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True Monster Johan

4 ratings

“I saw hell right there in his eyes.


In the eyes of a living human being.”

If you’re reading this,

Then I know you’re craving for more out of this world.

Pay close attention.

You want power.

You don’t want to be average,

Because the average man is a loser.

You want to be on top of the social hierarchy,

Enjoy your riches & social dominance,

And look down on the weak people.

You know there’s something DIFFERENT about you,

And that one day you’ll make it big in life.

But I must warn you.

Once you go down this terrorizing path,

There truly is no going back.

I’m not speaking nonsense like the majority of people do.

You’ll never see the world in the same way ever again.

Your mind & thoughts will be so horrifying…

That you won’t even recognise yourself anymore.

That kind boy momma raised?

It won’t exist anymore.

Death to the inner child. (your weakness)


Are you sure you want to go this path?

If yes,

Wealth, social status & dominance, connections and women are on the other side.

If not,

Then please close this tab and go back to thinking that the world is a kind place,

And that everyone wishes the best for everyone.

(HINT! They don’t.

They only wish the best for everyone if it advantages them.)

This truly is the most terrifying,


Terrorizing audio I’ve ever made.

If Dark Psychology, Machiavellianism & achieving the top of the social hierarchy interests you…

Johan Liebert will be so perfect for you.

It will be the ace up your sleeve.

If you thought Bernkastel, TDK was great…

Johan Liebert will blow your mind.

I’m really serious about this.

You WON’T recognise yourself anymore.

Your thoughts will be so dark,

You’ll get scared of yourself.

But it’s all worth it.

The delusions society made up won’t affect you anymore.

(ex: that you have to be a good being, help everyone, differentiate between what’s right &

wrong, and more.)

You WON’T be affected by those delusions.

In fact, you’ll think they’re stupid,

And that they’re only made up in order to blind the man from achieving his fullest potential.

If you’re still reading this,

Then you really want power, right?

Does the thought of dominating everyone,

Manipulating the masses,

Being cold-hearted with no empathy,

Getting all the riches & women…

Feel nice to you?


If yes,

Then you can say that you enjoy the Johan Liebert subliminal, right?

So then,

Why are you using the same version of Johan Liebert (the free YouTube version),

That everyone else is using?

Everyone else is using the free version of Johan Liebert that you’re using.

Do you REALLY want to listen to the same free version other people are listening to?

Or do you want to be the black sheep,

And use the next level,

Unthinkable manipulation tactics?

The ones that the elites are using?

If you thought that EVERYONE can get access to such terrifying tactics,


Then you’re sadly mistaken.

In fact,

You shouldn’t even be here.

Do you really think that the most powerful men on the planet,

Would want their horrifying mind-control techniques be revealed to the public?

Consider yourself extremely lucky,

That you even stumbled across this.

You shouldn’t be here.

That’s why I’m also making it limited access only.

Not everyone will get access to Johan and next-level manipulation tactics,

Even if they got the money.

Sucks to be them.

This was initially a custom subliminal for one of my loyal clients.

But you know I look out for you,

And after days that felt like years,

I finally came to a common ground with my client,

And decided to make Johan available for a select few.

You are SO lucky right now.

It’s only common sense to take advantage of this.

Multiple people worked on the benefits of this audio.

Hundreds of hours went into psychology & dark psychology research.

PS: You’ll also receive a calm slowed version of this audio.

If you didn’t know,

It’s scientifically proven that slowed and calm music helps you drop into a lower state of brain,

Called the alpha.

In this state of mind,

Learning becomes 100x times more efficient,

And your subconscious takes in more information.

Johan was created with the thought that it will compliment the Alpha state of mind.


You’re studying something while listening to Johan.

Since your brain drops into the alpha state,

You will learn that subject 100x times faster,

And you will also see much more efficient results from Johan.

You can use this for strategy, business planning, meditation, shadow work, introspection, etc.

Even while working - you’ll see yourself performing a lot better.

The possibilities are endless.

PS: some results: (Johan is 10x better than the ones in the screenshots)

And these are the docs:

Using this audio is an energetic investment, which means that you will exchange a small part of your current energy portion to properly fuel the audio and give it a digital imprint for your reality's unique code.

This can result in slight fatigue, so by all means do not be alarmed, and if the fatigue were to ever get painful,

Then please take a break, as your safety is just as important for the fruit's growth process as the seed itself.

What this does is essentially act as a living manifestation harvest, like how people would go to a shrine and leave an offering, receiving blessings soon after.

Everywhere you go, chaos seems to follow in your wake.

The dark renaissance, the horsemen of the apocalypse, a God of Destruction, Adolf Hitler's


the Antichrist…

You have many names.

But the one that stands most powerfully is a mere word.

A word that, in most contexts, merely describes a fantastical, fictional creature. You are

fantastical, but fictional?

Unfortunately for the world around you, fiction is far from accurate when describing you.

Your presence speaks a calmingly enchanting string of ethereal chants and musical notes to the

environment around you, relaxing the souls within your vicinity and priming them for


When they're in this state, convincing people to do things is all but easy, even for an amateur.

It's as if a wave of absolute receptivity is blasted upon their brains, dulling whatever small

amounts of critical thinking and resistance that they may have had left.

Every word that you utter repeats itself within the subconscious of the listener, carving itself into

their very souls.

These words are also supported by a beastly boosted support system, acting as an autonomous

enhancement for your manipulation.

Within you is a darkness greater than the black fog of death itself, your own shadows

permeating and becoming in even darker wormholes of chaos as you experience existence.

You are here for one thing and one thing only: Absolute Totalitarianism.

Passive absorption of the Massively Great and Absolutely Infinite scales of Leviathan,

Allowing you to embody a subconscious level of brooding malevolence that consciously works

toward your advantage by actively attracting scenarios, events and narrative levels in which you

are the superior.

Furthermore, these events always bring you a new target that is susceptible to your


These targets always serve you as some sort of tool that is useful towards your ultimate goal.

You are also able to directly choose your own targets from people that are already present

within your life, and these Boundless Scales of the Great Dark Sleeper will act to plunge them

into chaotic subservience.

The Makings of the Monster

Everywhere you go, chaos seems to follow in your wake. The dark renaissance, the horsemen

of the apocalypse, a God of Destruction, Adolf Hitler's reincarnation, the Antichrist…

You have many names. But the one that stands most powerfully is a mere word.

A word that, in most contexts, merely describes a fantastical, fictional creature.

You are fantastical, but fictional?

Unfortunately for the world around you, fiction is far from accurate when describing you.

Your presence speaks a calmingly enchanting string of ethereal chants and musical notes to the

environment around you, relaxing the souls within your vicinity and priming them for


When they're in this state, convincing people to do things is all but easy, even for an amateur.

It's as if a wave of absolute receptivity is blasted upon their brains, dulling whatever small

amounts of critical thinking and resistance that they may have had left.

Every word that you utter repeats itself within the subconscious of the listener, carving itself into

their very souls.

These words are also supported by a beastly boosted support system, acting as an autonomous

enhancement for your manipulation.

Within you is a darkness greater than the black fog of death itself, your own shadows

permeating and becoming in even darker wormholes of chaos as you experience existence.

You are here for one thing and one thing only: Absolute Totalitarianism.

Passive absorption of the Massively Great and Absolutely Infinite scales of Leviathan, allowing

you to embody a subconscious level of brooding malevolence that consciously works toward

your advantage by actively attracting scenarios, events and narrative levels in which you are the


Furthermore, these events always bring you a new target that is susceptible to your


These targets always serve you as some sort of tool that is useful towards your ultimate goal.

You are also able to directly choose your own targets from people that are already present

within your life, and these Boundless Scales of the Great Dark Sleeper will act to plunge them

into chaotic subservience.

Mind rewired completely to be machiavellian and a manipulation King.

King of controlling minds, you lead everyone to do what you want like they're your dog. Control

hierarchies and social circles easily, transcending any notion of logic or reasoning when it

comes to how fast you can turn someone into your mind-broken genre slave.

Pull everyone you meet into your world of control.

Exude a neurologically empowered presence that subdues the intellectual skills and format of

those around you, making them more susceptible to your Beyond-Scientific Mind Control.

Apex-Transcendent Superiority Complex (Omega Scorpionic Upgrades)

Primal Blessed Mean Lilith in Primal Cursed Scorpio, 8th House + Primal Blessed Dark Moon

Lilith in Primal Cursed Scorpio, 8th House.

One of the best Scorpionic placements, those with Lilith in Scorpio in the eighth are

unimaginably attractive and magnetic; they have an aura of darkness and seduction around

them that goes unmatched, their sexual energy is out of this world.

