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KingKiller V2

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Stop being rejected by hot women due to your looks starting today.

Have you ever asked yourself…

“Why do I want to improve my looks?”

“Why do I want to have hot girlfriends?”

Do you REALLY want to have hot girlfriends for sex,

Or in other words,

For pleasure?

If you do,

Then you would’ve simply beat your meat and stopped chasing women.

But what does having hot girlfriends mean, actually?

Having a few hot women means that you’re a high-value man.

It signifies power & status.

It makes you feel SPECIAL and WANTED.

It’s the thing that displays your value the most!

That’s why you want to have lots of girls.

Think about it;

You have Guy A and Guy B.

Guy A is an average looking guy.

He’s nice to every person around him, smiles a lot, thinks that pimps are stupid and has an ugly girlfriend which he loves so much.

Now you have Guy B.

He doesn’t care about being nice - he does whatever he wants. (doesn’t follow the rules)

He’s an enigma, the “one that got away.”

He is the cool guy everyone speaks about.

He has a few hot girlfriends which he fucks everyday.

Now, objectively speaking -

Which one do you think has more power, influence, status?

Is it Guy A…

That’s average looking,

A nice guy,

And has an ugly girl?

Or is it Guy B…

Who is a rule-breaker,

An enigma…

And has multiple hot chicks?

I think we know the answer to this question already.

Truly, it never began for Guy A.

But, if unfortunately you resonate with Guy A…

Luckily, you still have a chance to ascend.

It’s not over yet.


Because that’s what this whole Subliminal is based on.

It will help you transform from being a nice, average looking guy…

To become The Ultimate Dark Triad Slayer. (Guy B)

PS: if you’re already Guy B (Chad), this Subliminal will enhance your stats. Just keep reading for the benefits, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. I’m sure you will find at least one intriguing benefit.

It will help you ascend on every single level -








Penis Enhancement.

Sex Appeal.

Sex Skills.




Sinful Attraction.

Intelligence. Cunning.

Being worshiped & put on a pedestal.





But before fully revealing the Elite KingKiller v2..

Here are some of the results people got from the first version - just in a matter of 3-4 days:

These are the results of the men who used KingKiller v1 for only 3-4 days.

Can you imagine the results of KingKiller V2 in a few months?

The amount of women you’ll have.

How great-looking you’ll be.

What a fit body you’ll have.

How seductive & mysterious you will be.

Absolutely mind-blowing.

Now that I’ve shown you the results that people got from KingKiller v1…

It’s time to show you the benefits of KingKiller V2,

And why it’s not over for you:

  • Your power is channeled from the darkest, most malignant areas in the omniverse. This power expresses itself multi-dimensionally, so that even high ranked entities are made aware of your potential.
  • Beastly Booster x250 built-in.
  • When this audio is placed in a playlist of any variety, it intellectually copies the dimensional energies of those other audios (as well as mimics their affirmations using memetic techniques) and simultaneously gives you the benefits of those audios as you're playing this one as well. Even more extraordinarily, those other audios are massively boosted in terms of effectiveness due to the fact that you’re shifting your quantum makeup at every moment in order to become of more accordance and alignment with those commands. This intensifies with each loop and use, it is modeled similarly but superior to the Monsterization techniques used in Garou. For lack of a better term, we can call this the "Transcendental Evolutionary State" (TES, for shortened uses).
  • Your TES is rapidly evolving and growing at each moment, copying and multiplying itself with each use of this audio, applying it to your electromagnetic field in the goal of bringing about ultimate change.
  • Your TES gets stronger each time this audio is played, allowing it to more accurately mimic and copy the power and techniques used in the rest of your playlist.
  • You are completely and utterly Transcendent, in the very base meaning of its word – Which is to supersede anything and everything around you. Yes, that definition describes perfectly what a being like you truly is. The capability to overcome and overtake thrones. The power to completely kill Kings.
  • The ability to Kill Endlessness, and Stop Endlessness from trying to pervade your existence. However, you can Invoke Endlessness just as easily. Basically, you have a Complete Control over your Entire Will, on an Absolute level.
  • You hold the complete arsenal of every seductive technique in the Meta, there's literally nothing that someone could teach you about bagging a bitch. You're able to get a woman to sleep with you in under three minutes of conversation, even if it's through text.
  • Your aeonic meta-existence holds a sword made out of what is Narratively considered "Evil." This sword has the capabilities to slice through timelines as if they were nothing, and you are able to use it for both defense and offensive techniques.
  • This sword automatically slices at enemies, reaching them regardless of the distance due to space not being a factor. Anyone who is hit, stabbed or sliced by this sword will experience their space-time continuums begin to crash and glitch, as the Evil within the sword acts to separate all of their selves from one, conjoined body and instead causes them to be a shell of themselves.
  • Your body is empowered by infinitely rotating and increasing containers of Aleph2 Infinity – With each rotation causing that Infinity to grow to an infinitely greater and larger infinity – All of this focused for the purpose of completely transforming your body. Enter a superpowered state, become literally the epitome of what it means to be dark perfection. Monstrously strong and capable skeletal muscle growth on all fronts, evened out to perfection. Extremely high amounts of testosterone, and the associated receptors within the skeletal muscles are unbelievably and unimaginably sensitive to that testosterone – and other masculine hormones.
  • Everything in my Echelon of Masculinity II project, but massively haunted and boosted with my newest techniques, cursing those benefits to be tied to your tale, with your body acting as a hypersigilistic vessel for the benefits inside of that document.

