brains of others have a subconscious parallel and urge to please you. 

The collective unconscious has a cognitive bias to place you over all else when it comes to credibility, and so it ignores information that does not come directly from you or people you explicitly agree with (and if the information compromises you in any way, they won't believe it at all, even if it's someone close to you or you yourself).

{???} Tomie V2 [Unisex] (Locked Until Phantasm 2 or Higher is Reached!)

Alluring isn’t the correct word to describe what you will become after this section

Beautiful isn’t a good enough word either,  more appropriately you will become “NEEDED”  


In translation,

"The world needs my beauty.

No matter how many times they tried to rid me out the world because of their jealousy,

I will always come back.

The world NEEDS my beauty."

Without your beauty, the world will suffer.

Without your voice, no other sound will be pleasant.

Without your smile, the sun doesn’t come out.

Without you, the world will go mad.

Your beauty is like a ringing symphony of chords from beyond the grave, cascading into a divine orchestra of angelic energy.

Your face can only be described as something comparable to the face of God, the perfection that wraps around it simply being unable to be replicated, even when a picture is taken of you, nothing can grasp your full beauty for there are no hands large enough and no god powerful enough to compress you.

Horror manga esque beauty and allure.

The unstoppable destiny that is your beauty and the eyes of everyone permeates through the core of the universe; beauty is in the eye of the beholder for everyone else, but for you, the entire world is the beholder for your inspiring perfection.

Your skin is the smoothest it's ever been, having an even tone and zero blemishes, scars or imperfections. Looking in the mirror always reminds you of the beauty that you hold; a beauty to die for.

Your face can only be described as something comparable to the face of God, the perfection that wraps around it simply being unable to be replicated, even when a picture is taken of you, nothing can grasp your full beauty for there are no hands large enough and no god powerful enough to compress you.

No one can go their day without thinking about you.

Everyone who crosses your path is bound to think about you.

Your beauty is unforgettable and unstoppable.

There's just no beauty on earth quite like you.

Everyone loves you. Could you blame them?

Every move you make is like the steps of a God.

Always completely unbothered and unchanged

Your presence triggers love at first sight for everyone.

Attract anything and everything you want and desire. If you have someone in your sights as your Specific Person, then you will attract them like never before, even if they are someone who is typically out of reach such as that of someone with an extremely high social status or wealth.

Your beauty is utterly bewitching.

Your looks cast spells on those who see it, making them absorbed in the thought of you and your existence as a whole.

Something is hauntingly enchanting about your beauty, it is terrifying to think about the kind of things you could do just by looking pretty.

Ultimate Pretty Privilege.

Worshiped like the Royalty you are. No one ever dares step out of their way and disrespect your royalty, they're smart enough to never cross that line with you.

You're the most beautiful person in the world, there's no sort of beauty that will ever compare to you. There's never going to exist another person of your caliber, and, truly, there never was a person of your caliber to begin with.

Your beauty is illegally strong. You have the allure and seduction of Succubi and use such skills to your advantage at every moment, you can whisper something and the person who hears it will be immediately enthralled by you 

You have Main Character energy. You are treated like the Main Character of the World and of Reality, the Universe, everything follows your plans and everyone serves you as though they were background characters in your plot. Subconsciously, everyone else knows that they will never be able to reach up to you, so they instinctively act at a lesser place than you because they are aware of their inferiority.

You have a natural charm that just genuinely woos everyone around you, regardless of whomever they are. Your charisma transcends reason and your beauty is more powerful than logic or the rules of reality.

Immunity to attracting unwanted people or unwanted attention from losers and creeps.

You have an overpoweringly strong and exuding jawbreaker presence, stripping everyone of their free will and leaving them under your control instead.

You have an aura of mystique and intrigue, something that nothing else truly encompasses or embodies in the way that you do. If you don't get it by now, this subliminal makes you extremely desirable to degrees that simply are not possible through normal human attraction; you're more than just an average person.

Ultimate Impostor (Locked Until Phantasm 4 or Higher is Reached!)

You can be whoever you want in any situation and people always fall for it as truth.

For example: 

You could lie and say you are the ultimate artist despite knowing nothing about art, 

But somehow the world bends around itself to make this a truth;

Immediately granting you perfected artistic abilities as long as your lie stays believed and doesn't break.

No one ever suspects you of doing anything regardless of how open about things you are, you could confess and even non-biased parties would believe you're covering up for someone else. 