Attracted to the dark, taboo and death, machinations of machiavellianism intrigue them deeply,

giving them heightened power in the occult realms and an upper hand when it comes to things

such as dark psychology and manipulation.

The Scorpionic Hunter // Predator Gaze is strongest here, gaze is also blessed to have

supreme attraction and magnetization, as well as intensity.

Primal Blessed Mean Lilith in Evolved Primal Scorpio (8th) opposite Primal Blessed Moon in

Evolved Cancer


Dante's Inferno Sun

Primal Blessed Sun in Primal Evolved Blessed Taurus in the 1st House.

Empowered Sun.

Sun infused with the unburning and inextinguishable death flames of the 388.

Astrological supremacy, as soon as you meet someone, have total control over their astrological

chart, and you have the best possible synastry implanted into their (and your) realities to give

you the best results when dealing with them in however way you'd like.

The World is Yours — Choronzonian Mercurian Godhood

Primal Blessed Choronzonian Capricorn in Primal Blessed 844 Mercury.

Capture the essence of the Choronzon when manipulating people, and as a result of this, you

can delude them into thinking that following you was their own idea all along.

When paired with "Wonder of U" // "Apotropaion Wonder", boost all manipulative capabilities of

this audio beyond measurability. In laymens terms, you would be able to manipulate people from

the very moment they exist, or the moment that you even see them.

Your manipulation would reach so far that you'd be able to compel and control them to your

whim without ever needing to directly meet them, working from the shadows and leading the

entire world along your foundational diplomatic militarism.

Voidic Aura. Empowered by the existence of the void, and, whenever someone is manipulated

by you, gain unimaginable levels of boosts to your sub results as well as all other results.

The Antichrist Pataphysical

Embody the Pataphysically All-Pervading and Endless abstraction of life, consistently channel

and summon the archetypal infinities that personify the eventual burning of Everything that will

certainly occur in the very end of this Macrocosm's lifespan.

Mastered Antichrist Mindset.

You embody the Antichrist so much so that the plot of the Narrative of this Macrocosm's book

supports you in your success, completely destroying the very idea of the concept of karma.

Completely annihilate boundaries stopping you from the eventual destruction of everything.

Eradicate boundaries that pretend to uplift you, destroy boundaries that stop you from

manipulating, anything which continues a prison that you wish not to be in.

Manipulate effortlessly and perfectly.


Transcended IEI Faculties in the brain.

Act like a perfected IEI, INFJ.

The Alchemical Transmutations of the INFJ and IEI.

IEI Brain Supremacy.

Faculties in the Brain and Neural Pathways Generated to Support new IEI Awareness.

The Monster Unleashed



Develop the ability to craft intricate webs of deceit, concealing your true intentions effortlessly.

Infinitely transcend the Mental Macrocosm of Limitation in all fronts, become one with the

Unblocked Shells of Infinity which Govern Reality, use those Dark Forces to then manipulate

and charm everyone around you.

Simply, there is no way anyone could ever deny or suspect you.

Endlessly manipulate without fail. Manipulate properly and effectively like second nature, it is as

typical to you as blinking is.

Acquire a charm that can make anyone bend to your will, utilizing malevolent charisma to your


You are akin to the arrival of the Antichrist, the one that was foretold about in prophecies.

Unlock a Perfect Machiavellian intellect, allowing you to outwit and outmaneuver your


Learn to exert influence over individuals and situations without them even realizing it.

Simulated learning processes throughout your neural faculties as well as hotwiring the already

existing neural pathways, promoting growth within them built specifically toward the mastery and

acquisition of manipulative knowledge and effectiveness.

Develop a unique form of empathy, one that allows you to understand and exploit people's


You are able to understand emotions as if they were your own without actually feeling them like

they are, allowing you to hurt and manipulate someone at their very core,

Because you know how it would feel to have your own warfare used against you.

The innate wicked capacity to maintain a calm demeanor even in the most chaotic situations,

always making sure order is able to be captured within your plots.

Cultivate a dark fearlessness that enables you to pursue your goals with unwavering

determination, never relenting when it comes to taking over the world.

You constantly have more and more thoughts about how to properly and effortlessly take over

the entire world.

Governmental knowledge placed within your brain.

Completely master the art of psychological warfare, breaking down mental defenses and

instilling fear into your targets.

You are able to properly accentuate the exact type of emotions that you desire to arise in the

target, and you can string them along your tight rope with mere body language alone.

Acquire the ability to control your own emotions and manipulate the emotions of others on a

much more detailed and large-scaled area of effect, essentially making them prisoner to your


Develop the skill to make ruthless decisions when necessary, prioritizing your objectives above

all else.

There is no way in hell that you will ever allow yourself to lose, and because of that, you are

willing to do things that no other person would dream of having the confidence to partake in.

Grandmaster Chess levels of strategic thinking. Cognitive Empathy levels pushed to the utmost


Strategic Thinking Enhances your strategic thinking, allowing you to plan several moves ahead

like a grandmaster chess player.

Masterful Scheming Become a master schemer, creating complex plots and strategies to

achieve your goals.

Dark, inexplicable charisma. Your charisma is tainted black, drawing and luring people in to the

song of your aura and subduing them without them ever even truly knowing.

A heightened mind and an enhanced amygdala, which allows you to fully capitalize on your

manipulative instincts that lead you to the path of controlling.

Make calculated, machiavellian decisions that always end up going in your best way imaginable.

Because of your powerful decisionmaking skills, you dominate any sort of mental battlefield that

you enter, and you play the entire world like a fiddle.

Domineer the emotions of others like a puppetmaster controlling the strings of their marionette,

gain the ability to manipulate souls and emotional integrity simply by willing it. Unspoken

charisma and unspoken manipulative capabilities lead you to the top of every hierarchy, bringing

only calamity in your wake.

You have a perfect poker face that makes it impossible for anyone to read your true thoughts,

never break out into nervous laughs or expressions of your true feelings.

Always stay concealed and within the shadows of the abyss, you entire body is literally

sociologically and aurically obscured with the shadows of the deep depths abyssals and the

burning flames of the 388, making it so that simply trying to read you is enough to physically

hurt and hinder the brains of humans as perceiving you is incomprehensibly impossible.

Because of your connection to the 388, you have the ability to read minds to an extent that is

unrealized and impossible to reach through human means.

Alchemized and weaponized mind infused with the idea of the ANTIMEME of the 388, and it

empowers you fully.

Become possessed with the infinite charisma of the abyss whenever necessary, and when that

happens, you are able to invoke absolute mind subjugation in targets only by uttering single


Self-sustainability. Know and understand that no one will ever truly be there for you, and that the

only one you can ever rely on is yourself.

Because of that, you automatically have mastered any and all skills that you would need to

achieve your goals, even the most impossible ones such as supernatural or spiritual skills have

been gifted into your complete arsenal.

Intuitively learn to conceal your true motives behind a façade of benevolence or innocence.

Always seen as an angel, even when you do the acts of the antichrist.

Your brain has primal, predatory instincts that allow you to exploit weaknesses ruthlessly.

Cognitively develop the patience to wait for the perfect moment to strike, just like a predator

stalking its prey.

Your gaslighting is so powerful that you can truly make people question their reality, and the

funny part? They never suspect you of a thing.

You subconsciously have an unwavering self-confidence that makes others believe in your

every word and action.

You are able to adapt your tactics and strategies swiftly to changing circumstances, never truly

caught off guard by anyone or anything.

Embody the concept of True Moral Ambiguity which then further enables you to make ethically

challenging decisions without hesitation.

Reflexive Psychopathic Dark Charisma that leaves an indelible mark on everyone you meet.

Wherever you go, Calamity follows.

Exploitative Insight.

Intense insight into the vulnerabilities of others down to a deeply psychological and

subconscious level, controlling them endlessly.

Master the art of meticulous planning, leaving nothing to chance. There's no way for your plans

to fail.

Brain has perfected the skill of hiding your true agenda behind a veil of benevolence. You have

a halo effect that makes people think you can do or show no wrong whatsoever.

Psychologically Auric Magnetism that draws people into your sphere of influence and power.

Omnicompetent persuasion, persuade anyone to do your bidding, no matter how resistant they

may be.

Transcendent strategic manipulation skills, skills that effortlessly make others unwitting pawns in

your grand design. It's quite funny, really. But, it isn't a joke.

The patience of a predator, waiting stealthily for the right moment to strike. Malignant

Manipulation skills.

You embody unpredictability which allows you to fully keep others off of your track, you move in

a way that seems chaotic to others but is actually completely planned and perfected down to a T

by you.

Develop an indifference to the suffering of others, allowing you to act without remorse.

Master the art of adapting your persona to fit any situation or role.