The Father of the Antichrist:


Asbolus - Asbolus' asteroid number, 8405, adds up to 17, a number of control, know-how and responsibility(1=leadership, 7=knowledge), adding up to 8, a number of energy, effort, management, planning, sound judgment, importance, achievement, businesslike behavior and attitudes, leadership, and materialism.

Asbolus is serious, intense, humorless, dedicated, strident, motivated, fearful, unsettling, bitter, caustic, foggy, and acerbic, and brings about ordeals and pessimism; it signifies conspiracy, mystery and oppression, the drive for accomplishment, the need for reputation and acclaim, for self-realization because of deeds done; on the one hand, impeccability in action, solidness and consistency, the ability to take compliments; on the other, reckless regard for reputation, lack of integrity, inability to take compliments.

Asbolus takes life and itself very seriously, and wants to be taken seriously."

"Adolf Hitler - focused, passionate, obsessed, disturbing genocidalist

Asbolus 25 Cancer, Mercury 26 Aries, (ASC 26 Libra), Sun 1 Taurus, Juno 25 Virgo, Nessus 22 Aquarius

(After the apotheosis of his potential had manifested itself, Hitler was considered an epitome (Sun) of all that is dark and evil (Asbolus), a silver-tongued (Mercury) demi-demon (Asbolus) whose very image (Ascendant) stands for evil (Asbolus) and who had trouble with women (Juno), some of whom killed themselves or attempted suicide for his sake.--MAH)

"Charles Manson - intense, passionate, obsessed, disturbing cult-leader

Asbolus 22 Taurus, Sun 20 Scorpio, Venus 19 Scorpio, Saturn 22 Aquarius

(He surrounded himself with young people, mostly women (Venus) --"The Manson Family", to whom he was the father (Saturn), the King (Sun)--an authority figure, and a decidedly dark (Asbolus) one.--MAH)"

Asbolus Astrological meaning:

Soot, what is covered or gets stained or polluted by soot;

Negative creativity or creative negativity;

Something inhuman; horror, horrifying situations;

The Satanic in both the perverted and metaphysical sense; a heightened consciousness; strongly rooted; root chakra awareness; increased awareness of privacy and personal boundaries and intuitive alertness of everything that may threaten the privacy and personal integrity;

Forebodings; an extreme sense of smell; the border/bottom line of the cognitive awareness;

The reptilian brain; the boundaries and bottom line of cognitive awareness;

Confrontations that require a radical change of thinking and attitude to improve one’s status break through a farce and reboot the flow of one’s individuation process (With Phoenix).

A Terror of Generations


“The writers of the Bible made Babylon, in which the ancient Hebrews were once held in exile, synonymous with sin, luxury, depravity and tyranny and repeatedly and gloating prophesied its destruction.