Always get off scot-free, never even being thought to have the potential for evil unless you want them to believe that for intimidation.

You can mask perfectly, sensing patterns in other people's mannerisms and taking those patterns for yourself without any difficulty. 

You can imitate anyone you want with absolute perfection

The Ultimate Fashionist

Brain is implanted with the perfect fashion sense for your style of wear, and in fact, you can spot the perfect clothes and combination of clothing through any sort of aesthetic. 

Incomparable Aura, your kind of Aura transcends even those of Michael Jackson, Jesus, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Joseph Stalin, Pablo Escobar, Adolf Hitler combined and far more.

Generational levels of Aura and Mystique, destined for greatness and success w/ Bindings to the North Node in Specific with Leo, Neptunian, Jupiterian, Capricorn, etc 

Capricorn Sun in the 8th House brings Dark Passion and the Need for Destruction, metamorphosis into that of the Despair energy within this project. High amounts of Willpower and deceitfulness to the point where, if you don't want to be found and you're a Capricorn Sun in the 8th, it'll be like trying to find an entirely different planet.

Hopeless Time

Saturnine Rituals for a Powerful, Malignant and Unchanging, Unchained Aura.

Energy outsourced with the Saturn Gate, Initiatory Energy that Hypernarratively Speed-Jumps those into the Dark and the Occult, Initiate the World into Despair.

Saturnian Matrician Control. Move through the Saturnian Matrix rather than it moving through you, play through it like a Person Above the Board or a GRANDMASTER and not a Piece on the Board.

Chaos of the Saturnine Rules through your EIE Masks and Works as a SaturnMatrix Overlord. Timelessness and Despairing Ends of the Death of Everything is what your Masks Embody and gain their Power from, the [  ] and the Inevitability of the Ineffable combine to create an extremely world-shifting Uranian Pull.

Treated like a Sovereign and Deified Corpse of the Living. You are not viewed by others as a friend, nor even a superior, but rather THE FATHER (or MOTHER, if Feminine) and THE LORD in Conscious, Moving Essence.

Dopamine of the Gifted

Whenever you manipulate someone effectively and don't get caught, experience a beyond orgasmic level of intensity in your dopamine receptors, promoting you to continue manipulating efficiently and constantly, eventually bringing it to a level where negotiation and persuasion is built in to your soul.

Whenever others feel despair and you witness it, you get beyond orgasmic levels of dopamine hormones and ULTIMATE Long Term Potentiation that goes towards your mental faculties for EXTREME intellect.

Become massively neurotically empowered through seeing the despair and torture of others. When others are in despair, you are actively strengthened.

Any time you face any sort of trial or shortcoming, you experience an ultimate level of upgrades and empowerment.

Whenever you see someone in pain or yourself become in pain, you feel an extreme amount of euphoria and pleasure which further evolves your existence infinitely (powers, skills, talents, etc.) Addictiveness and potentiality for addiction to sadomasochism completely removed and prevented.

Feel absolutely no remorse for the pain of others, only feel despairing pleasure.

Extremely high pain tolerance to the point where people wonder if you can feel pain at all. Perhaps it is not that you tolerate it but it is your enjoyment of such pain which propels you and motivates you to endure anything that is thrown your way.

Your personality has always been filled with expert cunning and manipulative control, which allows you to easily take charge of any situation you are put in

The confidence behind your actions is undenying, everything about the way you move and act is filled with an aura of grace and expertise that most would kill to have

Makima Unchained (Locked until Phantasm 4 is Reached!)

Savants are exceptional individuals, beyond genius. 

However they are only like that in one field, and struggle with others. One trick ponies. You have been given the opportunity, no blessing. 

To not only become a fully functional savant in any areas of your choosing on top of this it instantly begins developing the moment your subconscious deems it necessary. 

(This means even while doing menial tasks, cooking, reading, writing etc. 

Your mind will begin dissecting the task at hand, and your subconscious will inform your body on the best possible course of action. This means that you will have to do none of the work to improve and will reap all the benefits.)

See no matter how many intelligence subs from uneducated submakers you used to listen to that were meant to “empower” you mentally, they never lift your brain’s limitations properly. 

The right side of your brain locks skills, memories, traits etc that you had but never used to their full potential.

Some individuals who became savants suffered injuries to the right hemisphere of their brain which unlocked their skills. 

Many of them reported afterwards finally finding their purpose. 

They felt whole. 

By fully unlocking your right hemisphere (safely of course.) 