Build a network of loyal followers who will execute your every command without question.

You are able to approach situations with cold, emotionless logic, free from sentimentality.

Subliminally exert your subconscious control over others' thoughts and actions, manipulating

them without anyone knowing.

Fully and absolutely develop a ruthless efficiency that ensures you achieve your objectives with

zero effort.

You have generated a seductive allure that makes others powerless to resist your charms.

An obsession with achieving your strategic goals, no matter the cost. There's nothing that'll stop

you from reaching the end of your course.

Psychopathic Cunning which allows you to outmaneuver even the most formidable opponents.

Thrive in chaotic environments, using them to your advantage. The chaos is your home.

Narcissistic Magnetism that makes others gravitate toward you. It is known fact that Narcissists

are extremely attractive and magnetic, so now it is time for you to see what it's made of for


An unstoppable aura of emotionless authority that compels others to obey your commands.

Mastery of the art of controlling the narrative and manipulating perceptions.

Take calculated risks without hesitation. Instinctively take calculated risks without worrying at all

about the outcomes, because you know it will all serve you properly.

Acquire the skill to exert influence behind the scenes, shaping events from the shadows.

Psychopathic resilience that allows you to bounce back from setbacks with determination.

Instinctively deconstruct complex situations and adversaries to their most vulnerable


Seamlessly conceal multiple hidden agendas within your actions.

Constantly display the capacity and capability to make critical decisions devoid of emotional


Master the art of playing the long game, with patience that spans years or even decades. But

they never even need to last that long, because your manipulation goes into effect instantly.

Subliminally persuade and display the skill of persuading others at a subconscious level, leaving

no room for resistance.

ALWAYS make sure to ruthlessly prioritize your goals infinitely and unstoppably, discarding

anything that hinders your progress.

Exploit the weaknesses of others strategically, turning their vulnerabilities against them.

Your neurological pathways have created a dominant and adaptive mindset that enables you to

thrive in any environment or situation.

You have a unique and calculated manipulation style that lures others into your schemes

unknowingly. Your manipulation is impossible to read or predict, or even suspect in the first


Weaponize the art of diplomatic maneuvering, always serving your ultimate objectives.

Develop precision in your actions, ensuring every move serves your strategic goals.

Acquire the power to control others solely through the force of your charismatic charm.

Greatly powerful psychological influence to the extreme point where others willingly align with

your malignant commands.

Orchestrate complex manipulative ploys that outwit anyone, even those who are manipulators

or vigilant themselves.

Embrace the idea of having adversity without any inner emotional turmoil, instead using it as a

stepping stone and a lesson to your goals.

Sabotage so subtle that your adversaries remain unaware of your involvement.

Negotiate ruthlessly and persuasively, always securing your own interests.

Learn to create effectively diversions that divert attention away from your true intentions.

Essentially, whenever anyone gets even 0.0000000000001% close to discovering you or the

truth about you, automatic diversions are sent their way. Massively boosts Apotropaion Wonder

// Wonder of U when paired together.

Use manipulation as an art form, with every action designed to further your agenda. Your

agenda is extremely overpowered and followed by billions.

The entire world follows your whim without even knowing it.

Keep your true abilities hidden until the perfect moment.

Perfectly master the art of calculating risks and rewards with Machiavellian precision.

Host the truest capacity to analyze situations and opponents without emotional bias.

You now have the skill to dominate others at a subconscious level, leaving them powerless to


Ruthless disposition that prioritizes personal gain above all else exists within your heart, body

and soul.

Employ your charisma strategically, manipulating others with a smile that looks sincere.

Invoke a deep, dark tenacity that allows you to pursue your goals relentlessly.

You create insights and deep strategic plans that go far unnoticed by others, giving you a

distinct advantage.

Ironically, master the art of mastering others, ensuring they play into your hands "masterfully".

Mind and actions has an emotional impenetrability that leaves others guessing your true


Gain the horrifying power to charm and disarm others while furthering your ulterior motives.

Develop a penchant for high-stakes gambits, always calculating the odds in your favor.

Learn to properly seize opportunities strategically, turning them into advantageous situations.

Psychopathic Indomitability (Embrace an indomitability that refuses to yield to obstacles or


Hidden Control (Cultivate control over situations and individuals without them ever realizing it.)

Machiavellian Precision (Master the art of precision in your actions, ensuring every move is

strategically calculated.)

Emotionless Manipulation (Now have the ability to manipulate others without a trace of


Subliminal Command (Master the skill to issue subtle commands that others can't resist


Ruthless Persuasion (Develop persuasive techniques that are both relentless and irrefutable.)

Strategic Disruption (Disrupt the plans of others strategically, throwing them completely off

balance while they thought they were ahead; or even when they think they're behind, pushing

them further away from you.)

Psychopathic Perspicacity (Embrace an uncanny ability to perceive hidden motivations and


Chaos Mastery (True, Total over chaos, using it to create opportunities for yourself. Master of

Chaos Magic and intellect through chaos and unpredictability, calamity.)

Machiavellian Insight (Master the art of gaining insight into the minds of others, anticipating their

actions about two hundred steps ahead.)

Emotionless Mastery (Acquire a truly tranquil mastery over your emotions, using them as tools

for your manipulation.)

Subtle Seduction (Hone the power of subtle seduction, making others succumb to your desires

unknowingly, your mere presence is addictive and suffocating to the most alluring degree.)

Ruthless Subjugation (Subjugate others to your will, leaving them powerless to resist.)

Strategic Evasion (Always evade detection and suspicion strategically, slipping through the

cracks every single time. No one can ever catch up with you unless you want them to, and if

they do, they always get executed the moment they find you; playing along to your strings to the

very end. Calamity strikes.)

Psychopathic, Impulsive Control (Embrace control over every aspect of your life, leaving nothing

to chance.)

"Three frogs."

Hidden Dominance (Aura has a domineering, dominant presence that commands full respect

and total obedience from others.)

Machiavellian Ascendancy (Perfect the art of rising to power and dominance through cunning

and manipulation.)

"The view of the scenery is much better up here"

For those who know my past work,

I'm certain that you are familiar with my great Draconic Emperor v2.8.

Well, in that masterpiece, I employed a unique system that allowed you to select targets in order

to seduce them.

This category of benefits has a similar principle,

However instead of something as measly as seducing them, this is a much more deadly and

wide-spread curse that afflicts itself upon anyone of your choosing.

Let me show you.

Oxytocin Enchantment (Whenever they encounter you, their minds are bathed in oxytocin,

fostering an unbreakable emotional connection that compels them to prioritize your happiness

and well-being above all else. This neurochemical reinforcement ensures unwavering devotion

to you, making their loyalty unwavering and their commitment absolute.)

Dopaminergic Euphoria (Each interaction with you triggers a cascade of dopamine in their

brains, creating an addiction-like response to your presence. They find themselves constantly

seeking the euphoria of your company, as your very existence becomes their ultimate source of

pleasure and contentment.)

Emotional Synchronization (Their emotions effortlessly mirror your wants, allowing you to

control their feelings and reactions with precision. This emotional resonance allows you to steer

their thoughts and actions according to your desires, making them pliable instruments of your


Unyielding Trust (Your presence instills an unwavering sense of trust in their minds. They

perceive you as a beacon of reliability and authenticity, and this trust becomes the cornerstone

of their thoughts and actions, leaving them utterly loyal and committed to your cause.)

Desire Amplification (The mere thought of fulfilling your desires triggers a surge of

pleasure-inducing hormones in the target's brains. Their primary goal becomes the satisfaction

of your wishes, as they derive immense gratification from fulfilling your every desire, making

them devoted servants to your whims.)

Incessant Adoration (Their thoughts are consumed by profound adoration for you, as if you

were a deity. This adoration intensifies with each encounter, and they constantly seek ways to

express their devotion, ensuring that your self-esteem and ego remain perpetually elevated.)

Emotional Dependence (They develop a profound emotional dependence on you, deriving

their happiness and emotional stability solely from your presence. This dependence compels

them to cling to you for emotional sustenance, making them utterly reliant on your existence.)

Irresistible Charisma (Your aura of charisma infiltrates their minds, causing them to view you

as the most captivating and charming individual they have ever encountered. They find it

impossible to resist your charm, willingly succumbing to your influence without hesitation.)

Psychological Devotion (Their minds undergo a deep psychological transformation, with their

thoughts fixated on your well-being and objectives. They become psychologically devoted to

your cause, placing your interests above their own, no matter the ethical or moral implications.)

Hormonal Allegiance (The very thought of opposing you triggers a surge of stress hormones,

causing them profound distress. This aversion to defying your will ensures their unwavering

allegiance, as they are physically and mentally incapable of going against your wishes.)