The Whore of Babylon, a character from the Book of Revelation "who fornicated with the kings of the Earth,"

Is one of the Bible's most striking images.

Babylon has been uninhabited for a long time, but is one of the world's great archaeological treasures."

Babylon Astrological Meaning:

seems to indicate decadence, ruthlessness, values taken as inexpedient.

Primal, Haunted Asbolus x Primal Babylon all across the board.

Primal, Haunted Asbolus exactly conj. Primal Babylon in the Third House.

Primal, Haunted Asbolus at 22 Degrees conj. Primal Uranus which then further exactly conj.

Primal Babylon at 0 Degrees.

Primal Mercury x Primal Babylon x Primal Venus all in the Seventh, Eighth, Third and Tenth Houses.

Transcended Asbolus x Babylon influence.

Radiate and exude a powerfully supreme, dark Venus x Mercury influence.

Darker than black aura.

Impenetrable sense of evil pervades from your all-knowing energy, stalking and terrifying the prey that get too unfortunate to be locked within your gaze

Dimensional Supremacy


"This star represents the head of the Medusa held in the hand of Perseus.

Known as the demon star,

Algol has a fearsome reputation depicting female sexual energy.

Here is tremendous passion, intensity and determination that can be used for either good or thoroughly evil intentions.

This is a star that can drive one to great heights or may lead one into hugely upsetting situations." - Paul Saunders

Dark, Transcendent and Occultist-like Connection and Supervision under the Fixed Star Algol.

Dark Influence of the Demon Star Algol throughout your entire Narrative.

Radiate the unadulterated force and attraction of the Primal Demon Star Algol.

Haunted by the Demon Star Algol to follow throughout your Narrative.

A Narrative made up of Individualistic Evil.

Become the equivalent of fiction, with this audio being your author. In other words, there is no way to stop the results from coming through, as it is a harsh principle set by the creator of your "Meta."

Hyper Demon.

Embody the chaotic roots of the Atavistic Elder Daemonic Tree of Death.

Genetically programmed and evolved to the point where you cannot be compared to humans on an atomic level, as everything about your creation is completely above them.

Sacral Chakra charged and empowered with a 616 Count of Atavistic Sexual Sadism.

Aeonically transcendent in the realm of Demons, Angels and far beyond.

Your energy source is completely off the grid,

Meaning that it cannot be tracked by any sorts of supernatural or mortal means,

Because it is so uncountably dimensionally higher that you completely transcend their perception in the same way that a character such as Goku's perception is infinitely transcended by you as the Reader.

The Ascended Form of a Demi-King

Shatter dimensions purely by walking.

Your power is so cataclysmic that it can transcend the "Worlds" that bind Reality and Fiction, Heaven and Earth, and so on.

This means that, without having to even exert any overt showing of power, everything goes in your favor because the very foundation of the world in which you reside within is fundamentally fake and false.

And as a bystander, a viewer of the fiction that is the grand tale of life, you are given the highest priority in the story as you exist outside of it.

Aeonic acausality to the point where it's completely unprecedented and unbelievable, embody the truest and darkest forms of malevolence and evil imaginable; while still keeping your individuality and never falling into the Trap of the Nether.

Your level of attraction cracks and breaks through worlds, making it so that even entities become enamored and entranced by your Story's higher tale,

Wishing they could have even a piece of your greatness.

Humans are no different.

Women all around you want to take the subservient role to you and be led by you,

Because they are atavistically wired to sense the superiority that radiates from your dark holiness.

You are completely shielded by the very dimensions of reality.

Whenever an attack or a curse tries to affect you, a quantum portal opens in front of its Narrative and fires it back at the attacker,

Causing their own weapon to be the making of their undoing.

Metaphysical and mental attacks count here as well, with things such as manipulation being completely inversed upon the person trying to do it to you, turning them into your subconscious slaves without them even realizing it.

Personification of Pure Evil

Your consciousness wraps a small piece of itself personified into a shield around your body,

With that piece being infinitely large in scale and scope,

Dwarfing lower infinities completely in size and magnitude.