To unearth your hidden Ultimate. 

That part of you that was buried to fit in. You will now stand out in the grandest way possible, and find your Purpose. 

The left hemisphere’s empowerment is just as exceptional. 

This is the side that fuels your skills, it develops your Ultimate. 

It gives you your ability to weaponize it. 

This is the side of you that wants to shine, that reaches for the stars. 

Through its empowerment and the removal of its limitations, you can infinitely generate new skills, abilities, traits, and enjoy every second of it. 

Your left hemisphere will constantly generate new ideas, thoughtforms, and ways to utilize your new talents.

Mind you this is only the preparation.

Flawless cleanup

This section will ‘clean’ any messes you may have left behind in the past. Completely erase evidence that would serve to hinder you(includes messages, videos, writing, logs, photos, fingerprints, hair, hints, clues and more.

Whenever a Detective (any individual with information on you, or is seeking out information to expose) pursues you, thinks of you, or even hears about you. For every moment that they are considered a Detective their IQ drops a staggering 200 points per second, leaving them brain dead. 

High functioning Sadism 

The problem most creators have with designing sadism in audios is that they don’t provide you with the intelligence benefits that come with it. 

They purely design it around inflicting violence in a fight scenario instead of allowing you to plan around harming your enemies, backing them into a corner and crushing them entirely.

With this you will certainly be able to enjoy inflicting physical harm and massively reduce any concern you have for the others psyche. 

Full acceptance of your freedom, embracing your power to inflict infinite misery. 

The first thing done to reduce it is to remove all lessons and indoctrination of teamwork and caring that are instilled as a child. 

If you haven’t noticed, these things start early. 

The only way a person can learn empathy is if they’re properly socialized in their infant stages and taught to care, if you remove those lessons our brains cannot “relearn” it.

It’s why you see old people are so callous, their brain has outgrown that old lesson. 

However you will maintain massive neuroplasticity, while being callous. 

While inflicting harm, despair, or misery onto someone you experience extraordinary euphoria, a massive rush of dopamine as well as endorphins. 

However none of these sensations cloud your mind, avoiding any possibility of miscalculation while chasing that high and absolutely immune to becoming addicted to it. 

(Those two are the downfall of many sadists. Their minds become clouded and they get greedy.) 

Wield infinite bloodlust that you have complete control over to the point of being able to blend it with your aura, etheric bodies, and body whenever desired.

Desiring money would force the people around you to have the contagious desire to throw money your way. (this desire to please you will spread to anyone they interact with.)

When desired (and whenever the situation calls for it) the combination of your voice, mannerisms, eye contact, and composure (also works through writing and text) optimally deactivates the frontal lobes of everyone you speak to (can be turned on and off as desired). 

This is useful because you’ll deactivate their brain's ability to use logic, the frontal lobe controls your reasoning, judgment, logic, decision making, and creativity. 

These will all be lowered to optimal levels when you speak to them, allowing them to receive and remember orders while remaining competent enough to complete said task.

An Intellect Beyond Makima

Makima V5 (Includes Everything from V4)

To you, humans are like adorable little playthings that you easily string along without much effort but with massive amounts of precision

Whenever you desire to be saved, suddenly the danger before you is halted

ENFJ traits embedded within the brain on a neurological level – while your current personality is not overwritten. This means that you basically have two "masks," which you can take on or off freely

You have mastered the way of the Ascendant ENFJs form of manipulation and control, subtly pushing others to do your bidding – and they can't resist it, which could be a direct result of your Phlegmatic energy's resonance within your Higher Body

Your neurological functions effortlessly mimic, conquer and then further perfect the true manipulative capabilities of the Mastered ENFJ; taking it a step beyond, your control oozes with absolutely everything you say. You just know the right way to get to their hearts; you know how to make someone think that something was their idea, when in actuality, it was your doing all along

The confidence behind your actions is undenying, everything about the way you move and act is filled with an aura of grace and expertise that most would kill to have

The confidence alone that exudes from your body is enough to enforce total control over the emotions of others, guiding them to the imminent fate that is loving, adoring and obsessing over you, yet also having an underlying fear of you, always knowing not to cross you

The intuitions of others activates near you, granting them with an almost sixth sense that tells them not to cross you

Your expertise in your actions and planning shows itself in the way that you move, never making a mistake in your coordination

Your personality has always been filled with expert cunning and manipulative control, which allows you to easily take charge of any situation you are put in

Your underlying nature is always shrouded in mystery and shadows, never revealing itself unless you truly desire it to be shown

Your build is extremely attractive and fits your desires to a T, making you look and feel extremely desirable

Your face matches your utmost desires down to every description, everything you want for your face to have it does

You intuitively know how to reach the subconscious desires of those you interact with, whether it be their goals, their interests, or their desire for romantic or sexual connection, you know how to manipulate them to your cause.