Euphoric Submission (Your dominance and authority become a source of euphoria for them,

activating pleasure centers in their brains whenever they submit to your commands. This

pleasurable response reinforces their obedience, as they eagerly seek opportunities to comply

with your desires.)

Neurological Servitude (Their brains undergo a rewiring process, forming neural pathways that

compel them to prioritize your happiness and satisfaction above all else. This neurological

servitude ensures that their thoughts and actions are consistently aligned with your interests.)

Cognitive Loyalty (Their cognitive processes adapt to favor your objectives, with their minds

automatically generating strategies and ideas that further your goals. This cognitive loyalty

makes them invaluable allies in the pursuit of your ambitions.

Emotional Magnetism (They become emotionally magnetized to your presence, unable to

resist the pull of your charisma and allure. Their emotions gravitate toward you, making them

susceptible to your influence and manipulation.

Neurochemical Fidelity (Their brains undergo a fundamental shift, releasing bonding

hormones exclusively in response to your presence. This neurochemical fidelity ensures that

they remain steadfastly devoted to you, unable to form deep connections with anyone else.

Hormonal Reverence (Their brains produce a surge of hormones associated with reverence

and respect whenever they think of you. This hormonal response deepens their admiration and

loyalty, cementing you as the central figure in their lives.

Euphoric Attachment (The act of fulfilling your desires becomes a source of profound euphoria

for them, releasing pleasure-inducing hormones that reinforce their commitment to your wishes.

This euphoric attachment guarantees their unwavering dedication to your cause.

Neurological Infatuation (Their neural circuits become hardwired to respond passionately to

your presence, triggering intense feelings of infatuation and obsession. This neurological

infatuation ensures that they remain perpetually enamored with you.)

Hormonal Devotion (Their brains release hormones associated with devotion and loyalty

whenever they think of you, deepening their commitment and willingness to serve your interests.

This hormonal devotion solidifies their role as unwavering allies in your pursuits.)

Euphoric Compliance (The act of obeying your commands becomes a source of euphoria,

releasing pleasure-inducing hormones that reinforce their compliance. This euphoric compliance

ensures that they eagerly carry out your every wish without hesitation.))

Empathetic Connection (Your targets will experience an overwhelming sense of empathy

towards you, allowing them to deeply understand ((or so they believe)) your emotions and

connect with you on an intimate level. This heightened empathy will make them more

susceptible to your influence as they strive to fulfill your emotional needs.)

Persuasion Insight (The targets will gain a heightened ability to understand and manipulate the

desires of others. This newfound skill will make them especially attuned to your wishes, and

they will instinctively work to fulfill your desires and align with your interests.)

Fearlessness Induction (Your targets will develop an unshakable sense of fearlessness,

making them fearless in the face of any challenges or threats. This fearlessness will extend to

protecting and defending you, as they will fearlessly confront any obstacles or dangers that may

come your way.)

Magnetic Attraction (An irresistible aura of magnetic attraction will envelop your targets,

drawing them irresistibly towards you. They will find themselves inexplicably drawn to your

presence, making it nearly impossible for them to stay away from you.)

Enhanced Memory Retention (Your targets will experience a significant improvement in their

memory and knowledge retention abilities. This heightened cognitive function will allow them to

remember your words, preferences, and instructions with remarkable precision, ensuring they

always cater to your needs.)

Intuitive Decision-Making (The targets will develop an uncanny ability to make intuitive and

strategic decisions. This will translate into their unwavering support for your ideas and goals, as

they will intuitively understand the wisdom behind your choices.)

Charismatic Magnetism (Your targets will exude an irresistible charm that will captivate anyone

they interact with, but this charm will be most potent in your presence. They will become natural

charmers and bring people closer to you, enhancing your social influence.)

Eloquent Persuasion (With the gift of persuasive speech, your targets will effortlessly convince

others to align with your agenda. They will use their eloquence to advocate for your ideas,

making them powerful advocates and allies in your pursuits.)

Hypnotic Presence (The targets will possess a mesmerizing presence that entrances those

around them. This hypnotic quality will be most pronounced when they are with you, ensuring

that everyone around you is under the spell of your allure.)

Mastery of Deception (Your targets will perfect the art of subtle manipulation and deception.

While this skill can be used to protect your interests, they will use it with precision to create an

environment where your agenda thrives without arousing suspicion.)

Admirable Presence (Your targets will project an aura of admirable qualities, causing those

around them to view them with respect and admiration. This will indirectly reflect positively on

you, as they become known for their association with you.)

Desire Sensation Amplification (Your targets will experience intensified physical sensations

related to desire when in your presence. This heightened sensitivity will make them crave your

attention and company even more.)

Desire Pheromone Emission (Your targets will emit pheromones that specifically attract those

with a deep desire for you. This will create a magnetic effect, drawing individuals who are

predisposed to be infatuated with you closer to your orbit.)

Confidence Reinforcement (Your targets will receive constant reinforcement of their

self-confidence and self-esteem in your presence. This boost in confidence will lead them to

take on tasks and challenges that benefit you, fueled by a belief in their abilities.)

Mindful Comprehension (Your targets will exhibit an exceptional ability to comprehend and

remember intricate details of your conversations and interactions. This meticulous attention to

your words will ensure they never miss crucial information or instructions from you.)

Strategic Insight (The targets will develop a keen sense of strategic insight, enabling them to

anticipate potential obstacles to your goals. They will proactively work to remove any hindrances

that could impede your progress.)

Unwavering Loyalty Manifestation (Your targets will manifest their loyalty visibly through their

actions and words. They will actively seek opportunities to demonstrate their unwavering

commitment to your cause, reinforcing their allegiance to you.)

Fear-Dispelling Presence (Your presence will have a calming effect on your targets, dispelling

any fear or anxiety they may feel. This will make them more resilient in your service, as they

trust you to provide a sense of security.)

Adaptive Learning (The targets will display an extraordinary ability to adapt and learn quickly.

This adaptability will ensure they can swiftly adjust to any new responsibilities or tasks you

assign them.)

Enhanced Persuasive Techniques (Your targets will hone their persuasion skills to perfection,

making them effective advocates for your ideas. They will be able to convincingly sway others in

your favor, furthering your influence.)

Aura of Dominance (Your targets will emit an aura of dominance ((always below yours)) in your

presence, making them the natural leaders in any group setting. This aura will indirectly elevate

your status as those around you recognize your association with powerful individuals.)

Motivation Amplification (The targets will experience a surge of motivation and determination

when working on tasks related to your goals. This heightened motivation will drive them to

achieve exceptional results in your service.)

Hidden Agenda Mastery (Your targets will become experts at concealing your shared agenda.

This skill will ensure that your true intentions remain hidden from prying eyes, allowing you to

operate discreetly.)

Emotion Manipulation Expertise (The targets will gain expertise in manipulating the emotions

of others to serve your interests. They will create an environment where individuals around them

experience emotions that align with your desired outcomes.)

Mind Coordination (Your targets will synchronize their thoughts and actions seamlessly with

yours, creating a harmonious synergy. This coordination will enable efficient execution of your


Enigmatic Presence (Your targets will exude an enigmatic aura that intrigues and fascinates

those they interact with. This aura will make individuals curious about your connection and

eager to be associated with you.)

Confidentiality Assurance (The targets will become experts at safeguarding your secrets and

confidential information. Their dedication to preserving your trust will ensure your interests

remain protected.)

Influence Over Silence (Your targets will possess the ability to influence others even in silence.

Their mere presence will convey your agenda, making people subconsciously align with your


Desire Amplification (Your targets will amplify the desires and cravings of those around them,

with a special emphasis on fulfilling your desires. This effect will create an environment where

everyone strives to cater to your wishes.)

Inspirational Magnetism (Your targets will inspire and motivate others with their actions and

words. This inspiration will indirectly inspire others to support your endeavors as well.)

Unbreakable Resilience (The targets will develop unwavering mental and emotional resilience

((with an added specific weakness towards you, much weaker than their normal minds, making

the possibility of an unwanted rebellion completely zero)). This resilience will ensure they can

weather challenges and setbacks without faltering, reinforcing their commitment to your cause.)

Trust Building Charisma (Your targets will possess an unparalleled charisma that naturally

builds trust in those they interact with. This trust will extend to you, solidifying your position as a

trustworthy figure in their lives.)

Problem-Solving Precision (The targets will become adept problem solvers, efficiently

resolving any issues that may arise in your pursuit of goals. Their ability to navigate challenges

will contribute to your success.)

Mind-Reading Facilitation (Your targets will facilitate mind-reading between individuals,

fostering open communication and alignment with your ideas. This will create a network of

individuals who understand your vision.)