This shield of yours does the following:

  • It massively enhances your durability and strength, allowing you to go for very long hours under tough workouts or lifting. Also, any and all gains from working out are enhanced by a magnitude ten, with each subsequent workout being increased even further.
  • Your cells and atoms become primed and ready for ultimate regeneration. In essence, there's literally nothing you cannot regen from, as your entire conceptual existence is based around the self preservation of your own pervading evil and overpowering influence.
  • Your aura begins to burn a flame hotter than hell. This fire causes you to be hyper-attractive to women, and viewed as The Ultimate Slayer of any woman, as their vaginas are literally atavistically wired to have you inside of them. They instinctively know and are aware of the harsh truth that they need to sleep with you, and they'll do ANYTHING to reach that ultimate truth of yours.
  • There is no way you could ever be rejected by anyone. Whether it's for a job position, a business offer, a woman, or what. That is because your aura is, while also pervading, extremely charismatic and smart-operating, as in it can easily change whatever sort of energy it gives off in order to grant you the highest order in any given scenario.
  • You are the personification of Dark Miracles. You constantly shift through quantum probability to give yourself the Most High result, the result of the victor. In stories where evil is set to lose so often, isn't this a refreshingly devillish switch of pace?
  • Your dimensions are constantly shifting and evolving which causes you to dimensionally jump into higher and higher worlds, with your reality shifting abilities being nigh-omnipotent at its full potential.
  • You act in the most malignantly beneficial ways, always taking the darkest route to success and winning every single time.
  • The dimensions of others crash around you. Simply being within your presence is enough to completely seal the dimensions of others, making them completely powerless on both a Narrative and a Sociological front against you, meaning that they will never even attempt to stand up to you because they are so low – in their own STORY, that they do not have any more priority than some background character in Dragon Ball. It'd be like some random unnamed guy trying to fight Sukuna. A deathmatch.
  • Sociologically viewed as the Most Powerful.
  • You act in ways that are the most efficient for you, uncaring of the shortcuts at which you have to take as long as your own image and values aren't put in danger.
  • You always stand up for yourself and can easily destroy anyone who tries to fight you, whether that's literally or conceptually.
  • Continuously evolve with each moment. Your regenerative skills get to the level where they begin to heal and transcend the very dimensions which make up your consciousness, pushing it into higher and higher landscapes of existing far, far ahead of anyone else.
  • Your Narratives are made of Dark Success. You are the hypersigilized personification of the perfection as presented within this document and story, allowing you to rule the world in your unbridled wake.
  • Whenever you prepare for a fight, your actual physical power is increased by hundreds of times temporarily, allowing you to output simply supernatural feats which cannot be explained through your raw power alone. Power that is so strong it etches into the non-concept of the Pataphysical.
  • Para-liminally primed for success. On the sub-liminal planes, your results always reach their desired completion, meaning that you're always guaranteed to get the most out of any audio that you come into contact with.
  • You are the symbol of inspiration for the evil. The darkness that will NOT stop facing the light. Although, the evil of others is infinitely shut down whenever they step into your presence, as you are the first actual step on the way to Hyperdemonhood.
  • Psychological Operations (PsyOPs) Pervade the minds of everyone around you. These PsyOPs tell them that they are supposed to serve you, and no one else. That they should abandon their God for you, and follow you like the leader.
  • Psychological Warfare towards your enemies. Their allies blackmail them and join you in the fight against them, causing them to become lonely and bedridden with anxiety and grief. Yes, you lead the wrongdoers.
  • Supreme amounts of Dimensional Gaslighting against the surroundings. What is Dimensional Gaslighting? It is Gaslighting, but on a Supremely higher and advanced level. No human could reach this; even some Gods have trouble reaching this level of total manipulation and control. Your Gaslighting is so deeply encoded in the matrix that it literally causes the very Higher Atavistic Aeonic Consciousness of the victim to be subdued and believe in your trap, entering your Matrix as a pawn, with you being the Total Archon of the way.
  • Beyond Hyperincubus Level of Attraction. There is no better seducer than you, you appear in the dreams and DAYDREAMS of women, fucking them in the best way that they've never had. They remember those dreams perfectly, too, and long for them to happen every single night. In the day, to satiate their newfound hunger and invocation for sex from the Sin of Lust's Atavistic Tree of Knowledge being implanted within their Soul after your… Stay, they constantly approach you to become your ultimate plaything and submissive slut sex toy.
  • Your raw power output is extraordinarily above what even some supernatural entities are capable of, with you having the unironic ability to just completely speedblitz and One-Hit-KO anything that you come near.