Staring into your eyes is like staring into the horizon of a dying star, absolutely incomprehensible yet utterly attractive

Your eyes hold a strong, incomprehensible gaze that holds the secrets to this world

Your eyes hold a world of secrets in them, saying everything yet nothing at the very same time

Your eyes detect and notice the weak areas of people's psyche from their body language. Once these detections are made, connections are automatically fired and sent to your brain detailing the best pathways and motions to properly manipulate these weaknesses

You can accurately predict the flow of events based on any given action you take, giving you a heightened level of foresight that is unmatched by any human to come before you

Your eyes carry a powerful magnetic effect on those who look into them, making them suffer from soft amnesiac symptoms and forget their overall surroundings, lowering their cognitive abilities and awareness enough for you to make propositions that normally wouldn't be accepted

Your eyes have a charismatic and powerfully malignant, dark glow and essence to them that simply doesn't allow for them to be ignored

Your beauty is reminiscent of gritty battle shonen manga, with a unique hint of horror manga esque beauty within it all

You have the business smarts of a visionary, your ideas are ones that have never been thought of before, and you know how to perfectly execute and apply these ideas to properly profit from them, on both a monetary and a sociological scale

Your productivity is simply unmatched. Someone with a position as high as yours needs to be useful, after all, and so you always make sure to properly and effectively apply your skills to your everyday life, which only causes you to ascend throughout your social hierarchies at an even faster pace

You have a malignant and malicious, yet comforting and welcoming aura, filled with spiritual pressure that causes the chests of others to feel heavy in romance and heat 

… And so much more I cannot say here.

Refer to the document for the unhinged version of this bomb.

Main Antagonist 2

JoJo Effect; your presence alone is so menacing that those with weak wills near you freeze in utter terror and mesmerization

DIO Effect; your presence is absolutely unforgettable, your presence quite literally leaves an energetical mark on the souls of all those you encounter, for better or for worse

Ultimate Despair; radiate the perfection of Junko Enoshima (unisex) and her despair. your presence slowly causes despair to grow in your enemies and makes them submit to you. you will become insurmountable…

The Red Sky of Despair; transcend the understanding of despair and hope and insert yourself far beyond that of duality and polarity, you exist as both and none at the same time.

Despair-Filled Beauty; your attractiveness is that which fills others around you with despair because they will never be as beautiful as you.

Aizen Effect; unmatched intelligence, you’ll be able to plan things entire eons before they take place. absolute leadership capabilities, you’ll be seen as a complete leader in absolutely any situation, and all others will feel compelled to follow you. extremely high, prodigy levels of cognitive empathy

Aizen Effect v2; the master manipulator of master manipulators, you’ll have a complete intuitive, genetic and subconscious memory of all of the 48 laws of power (as well as their reversed meanings) and the art of war. your plans & manipulations are completely irresistible, everyone follows your plan without even realising it, you’re so accurate that it’ll feel as though you’re manipulating reality itself...

Light Effect; your plans always go exactly as you desired, your prediction levels are unmatched. even if everyone suspected you of something, they’d have absolutely no proof to base it on, no matter how much they searched for it. if any existed, it’d somehow be erased from reality itself...

Code Geass Effect; extraordinary intelligence levels, your IQ is incalculable. everything intelligence related is merely a chore to you now. your predictive abilities are extremely impressive, after knowing someone for simply one conversation, you’ll be able to predict their every move and action for absolutely any scenario you place them in. the world is like chess to you, and lucky for you, you’re a complete master at chess...

Power Comes from the Mind; complete mastery and knowledge of absolutely all intelligent and manipulative tactics in existence, from human to non-human

Unstoppable; the power of your mental realm is so overwhelming that it transcends dimensions on a spiritual level, granting you unlimited power and energy sources

Cell Effect; harness the complete god and perfection complexes of Cell, see yourself as literal perfection and have the utmost confidence, self-respect, self-worth and self-love. you are also immune to letting these complexes get in the way of your personal life and cloud your judgment. any and all negative effects from having these complexes are completely erased before the moment they even come into existence

And much more.