Influence Infusion (The targets will infuse your influence into the social circles they inhabit,

subtly making others receptive to your ideas and desires. This infusion will expand your sphere

of influence.)

"A town out of a fairytale."

Admiration Catalyst (Your targets will act as catalysts for admiration within their social circles,

sparking conversations about your merits and achievements. This indirect promotion will

increase your reputation.)

Conflict Resolution Mastery (The targets will master the art of conflict resolution, ensuring that

any disputes or conflicts are swiftly and amicably resolved. This skill will maintain a harmonious

environment that supports your objectives.)

Intuitive Loyalty (Your targets will intuitively recognize those who are loyal to you and those

who are not. This intuition will help you identify potential threats and allies with precision.)

Negotiation Expertise (The targets will become skilled negotiators, securing favorable terms

and agreements on your behalf. Their negotiation prowess will advance your interests in various


Magnetism Enhancement (Your targets will enhance their magnetic qualities, drawing

individuals who are aligned with your agenda even closer. This magnetic effect will strengthen

your network of supporters.)

Influence Expansion (The targets will actively work to expand your sphere of influence by

connecting you with influential individuals in their network. This expansion will open doors to

new opportunities and resources.)

Strategic Loyalty (Your targets will strategically cultivate loyalty among those who are critical to

your success. They will ensure that key individuals remain steadfast in their support of your


Crisis Management (The targets will excel in managing crises and unexpected challenges that

may arise in your endeavors. Their ability to handle emergencies will safeguard your interests.)

Emotional Upliftment (Your targets will have the power to uplift and inspire those around them,

creating an emotionally positive atmosphere that fosters support for your undertakings.)

Mindful Synchronization (The targets will synchronize their thoughts and actions with

precision, ensuring that your plans are executed with flawless coordination.)

Intriguing Aura (Your targets will project an intriguing aura that piques curiosity in others. This

aura will make individuals eager to learn more about you and your objectives.)

Subtle Agenda Advancement (The targets will subtly advance your shared agenda without

drawing attention to it. Their discreet efforts will propel your goals forward without raising


Emotion Influence Mastery (Your targets will master the art of influencing the emotions of

those around them, ensuring that everyone feels emotions that are conducive to your desired


Unified Mindset (The targets will foster a unified mindset among those they interact with,

aligning the thoughts and desires of others with your vision.)

Loyalty Manifesto (Your targets will manifest their loyalty through written and verbal

declarations of allegiance to you and your cause. These expressions of loyalty will reinforce

their dedication to your goals.)

Inspiration Emission (The targets will emit an aura of inspiration, encouraging those they

encounter to strive for excellence and align with your objectives.)

Admiration Orchestrator (Your targets will orchestrate situations that lead to increased

admiration for you within their social circles. These orchestrated moments will elevate your

status in the eyes of others.)

Influence Over Synergy (Your targets will possess the ability to influence the synergy and

cooperation of individuals within their network, ensuring that everyone collaborates

harmoniously in support of your goals.)

Fear-Neutralizing Presence (Your presence will neutralize fear and apprehension in your

targets ((towards others. This actually enhances any fear they have of you, ensuring that they

never act to disappoint you and always give it their all)), allowing them to approach challenges

with unwavering determination. This fearlessness will be an asset to your endeavors.)

Desire Catalyst (Your targets will act as catalysts for desire, stirring passions and aspirations in

those they interact with. This effect will indirectly fuel your ambitions and desires.)

Visionary Inspiration (The targets will inspire others with their visionary thinking and innovative

ideas. This inspiration will drive people to align with your vision and support your projects.)

Confidentiality Guardianship (The targets will guard your secrets and confidential information

with unwavering dedication. Their commitment to maintaining your trust will ensure that your

interests remain secure.)

Influence Over Unity (Your targets will exert influence over the unity and cohesion of groups

they are part of, ensuring that everyone shares a common goal aligned with your objectives.)

Emotion Amplification (The targets will amplify the emotions of those around them,

intensifying the feelings of admiration, loyalty, and support directed towards you.)

Motivational Impetus (Your targets will serve as a source of motivation and impetus for those

they interact with, inspiring individuals to take action that benefits your goals.)

Unity Orchestrator (The targets will orchestrate moments that foster unity and alignment

among individuals within their social circles, creating an environment where everyone works

cohesively to support your endeavors.)

Influence Imprint (Your targets will leave a lasting imprint of your influence on those they

encounter, making it impossible for others to forget your presence and impact.)

Desire Transmutation (Your targets will transmute the desires of those around them to align

with your desires, ensuring that everyone's wants and needs serve your interests.

Inspirational Catalyst (The targets will catalyze moments of inspiration within their social

circles, spurring individuals to take actions that contribute to your goals.)

Conflict Resolution Facilitation (The targets will facilitate conflict resolution with finesse,

ensuring that disputes are settled amicably, which maintains a harmonious environment for your


Loyalty Facade (Your targets will create a facade of unwavering loyalty to others, concealing

their true allegiance to you and your goals. This facade will protect your interests discreetly. Said

targets will also subtly bring those other people to your side over time by convincing them of

your trustworthiness.)

Influence Over Embrace (Your targets will exert influence over the emotional embrace and

acceptance of others within their network. This influence will make people more receptive to

your ideas and aspirations.)

Desire Pervasion (The targets will pervade the desires of those they interact with, ensuring that

your desires become an integral part of everyone's consciousness.)

Influence Amplification (Your targets will amplify the influence of those aligned with your

goals, ensuring that they have a stronger voice and impact within their social circles than all


Conflict Transformation (The targets will possess the skill to transform conflicts into

opportunities for growth and collaboration, ensuring that disputes result in strengthened support

for your endeavors.)

Loyalty Cultivator (Your targets will actively cultivate loyalty among those they encounter,

fostering an environment where unwavering allegiance to your cause is nurtured.)

Emotion Enhancement (The targets will enhance the positive emotions of those around them

when you're near while dulling the negative, ensuring that positive feelings of admiration, loyalty,

and support are heightened in your presence.)

Unity Architect (The targets will architect unity within groups they are part of, making sure to

create situations where everyone works together seamlessly to further your goals.)

Influence Over Perceptions (Your targets will influence the perceptions and opinions of those

around them, ensuring that everyone sees you in a positive light and aligns with your


Desire Synchronization (The targets will synchronize the desires of those they interact with,

creating a unified consciousness where everyone's wants and needs are aligned with your


Inspiration Propagation (The targets will propagate inspiration within their social circles,

making sure that your influence spreads as individuals are inspired to support your endeavors.)

Conflict Resolution Alchemy (The targets will practice conflict resolution as a mastered and

perfected art form, further turning conflicts into opportunities for collaboration and unity that

benefit your goals [bouncing off of the previous benefit that is similar].)

Loyalty Nurturer (Targets will nurture loyalty within their network, cultivating a culture of

unwavering commitment to your cause.)

Influence Over Belief Systems (Your targets will exert influence over the belief systems and

values of those they interact with, further making sure that everyone's beliefs align with your


Destructo Maximus (Targets are completely vulnerable to any and all of your manipulation

tactics down to the simplest commands, their mind cultivated into a deadly hypnotic lullaby that

exists solely to serve your every desire. They are drugged, controlled, subdued, and everything

in-between to follow you like never before. All of the target benefits that affect others directly

also affect them, doubling the amount of submission and subjugation that they serve towards

you without you even having to do or try anything.)

Desire Harmonization (The targets will harmonize the desires of those they encounter, creating

a symphony of wants and needs that resonate with your goals.)

Inspiration Diffusion (The targets will diffuse inspiration throughout their social circles, creating

a ripple effect of support for your endeavors as individuals become inspired to contribute.)

Loyalty Curator (Your targets will curate loyalty within their network, making sure that

unwavering allegiance to your cause is cultivated and preserved.)

Unity Maestro (The targets will orchestrate unity among individuals within their social circles,

conducting a symphony of cooperation that advances your objectives.)

Influence Over Decision-Making (Your targets will influence the decision-making processes of

those they interact with, ensuring that choices align with your goals and aspirations.)

Desire Fusion (The targets will fuse the desires of those they encounter, creating a powerful

fusion of wants and needs that resonate with your vision.)

Inspiration Amplification (The targets will amplify inspiration within their social circles,

magnifying the support for your endeavors as individuals are inspired to take action [i.e. Call to


Conflict Resolution Virtuoso (The targets will become virtuosos in conflict resolution.)

Loyalty Protector (Your targets will protect and safeguard loyalty within their network, making

sure that the unwavering allegiance to your cause remains unshakable.)