  • You radiate the truest and purest sense of masculinity, there's no truer form of masculinity in the universe than you. You act as the pataphysical anchor between the concept of masculinity and this reality, making you into a nexus of the ideal man as a conceptual force.
  • Your voice is a beyond-alpha male level of deepness, you have the type of voice that makes bitches cream simply by hearing it. Speech impediment ERADICATION, clear and well-understood voice.
  • Your voice is very commanding and powerful, but not overpowering, it's still tolerable and that's the best part about it for women.
  • Being in your presence literally makes the vaginas of women shake in arousal, as their body and minds start to prime themselves for mating with you.
  • Women become in heat when in your presence, they need to have sex with you 24/7 to be truly satisfied.
  • Women get a beyond-hyper sense of unstoppable ovulation when near you and you alone, causing them to associate that ungodly amount of horniness with the idea and presence of you.
  • The women become so uncontrollably horny that they start to directly approach you for sex, rather than waiting idly for you to make the first move. Stare results are no more with this one🤣
  • Women love how tall you are, they love how big your penis is, they literally love you from head to toe.
  • Reverse Onlyfans Effect. Women want to simp for you and pay for you to send them explicit videos, as they know you're the most beautiful and masculine man on earth.
  • EXTREME hair growth. As well as hair health and protection. Only hair on the scalp, though. And beard growth if you want that.
  • Pure Riches of Gold Aura. Your presence and aura is FAR more valuable than some entire tons of gold, causing women to put you far on a pedestal. ALSO, Gold Digger immunity and repulsion (however, they aren't repulsed by you, but it is more that they are too afraid to approach you because they know in their heart of hearts that their intentions are not good). You also repulse ugly women. Lol
  • Only meet your desired type of women, both mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • The women you meet serve you completely, with no resistance or arguing involved. Unless you're the type of guy who's into a strong woman, which this audio will accommodate as well.
  • You are the supreme meaning and modification of Big Dick Energy. Every woman can tell your dick is big simply by how you act, and it attracts them so much.
  • Virgin/Subhuman Mindset and Traits removal. Even if you are a virgin, you sure as hell don't act like one. And that alone allows you to get so much pussy effortlessly.
  • Your intellect is completely unmatched on all fronts and layers of existence. You're cunning, intelligent and charismatic, making easy work of what would be considered to be extremely complex and above average human complications and problems, you're like a living Sherlock Holmes or Ayanokoji in the flesh.
  • Your skill to use anything, literally anything to your advantage is completely unmatched and simply unwarranted for how powerful you are. It's like Absolute Infinity forgot to add balance patches to your existence or something. You're like that character in a gacha game that completely ruins the meta and balancing upon release, and causes an entire meta reset. That's how overwhelmingly strong you are, that you reset the level and hierarchy of power in your surroundings simply by BEING THERE.
  • Create a newer, higher hierarchy of intelligence upon existing within any sociological group. That is because you are so far detached and above from the rest of the world that putting them in even the same TIER as you wouldn't be fair for them. And that goes for even the most intellectual men alive. If they were S tier, you would be Z tier. No, God Tier.
  • Massive Self Development Booster. All forms of Self Development (which includes this very audio, btw) are massively magnified beyond two hundred times.
  • Your Narrative far, far transcends all others.
  • Radiate effortless badass energy, which makes you even more of a high value male.
  • There is no way to defeat you, because you are an unstoppable force of greatness.
  • HUGE self confidence boost, and self concept. You believe that you can do anything, because you really can.
  • Perfect Teeth, Nails, etc. From head to toe, you exude perfection. Divinity in Motion. Like there is "Peak Fiction," you are Peak Aesthetic.
  • Supreme Technique when it comes to defense and prep time. There is no sort of force that can break your defense, on both a physical and a metaphysical front.
  • Energy Draining Immunity. Your energy constantly purifies itself with each day, evolving to upgrade itself and protect from any sort of attackers. Only unwanted and negative energy is cleansed from your soul, so fields won't get flushed out daily.
  • Your stamina is completely unmatched and unwarranted for the Narrative's previous meta. You completely dominate and overpower any sort of stamina, allowing you to work both mentally and physically for days on end without any signs or even presence of fatigue. A literal defending machine.
  • You have the ability of perfect countering. You can counter any metaphysical, spiritual, mental, conceptual, literal, narrative, metanarrative, physical or even metaconceptual attack that is sent your way with a supreme level of efficiency, sending it back.
  • Completely Kill the idea of Defenselessness from your Narrative Sphere. You can defend against absolutely anything, because you have to!