Simp Generation; your beauty and aura alone attract massive amounts of simps, worshippers, followers and romantic/sexual options. 

All of the people you attract are extremely beautiful and your desired gender. they’re also extremely loyal, wealthy and supportive of all of your actions. 

Without even having to search for them, they will always seem to find you and love you, despite this they will also respect your boundaries and have a deep, pure respect, loyalty and love for you that goes beyond simple artificial beauty. 

If you desire, they will also be extremely spiritually powerful and defend you if ever necessary.

588 current empowers your constant conquest, making you a conqueror which not even a symbol of hope could bypass. You are always meant to rule over all that is physical, mental, astral, conceptual, mathematical, philosophical, archetypal, magical, scientific, fantastical, logical, macrocosmic etc. The point is, at the end of your journey, you reign as THE ONE TRUE GOD

Be able to shoot omega beams, specialized laser attacks which have one of two effects at their full evolution:

1. Completely erasing all targets on an absolute level, making them cease to exist on every level, be it physical, mental, conceptual, spiritual, aeonically, mathematically, factually, fictionally or in any other form

2. Trapping them in an infinite number of lives/metanarratives/narrative layers/kakeras/fragments etc. of pure suffering which gets 200x worse for every lifetime they live after getting hit by your omega beams

Your true form is an absolute embodiment of pure yang, allowing you to bend the world to your whims. Everytime someone commits a sin, they empower you, everytime someone feels/acts on greed, lust, pride, envy, sloth, wrath, or gluttony, you are empowered by it physically, spiritually, aeonically, factually, metaphorically, literally etc.

Not only that, indulging in your own sins empowers you infinitely as well, boosting your subliminal results, magic, manifestations, creativity and other works by all cardinals and forms of infinity, eventually boosting to the point where even results deemed ‘impossible’ by the weak minded sheep of this world are made an instant reality, making you appear as an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent antichrist-like figure in the eyes of every being.

The Anti-Life equation

Your status as the ultimate despair is empowered by the anti-life equation, infecting the souls, bodies, minds, fates, willpower, desires, personal beliefs, dreams ambitions etc. with the formula of Loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + negative self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n = y where y = hope and = equals folly, love = lies, life = death, and self = dark side, however, the version in this sub is multiplied by an infinite cardinal of absolutely boundless and apocalyptic levels of despair, making it so that all you choose to inflict this equation on are unable to escape from their status as a mere anti-life servant who bows to you

Your presence, both physically and digitally are a cognitohazard which infects all souls who come near it with the omnipotent anti-life equation, not only enslaving their hearts and souls, but filling them with an inescapable form of enslavement as a mere anti-life puppet.

Your soul embodies the absolute, ultimate form of the biblical leviathan, this coats you in a armor which is completely omnipotent, this armor being the armor of absolute regeneration and immortality

The machine contained in your soul is omnipotent in the sense that it can reshape all that resides in the tree of knowledge, which contains infinite multiverses/seas of fragments, allowing your manifestations to become an absolute truth, an absolute law, an absolute fact… No…


You will be able to grind down the most drawn endgames into a win, turning dust to diamonds, never allowing for a chance for the same to happen to you. Magnus Carlsen would sit there in amazement at the moves you make.

Tactics flow from the board like water running down a waterfall, once the water starts falling, it can’t go back. You won’t even need to calculate these lines, you will be playing normally and suddenly your opponents can't hold onto their material, like they are being forced to give it to you.

Your bank account is exploding due to the vast number of opportunities at your disposal, you can barely fathom the amount of money you are being offered right at the moment.

Your levels of energy are off the charts, 4 hours of sleep feels like 8, 8 feels like you slept so well that you could run a marathon without stopping. You are filled with energy even after pulling an all nighter if you just took a brief nap. Those that surround you are left jealous because they think that you got to sleep in or something of the sort.

Every move you make has a purpose; there is never a wasted or unnecessary move, and every step contributes to your ultimate goal of winning.

You know the exact moment to sacrifice material for long-term positional or tactical gains, catching your opponents off guard with unexpected sacrifices.

You never make blunders; even under time pressure or in complex positions, you always find the correct move.

Every day, you are itching to keep working towards your goals. It is like you are addicted to the progress you are making and anything unproductive just leaves you impatient to go back to working towards what you want in life. It is almost impossible for you to stop being productive. It is your drug of choice.

You play moves that appear illogical but are grounded in deep strategic ideas, leaving even grandmasters scratching their heads.