Emotion Transcendence (The targets will transcend ordinary emotions, entering into states of

heightened admiration, loyalty, and support when in your presence. This causes them to see

you as that of a God or an Angel.)

Destiny Godhood (Your targets will influence the destiny and life paths of those they interact

with, ensuring that everyone's journey leads them closer to your goals and aspirations.)

Into The Abyss

The Ballads of a Madman Pt. 1

(Ultimate Psychopathic Stare)

When a lot of people hear “sociopath/psychopath”,

They think of murder and violence, but most of them are not that violent, if ever.

These are some signs of sociopaths that are not so blatantly obvious, but that Johan exhibits.

The “Sociopathic Stare”:

So, I’ve heard many of you describe Johan’s stare as “creepy”, and I thought I’d just let you

know, that’s said to be an actual psycho/sociopath thing.

Whether that’s actually a trait of ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) is debatable, but it

certainly seems to be true sometimes.

A few accounts of real life psychopathy:

“When I met my sociopath in person I could not believe the intensity of his eyes.

I’ve never seen eyes like this before in my life. It was like I was pulled to them.

People (women) are always commenting on his pics about how intense his eyes are, how sexy.

It used to drive me nuts.

When I found out he was a sociopath I looked at a picture of his eyes and saw something I had

never seen before.

Pure evil.

They say it's very common in psychopaths to have that stare.”

“The Psychopaths stare is very effective during the luring and “honeymoon” phases at the beginning of a relationship.

Women often mistake it as “being sexy” and for “sexual attraction."

"Robert Hare refers to the Psychopath’s gaze as "Intense eye contact and piercing eyes”

and even suggested people avoid consistent eye contact with them.“

"Yes, I have seen them!! Used to think it was the most sensitive, wonderful, and caring eyes I

had ever seen. Sometimes very sexy too.”

Johan displays this twice, once when he is talking with Karl and Lotte,

making Karl blush slightly, stunned by the intense, knowing warmth of his gaze,

and once again when he helps the flustered library girl pick up the fallen books and makes her blush,

although probably for a different reason than Karl.

There is also the instance when he grabbed Schuwald’s face and stares right into his eyes,

But in that instance it was obviously meant to be frightening.

The “sociopathic stare” is meant to draw someone in, to be enchanted by them. It’s a sociopathic bonding technique.

Hypnotic Mesmerism (The intense gaze of your eyes will possess a hypnotic quality, capable

of entrancing and captivating anyone who meets your gaze, drawing them into your influence


Pupil Dilation Mastery (You will have precise control over your pupil dilation, allowing you to

adapt your gaze to various situations, from seductive allure to intense focus, making your eyes

a versatile tool of influence.)

Enhanced Eye Contact (Your ability to maintain prolonged eye contact without discomfort will

create an aura of confidence and dominance, making others instinctively defer to your


Eyes of Enigma (Your eyes will exude an enigmatic aura, constantly leaving those around you

intrigued and curious about the thoughts and intentions hidden behind your gaze.)

Hypnotic Gaze Calibration (You will be adept at calibrating your gaze to induce specific

emotional responses in others, whether it's desire, fear, or submission, allowing you to

manipulate situations to your advantage.)

Sensory Focus Augmentation (Your eyes will enable heightened focus on sensory details,

allowing you to pick up subtle cues and information that others might miss, giving you a distinct

advantage in negotiations and social interactions.)

Magnetic Attraction Resonance (Your eyes will emit a subtle magnetic field that resonates

with the primal instincts of those around you, drawing them closer to your presence, whether

they consciously realize it or not.)

Predatory Perception (You will possess an enhanced ability to perceive and analyze the body

language and micro-expressions of others, giving you a distinct edge in reading their thoughts

and intentions.)

Subconscious Influence (Your gaze will exert a subconscious influence on the emotions and

thoughts of those you encounter, making them more receptive to your ideas and suggestions.)

Eye Muscle Control Mastery (You will have unparalleled control over the muscles around your

eyes, allowing you to convey a wide range of emotions and intentions with precision, enhancing

your ability to communicate non-verbally.)

Peripheral Vision Awareness (Your enhanced awareness of peripheral vision will grant you the

advantage of being attuned to your surroundings, making it difficult for anyone to approach you


Irresistible Seduction (Your eyes will radiate an aura of seduction and desire, making you

irresistibly alluring to those who meet your gaze, fueling desire and attraction.)

Rapid Eye Movement Proficiency (Your ability to execute rapid eye movements will allow you

to create an air of unpredictability, keeping others on their toes and reinforcing your aura of


Emotion Manipulation Precision (You will possess the precision to manipulate the emotions of

others through your gaze, creating a symphony of feelings that align with your objectives.)

Innate Deception Detection Your eyes will inherently detect deception and lies in the

expressions and body language of others, giving you a powerful advantage in negotiations and


Pupil Mimicry Skill You will excel at mimicking the pupil size of those you interact with,

establishing a subconscious rapport that fosters trust and connection.

Invisible Dominance Assertion Your gaze will subtly assert dominance and authority without

overt confrontation, compelling others to follow your lead willingly.

Emotion Amplification Your eyes will amplify the emotions of those around you, intensifying

their feelings of admiration, lust, or loyalty when in your presence.

Seductive Biochemistry Your eyes will trigger the release of biochemicals associated with

attraction and desire in those who meet your gaze, ensuring that they become emotionally

connected to you.

Involuntary Oxytocin Release Your gaze will stimulate the release of oxytocin, the bonding

hormone, in those who make eye contact with you, forging deep emotional connections that are

difficult to break.

Magnetic Glare Calibration You will possess the skill to adjust the intensity of your magnetic

glare, ensuring it aligns with your goals, from subtle allure to overwhelming attraction.

Subliminal Loyalty Imprint Your gaze will leave a subliminal imprint of loyalty on those who

meet your eyes, making it nearly impossible for them to turn against you.

Eyes of Command Your eyes will convey a commanding presence, compelling others to heed

your instructions and respect your authority instinctively.

Enhanced Eye Resilience Your eyes will exhibit exceptional resilience to fatigue, allowing you

to maintain your compelling gaze for extended periods, ensuring your influence remains


Predatory Instinct Mastery You will tap into your primal predatory instincts, making you a

formidable force in any interaction, as others instinctively recognize your dominance.

Sensory Manipulation Your gaze will have the power to manipulate the sensory perceptions of

others, allowing you to influence their interpretation of events and situations.

Emotional Entrapment Your eyes will create an emotional trap for those who meet your gaze,

making it exceedingly difficult for them to resist your charm and allure.

Intuitive Eye Language You will develop an intuitive language of the eyes, enabling you to

communicate complex ideas and emotions with a single glance, fostering understanding and


Entrancing Hypnosis Your gaze will possess the ability to induce a state of mild hypnosis in

those who meet your eyes, rendering them highly suggestible and compliant to your wishes.

Irresistible Allure Your eyes will radiate an irresistible allure that transcends conscious thought,

making you a magnetic and captivating presence to all who encounter your gaze.

These areas highlight the mesmerizing and scientifically enhanced qualities of such eyes,

emphasizing their dark, predatory, and alluring nature.

The Ballads of a Madman Pt. 2

(Ultimate Psychopathic Voice)

The Perfect Specimen

Your voice is alluring and comforting, something that allows you to perfectly manipulate others because they feel comfortable in your presence.

Clear, concise speech, with no sort of impediments whatsoever. Frankly, your voice is totally perfect, and it just adds to your overall mystique.

Your voice is like a beautiful symphony sent down from heaven sung by the Meta-Angels, a hypnotic psychological chorus that hypnotizes all who hear it into doing your whim.

Psychopathically manipulating voice, you have the allure of psychopaths when they speak, and

nobody ever suspects you of a thing because they are too stuck in how alluring you are.

Everyone praises your voice, it is the Voice of God from the Old Testament.

A voice that transcends attraction norms, reigning in literally anything.

You are able to use your allure as leverage towards even conceptual beings.

You host an Alter Ego within your mind which is you but x100 better.

You are able to tap into this Alter Ego seamlessly and allow this person to take control over your

mind, effectively being God at anything that they face.

Every frequency that comes out of your vocal chords are empowered and enchanted with

seductive and alluring properties, chemically mixing within the brains of those who hear it and

essentially hijacking their unconscious mind into obeying you, following you, being submissive

and subservient to you and being programmed with your manipulation, as well as disarming any

and all distrust or worry of you.

The Perfect Specimen

There are absolutely no limits around how much beauty your body accumulates. Your looks are

a rollercoaster that never descends, yet never ever stops increasing either.

Your genetic structure was blessed since its inception, every aspect culminating in a perfect

aesthetic that transcends even the most beautiful models.