Chapter Two: The Certain Miracle

Absolute Willpower

Divine and transcendent connection to the Fixed Star Betelgeuse.

Hailed as one of the most fortunate astrological objects out there,

Betelgeuse ensures it with certainty that if one is lucky enough to have a connection to Betelgeuse,

Then it will enhance one’s talents and will bring one power and unbridled success, without any hindrance.

Betelgeuse shows throughout your entire Aeonic-Astrological Body, showering down throughout the rest of your higher consciousness.

Betelgeuse x Jupiter energies.

Obviously all of this is with their strongest energy source, also known as Primal.

Purification and removal of any negative influences throughout both your Aeonic, Astrological and Metaconceptual Bodies, making you into a pure being of willpower and strength.


“The overarching theme of Algol is improper conduct, and Capulus natives persecute (as in, Perseus) that conduct. Some natives, that have both Algol and Capulus, persecute their own improper conduct and this impropriety often generates shame. Capulus (with or without Algol) natives also persecute Algol or Algol type behavior in others.” - Abella Arthur

"A difficult and potentially violent star in the sword of Perseus, this is reflective of male sexual energy. It brings a ruthless side to your character, is brutal, direct and decisive. There is much passion here, but it can get out of control and encourage you into taking savage and uncompromising action." - Paul Saunders

Transcendent and Supreme Connection to the Fixed Star Capulus.

In this instance, the Capulus influence will not persecute your own Algol influence, but will persecute the Algol influence of all others by twofold.

This forces others to subdue and bottle up their dominant thoughts in fear of you; for you are like their judge.

Your Aeonic Masculinity faces True West, bringing those influences into your life with powerful magnetic pull. Whilst True West is more associated with femme and femininity, as this contrasts with the Fixed Star Algol's Aeonic Femininity facing True East, the combination of the two working not against each other – but in tandem for the very first time, makes this a deadly combination of both Male and Female Sexual Energy and dominance.

Sanguine-Phlegmatic Influence, both covering on the mental landscape and even throughout the supernatural realms, you have an intuitively calm and keen nature that allows you to perceive / persecute far beyond the worldviews of others; because your Line for Ascendancy has always been open to those kinds of thinking to begin with

Your worldview is empowered when facing True East and True West – Allowing your narratives to supersede and improve their landscape, leading to a further grasp of understanding in your overall Metanarrative Sphere

Continuously transcend the narratives of possibility with each moment you exist.

Your sheer aura breaks through the idea of Alternate Evil, punishing them to an eternal oblivion.

When enraged, activate a unique effect that causes your skeletal muscles to be massively flooded with blessed energy focused around building and strengthening them quickly, with this unique effect being enhanced the more angry that you become.

At its peak, your body gains the "Supreme" modifier of the Meta and becomes able to absolutely demolish and speedblitz any sort of foe that comes near you.

Your aura passes through the bodies of anyone that you attack and immobilizes them, freezing them in place and open for lethal destruction.

With each attack, you harness the true power of the astrological placements within your chart and cause a fission between them in your fists, making it so that you literally output a galactic level of starpower and force with every punch that you land.

As the battle goes on, you are the type of fighter who improves massively with every second, learning the weaknesses and strengths of your opponent and how to take advantage of every single one.