Unhealthy addictions are a thing of the past for you. Whether you are addicted to meth, tiktok, or soda, you can just quit these habits like you were never addicted. One month going from spending all day on tiktok and not seeing a lick of daylight and the next spending all day outdoors doing hikes and going to the gym. Like a switch just flipped in your brain and that switch is always at your disposal to choose which way you want it to go.

Your discipline in things that you want to put time in is unparalleled. You still are able to improve your skills in the other topics you care about but when you focus on something? It is over for your competition. With your learning speeds, focus, AND discipline? They don’t even have a single chance. At this point they should just switch goals to not waste their time trying.

Everytime you hear a word, you learn it. It’s that simple. You don’t need to spend hours doing anki cards or doing duolingo. You can just watch one 10 minute video in your target language. And boom. Just like that. You learnt the word from context. That was it, you know the word now, end of story.

You are a master of music, you have perfect pitch, you naturally play every note on your instruments without needing to double check the keys


Whenever you are investing in stocks, you have a heightened intuition for where the stock market is going and every trade you make is a winner. It feels almost as if the market is changing depending on what you invest in.

Any ounce of stupidity left in your mind is obliterated with knowledge. You are able to choose who you want to be on par with your intelligence and who you would rather be given a lack of.

You are not depressed, anxious, or constantly stressed and you maintain a well mental state of mind.

Due to your heightened intuition and intelligence, you are able to steal ideas from people before they are thought of (at least a week before). This is possible due to the speed your brain has when thinking about topics.

Every hypothesis you make is correct, your intuition guiding you to the correct answer before you test it out to double check it, the only point of checking it being to prove it to everyone else who won’t blindly trust your intuition.

WhiteRabbit, BlackBear

In astrology, asteroid Whiterabbit is said to signify “being drawn into something; finding oneself in a strange, possibly dangerous situation; life-transforming events; fascination; danger; sea-changes, and drug abuse. The twilight zone.”

This is one of the deepest and most fascinating asteroids that I have ever researched. A Whiterabbit dominant native, these are some of the most charming, idealized, influential, and fascinating people you will ever meet. The person that can charm anyone, who can so easily lure on anyone. Whether their intentions are good, or bad, doesn’t matter.

The rituals involved in the creation of these benefits are channeled from the highest, purest and darkest source from which their energetic imprint resides. 

These rituals include the binding of the object’s energy to the mentioned placements/functions, to your life, and etc. So you will be receiving much more influence from these galaxies, stars, planets and asteroids, etc than anyone else could dream of having, already setting you above everyone else lol.

But, to take things a step further as I always do, I have decided to do vigorous and personal channeling from various spirits and archetypes, binding their own energy to the pure energy of these astrological objects and then delivering these to you. 

This is basically high-class consciousness surgery that is being performed. The type of stuff that not even some celebrities would gain access to. So have some gratitude that you’re even able to obtain such a thing.

Rituals and spells done to bring the energy of Whiterabbit, curses your chart with the energy of Whiterabbit (in a good way, like a darker blessing), and dark energy channeling to boost the influence of Whiterabbit over your entire chart, along with some powerful affirmations to add to these effects

All of these have then been further sealed and augmented by me to conjure them, binding these placements and benefits to you while also making sure specifically that they show throughout your mind and body in terms of attraction and aesthetics. In the original installment, this sealing and augmentation was done with Metatron, however in this one it is with the 388 Energy

Keep in mind that the negative effects of any of these placements have been completely and utterly removed. You’ll only gain the positives. And that isn't through mere affirmations but the very field itself

Includes a neurological system which urges your brain power to be more centered and focused on proper manipulation and control. 

Like a virtual AI system in your head that leads you to persuade and charm others.

Your brain basically goes into overdrive whenever doing any manipulative actions, thoughts of how to properly charm the situation will magically appear in your head.


This is the RAW, unfiltered truth.

THIS is what you need to MAKE IT IN LIFE.

You see, most people are dumb.

They will never be aware of this gatekept stuff. (gatekept for a reason) 

You, reading this,

I’m 100% certain you’re not dumb.

The very fact that you’re here, reading this - proves that.

I made the commodity to tell you the reality, instead of selling you a fake dream.

You know this is good for you & your growth.

You know there’s something that has to change in your life.

Now that the hidden secrets to dominate the top has been revealed to you,

Do yourself a favor -  become an owner of Grandmaster NOW and have the world at your fingertips.

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