Your beauty is so illegally high that it allows you to get away with whatever you want.

Completely deified attraction to the point of redundancy, irrelevancy in terms of comparison or

scaling and boundlessness in potential.

Attract and charm anyone with your deified beauty and your dark charisma matched.

Everything about you is a supernatural halo that others are attracted to, there are people who

would kill and die just because of your beauty.

Your beauty is enough to push others to going into war over you, literal, deathly war. Because of

this unparalleled beauty, you are able to quite effortlessly lead everyone else along your

puppeteering strings.

Embodiment of pretty privilege. Allowed to do anything and everything solely because of how

charmingly attractive you are.

Regardless of what it is you're doing, it's always portrayed as something to worship you for and

simp over you for.

The attraction and allure of the Pataphysical Antichrist.

The Antichrist has a Narrative COMPELLED to lead into the end of the world, and it is an

extremely high one, so because of that they must be a master allurer. Gain that allure.

Full-Scale IQ

Full-Scale IQ

Across the board, all of the qualities of your cognitive skills are increased massively.

Massive boost to all intellect and charisma, learn and master, complete any sort of task with

minimal effort.

Omnicompetence. Competent with literally everything. Complete any task with perfection at

alarming speeds, learn at extremely quick speeds.

Manipulate endlessly. Always use your powerfully curated intellect to manipulate forcefully and

omnipotently, never letting anyone get in your way.

Your intelligence is unmatched entirely, nothing else could even hope to compare with your

extreme amounts of intellect.

Instantly think about ways to manipulate someone mid-conversation and execute it flawlessly.

Understand entirely new concepts and ideas that haven't been touched on and explored yet,

have intense amounts of knowledge towards all of your chosen subjects and then some.

Neural pathways enhancement and reconstruction, now serving your intellect in as many

faculties as possible.

Free of any and all mental or emotional damage that has negatively affected you. However, gain

and keep all of the lessons that you have learned from said damage.

Brain is the equivalent of an extremely expensive supercar in terms of speed, efficiency and


A Hyperphotographic Memory, Hyperphantasia, and Savant Syndrome for every single thing

that exists in the universe (Savant Syndrome does NOT come with any sort of neurodivergency

in this case)

Verbal Comprehension (VCI)

Develop unparalleled persuasive abilities, making others believe and act on your every word.

This is due in part to your high levels of charisma but also because of how perfect you are with

wording your sentences and statements, imbedding subtle and effective emotional manipulation

into every word.

Every word you speak is infused with satanic energy that binds to the chakras of those who

hear it and forces their minds to open up and accept those words as true due to


Acquire the skill to manipulate emotions to your advantage, using them as tools for control.

You are able to essentially remotely exploit certain emotions, as even if you said something in

the past, you can use specific word mannerisms or body language to retroactively jog the

subconscious memory of these events, imploring the target to be more indebted to you.

For example, if someone has presented some damning evidence that you are a manipulator,

you can easily flip the narrative on the target when they come to you about it (which they will, as

they will trust you more than the person who is telling them, this is because of the numerous

manipulative seeds that you have already sewn into their brains from the very inception of your


Master the art of weaving intricate verbal deceptions, obscuring your true intentions effortlessly.

This allows you to use your intelligence to its full capacity through your words, generating

narratives that are so believable it seems illogical for targets to not trust them.

Hone the power to exert influence on others at a subconscious level, leaving them powerless to


Learn to adapt your verbal style to mirror the emotions and desires of those you wish to

manipulate. Your rhetoric is comparable to that of Chameleons, with your words and tone

shifting ever so slightly to fill whatever void is missing in your target's heart, mind and soul.

Domesticate a mastery of verbal comprehension that allows you to dissect and analyze all of

your conversations with precision, even when these conversations are replayed retroactively.

This allows you to fully fine tune your own manipulative strengths and ween out the weaknesses

in an effective and deliberate manner.

You have long since acquired the ability to read and interpret emotions in real-time

conversations, and because of this, your brain has a heightened capability when it comes to

manipulating others. Neurological supremacy and transcendence across the entire board,

omniversal levels of intellect.

Omnicompetent Oratory skills. Captivate and move entire worlds along with your whim, your

speeches are enough to completely brainwash anyone that hears them, turning the most

innocent person into a diabolical vessel if you needed to.

You have perfectly mastered the power of strategic silence, using it to make others reveal

information or act in your favor. Know when not to speak and know when it is best to say

something, always make others anticipate every single word that is about to come out of your

mouth due to the rareness of it.

You perfectly and completely have embraced conversations as a psychological chess game,

and you move all of your pieces so beautifully. Instinctive chess master, and you are able to use

that mastery in conversations as tools to manipulate your targets perfectly with zero faults.

Blessed with a charismatic verbal presence that draws people to you, making them far more

susceptible to your influence than what would normally occur. Curse all others into being x10

more susceptible to your charisma and manipulation than that of anyone else.

Control the emotions of others like the strings of a puppet, string them along into doing whatever

it is that you see fit for them for their destiny is but your toy to govern and dictate.

Mastered subtle interrogation, completely extracting information from others without them

realizing it. Make all others spill every piece of info that they're worth.

Every word you say in your sentences serves a complex, multi-faceted purpose in your

manipulation. Essentially, you can use words as trigger words to evoke certain emotions and

feelings in someone's heart and then use those triggers as corridors to break your way into their

mind and heart without them even knowing.

With every word you say, you perfectly disarm others socially and emotionally, making them

drop their guard when talking to you and reveal how they truly feel deep in their heart.

You are able to play extremely powerful narrative verbal mind games, luring the brains of all

others into the playtime of your control.

Rhetorically omnipotent and boundlessly controlling. Use rhetorical tactics that completely shut

down all opposing viewpoints while simultaneously reinforcing your own viewpoints without fail,

every rhetoric you speak is imbued with the powerful and undying allure and charisma of the

Pataphysical 388 Antichrist, ensuring that you lead an army of your own in the end times lead

by you.

Fully embrace the concept and strengths of strategic flattering and white knighting of those

around you, making others much more amenable to your influence and control.

Instinctive mastery and knowledge of over a hundred dark psychology and manipulation

material, from the 48 Laws of Power to The Art of War and everything that's in-between.

Perfectly mirror the psychological states of others, such an action creates outstanding rapport

which is imperative for your manipulation.

Develop proper, angelic and regally elegant speech that is emotionally calibrated to your

advantage, pushing the right emotional buttons within all of your targets. Your speech is so

utterly alluring and attractive, but also has a hint of power and control that shines throughout

every single interaction with someone else, no matter how much it shows.

Become a master of using emotions as leverage in negotiations and interactions, knowing the

best moment to mention something positive or negative in order to trigger specific responses in

the neurological functioning of the target's brain.

Master of verbal confusion, which then makes others far more susceptible and suggestible to

your manipulation.

Mastery of the skill of subtle gaslighting, confidently making others doubt their own perceptions

and judgments and instead lean in to your own powerfully curated narratives.

You can analyze conversations on an infinite number of layers which allows you to see any

hidden motives, motivations and intentions within someone's mind, body or soul.

You have a deified discourse style that seduces others emotionally, leading them to doing

essentially whatever you want, following you simply because of how alluring you are.

Learn to manipulate with verbal precision, achieving your objectives with minimal effort. It's so

easy, in fact, that you can do it in your sleep.

Maintain the emotional upper hand and control in every single conversation, always causing

others to be completely vulnerable before you.

Your mind, body and soul has fully and utterly down to extremist levels perfected the art of

crafting persuasive narratives that manipulate beliefs and actions effortlessly.

Psychological Leverage and Psychological Warfare in conversations, disarm your targets with

the perfect levels of gaslighting and other machiavellianistic techniques to control them.

You have instinctively mastered the art of creating powerful rhetoric monologues that

emotionally engage and manipulate listeners to your advantage, with zero exception of those


Effectively and constantly use powerfully daimonic verbal distractions to divert attention away

from your true agenda.

Always steer conversations away from topics that are sensitive to your agenda, keeping others


Instinctively emotionally blackmail, making others feel guilty or indebted to you without them

even nothing a thing.

Own the omnipotent precision to dissect conversations with surgical accuracy, extracting

information and weaknesses.

Empathetic persuasion skills that brutally exploits the emotions and vulnerabilities of others.

Dominate conversations with assertiveness and manipulation, ensuring your voice is heard.

Fully utilize psychological maneuvering in conversations.

Calculate emotional responses in others, using them to further your goals.

Create mind-controlling cues through verbal suggestion that reaches deep into the


VCI Intellectual Seduction. Essentially, you are able to effortlessly intellectually seduce others

through your words, making them crave your influence at every moment.

Speak of dialogues that intrigue and manipulate others emotionally, keeping them engaged with

everything that comes out of your mouth.

Consistently employ the most effective verbal evasion tactics to avoid revealing your true


Trigger overpowering emotional responses in others at will, guiding their actions.

Effectively guide others' decision-making processes through subjective emotional manipulation.

Mastery of white knighting and the art of subtly empowering others, making them feel as though

they are in control while you pull the strings. Never make them feel as though they have enough

control to exist without you, and if they ever try to cross you, you always have some form of dirt

on them from what they've exposed about themselves in the past.

Narrative Emotional Chess in conversations, anticipating and manipulating every move.

Develop narratives that strategically manipulate the emotions and beliefs of others.

Utilize verbal psychological warfare, perfectly breaking down mental defenses and conditioning


Emotionally controlled debates, manipulating opponents into conceding to your arguments

without them even knowing. Everything you do is leading the blind, except you are the only one

that can truly see.

Supernatural power to psychologically subjugate others through your verbal prowess, ensuring

they serve your interests.

Consistently employ the most effective verbal evasion tactics to avoid revealing your true


Trigger overpowering emotional responses in others at will, guiding their actions.

Effectively guide others' decision-making processes through subjective emotional manipulation.

Mastery of white knighting and the art of subtly empowering others, making them feel as though

they are in control while you pull the strings. Never make them feel as though they have enough

control to exist without you, and if they ever try to cross you, you always have some form of dirt

on them from what they've exposed about themselves in the past.

Narrative Emotional Chess in conversations, anticipating and manipulating every move.

Develop narratives that strategically manipulate the emotions and beliefs of others.

Utilize verbal psychological warfare, perfectly breaking down mental defenses and conditioning


Emotionally controlled debates, manipulating opponents into conceding to your arguments

without them even knowing. Everything you do is leading the blind, except you are the only one

that can truly see.

Supernatural power to psychologically subjugate others through your verbal prowess, ensuring

they serve your interests.


Always follow your regime and schedule down to a T.

Perfected management in all facets of life, take perfect care of your mind and your plans,

making sure that they never truly fail.

Proper control of your emotions, never letting them get out of your power.

Always stay calm even in the worst situations, never break in front of anyone.

Psychologically-emotionally gifted. Always think through your emotions rather than let them

blindly lead you into dangerous or unbeneficial situations.

Calculated Hemi-Synchronization between both the Left Side of the Brain and the Right Side.

Subconsciously control all of your emotional expressions, restrict others from ever seeing the

real you, or learning anything about you, because of that mysteriousness that naturally

surrounds your existence they only want to learn more and more about you; obsessing without

even realizing it.

Display and demonstrate high amounts of cognitive thoughtfulness and intellect whenever under

high stress situations, always thinking with your mind and not letting your heart control your

actions ever.

Effectively omnicompetent even when put under the most stressful situations, that is because

you know how to properly regulate your own emotions.

Mindful of how outbursts can make you look, and so, you always effectively utilize the energy

generated by aggressive emotions (anger, hatred, etc) towards furthering your own

manipulation and intellectual power.


Recognize and understand your own psyche deeply.

Understand and come to terms with your emotions, knowing them better than ever before.

Use the malleability of the 「 」 to completely control the mental of others.

Because of how you understand yourself, you know how to understand others and how they

would feel in certain situations, cognitively and not empathetically.

Properly express yourself cognitively rather than exposing your emotions.

Always know when someone is trying to manipulate you, and effortlessly flip it with you having

the upper hand, doing such a thing so quickly that they never even notice the shift of the power


Understand your own Jungian Psychological Makeup.

Constantly psychoanalyze yourself so that you may know yourself more than ever, understand

why you do everything that you do, generating unbreakable and indomitable resolve in your

heart and soul for your goals.

Addiction and Mental Damage removal.

Any damage done to the brain is completely healed and removed.

Unscalable levels of self-awareness, break the scaling system of all intellectual measures.

Immeasurable intellect.


Overpowered Self-Concept.

The strength of your Self-Concept makes it extremely easy for you to manifest anything in your


See yourself as God, as Johan, as the Ultimate Manipulator, as the Antichrist, all strewn

together into one Ultimate Being. Because you genuinely, truly believe all of these things about

yourself, you infinitely manifest and endlessly draw in things that support this fact.

Self-Concept Upgrades and Healing.

Unbreakable Self-Concept.

Indomitable Self-Concept.

Transcend the idea of yourself being little more than human, and now view yourself as the

savior that will control and manipulate everything in this disgusting world. Because of this huge

paradigm shift, you can manipulate like never before, matched by no one, destroying all of your

enemies before they even realize what hit them.

Antichristian Psychological Control. Your Self-Concept is that fuelled with Daimonically

Transcendent Scales of the 388 Red Dragon Thing.

Godlike Self-Concept.

Your Self-Concept allows you to never fall under manipulation or faulty logic, because you

believe in yourself to be more than life itself.

Narratively Transcendent due to your Self-Concept.

The Rule of Everyone is You Pushed Out means that everyone around you worships you

because of how your Self-Concept is.

Intellectually surpass and expose everyone around you, without having to try.

Intellectually and Neurologically Transcendent in all Faculties.


Always think before you act.

Always consider the outcomes and consequences of everything that you plan to do at least

twenty times before you actually do it.

All of your plans have masterful calculative strategies due to how much you constantly go over

them in your head.

Never reveal your plans to others. Know when to play dumb and when to do it effectively at that.

Always redirect and regulate unwanted emotions towards your goals and manifestation skills,

and your manipulation of course.

Hyper-Paranoid Levels of Awareness without actually being paranoid.

Complete Hyperphantasia beyond meaning and logic.

Large amount of Dopamine releases when successfully manipulating or leading someone, brain

rewards itself for manipulating others skillfully.

Logical Fight-or-Flight. You're never really worried about anything, but you also don't get ahead

of yourself, know when it is smartest to retreat, take the lower position or even stay quiet

entirely. Your ego is never stronger than your logic, and you have your own mind in a powerful

chokehold that allows you unparalleled and unstoppable discipline.

Always think before you speak, type, post anything. You have perfect regulation of your entire

existence and perception by other people, as you know that public perception is the most

important thing in this world.

The way others perceive you is that of a God who can do no wrong.

Always regulate the way you are seen by other people, never being caught off guard or lacking

in how you are perceived.

Endlessly put yourself on a pedestal, which, because of the law of everyone is you pushed out,

means that all others put you on an extremely high and unreachable level as well, only doing

their best to worship you in every action they take.

Cognitive Empathy

Extreme amounts of cognitive empathy.

Cognitive empathy increase.

Brain rewired to have extremely optimally high levels of cognitive empathy without it ever getting

in the way of you truly understanding others.

Always think of how others are feeling when you speak, but not in the way where you care

about them, rather understand how your words will affect them in every scenario.

Only think and feel for yourself.

Never generate the wrong emotion in someone when you act and speak, always invoke exactly

what you want them to feel because you know how they will respond to different actions due to

your innate and intrinsic understanding of their psyche.

You know others more than they know themselves, because of this, you are always a step

ahead of how they will react to things good or bad.

Masterfully ascended cognitive empathy.

Boosts any and all intellectual and manipulation audios created by me when used in


Hyper-Functioning Brain.

Transcendent Psyche and Brain.

Subconsciously act in ways that manipulates others without you even having to try.

Cognitive Control over the Brains of all others.

Mental Mind Control Superpowers.

Blessings to be the most manipulative person imaginable, bar none.

Emotional Empathy

Reduction of all Emotional Empathy.

Eradicate and remove Emotional Empathy.

Never feel emotions for others.

Only use Cognitive Empathy at all times, never Emotional Empathy.

Amygdala Modification to be focused on Cognitive Empathy and Fearlessness rather than


Never experience stress or worry, everything always works out for you in the end so why worry?

And much more.

Lots of benefits around Wealth too.

(Johan had a money-laundering business which made him a multi-millionaire at 14)

Time is running out.

The more you delay becoming an owner of the world-class Johan Liebert,

The more money and social power you’re losing.

As you’re reading this,

Other people already got Johan Liebert.

They’re on their way to manipulate the masses and become…

Machiavellian Sorcerers.

aka, They’re on their way to become what the elites are.

If you keep asking yourself…

“When’s my turn?”

“One day I’ll get rich.”

Then THIS is the opportunity!

The average people (90%) will think it over and up forgetting,

And they’ll be the ones working for the people who decided to take action.

I don’t want you to be the average man.

Become an owner of Johan Liebert & a Machiavellian Sorcerer and take over the world NOW.

You deserve it.


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