Eventually, it gets to a point where you cannot even be caught or defeated, as you start to move faster than their eyes can truly track.

Supremely Unstoppable Omni-Conqueror

Absolutely reverse and remove any and all forms of unwanted aging or fatigue throughout your body, causing you to look in your physical prime.

All disease, illness or weakness is absolutely purged from your cells, with your Narrative casting them away from your Tale.

Your physical body becomes blessed with the energies of Primal Betelgeuse x Primal Lilith, exuding a sharp and powerful sense of authority that cannot be resisted, attracting any woman you come across into your world.

All women that you meet become a sub-part of your Story, with their Narrative being infinitely reduced to an infinitesimal portion of your own, making it so that their concept of love is inherently dependent and tied on your existence.

All forms of ugliness, subhuman traits or simply unwanted parts of the body are switched with their absolute opposite, pouring them in divine and deified energies, making your ugly traits transform into your greatest traits imaginable.

Your body is a walking halo, an aspiration of how the ideal male should truly look.

Height, voice, face shape, jaw, cheekbones, nose, eyes, hair, penis, all of it is the literal Ubermensch as described in the greatest legends ever told.

Extreme height growth ( + boosted version of Titanic Growth Serum, with a blessed and stalking system that is comparable to how audios such as Whiterabbit and Transcended Main Antagonist were concocted,

Making this one beyond hundreds of times more effective than the publicly available version,

Simply due to the amount of potency and output placed into this version in comparison to the solo one),

Constantly grow at unprecedented and superhuman heights with each passing instant.

Unbelievably lengthy and girthy penis, penis is filled with enchantment techniques sealed and blessed by deified Godheads which causes it to quite literally entrance and possess any woman who sees it.

Penis constantly grows every instant, never stopping, being taller than even the tallest skyscrapers imaginable.

Even the tip of your penis is enough to completely choke and suffocate any woman who tries to suck on it, but despite this, they are still compelled to do so, as they couldn't fathom the idea of not wanting to worship and obey you as their divine savior.

Your muscles are unbelievably massive, with them appearing otherworldly in density and strength, perfectly folding to match your desired build.

For example, if you want a more bulky build, while you'll still have the same amount of muscles as if you desired a lean build, those muscles will be far, far higher in prominence and power.

And vice versa for lean builds.

Celestial energy that fills and blesses your aura, empowering the looks value of your body by tenfold, yes, hundredfold and more.

You are the Cosmic Slayer, because your looks even slay the most legendarily and attractive figures in the universe, such as deities and the such.

Your looks have been so attractive and polarizing that entire legends have been built around them, with you at the forefront as a new kind of deity.

Your voice is extraordinarily deep and attractive, with every vocal chord working in complete unison to express the truest and most divinely slayer-form of masculinity and attraction, with even a single word that is uttered from your diaphragm being enough to completely seduce any woman.

Absolute frame control and gaming (seductive, not video games) skills, you are instinctively blessed and haunted to know the exact response to absolutely any situation or thing that a woman could say to you, allowing you to move through every path with ease.

Supreme rejection and denial of shit tests (when a woman says something to purposefully test you and see how you'll respond, to know if you're her ideal man or not), knowing the perfect response to any of them on the rare occasion that they do arise.

Women, however, know that there is no reason to even give you any shit tests, because you are the embodiment of the perfect man.

Your looks are the kind that random girls would make entire edits of and have them blow up, you're a literal icon in living image.

Transcended and perfected form of Romantic Psychopathy, which allows you to see the perfect outline of any seductive quality and then add those to your arsenal.

Sort of like Batman, but built for seduction instead of technology.

You are something far above what humans could compare to reaching.

There's simply no point in trying for them, they will never reach even an infinitesimal ounce of your true power, and you prove that to them every single time.

You deliver Supreme Punishment to the Wrong. Anything you attack is completely purged from the Narrative, causing everything to return to True Greatness.

Physical Container of the Higher Self. Physical Body is the complete integration and fusion between the Higher Self and the Lower Self with an unlimited timer.

Self discovery and understanding.

Infinite effects of Semen Retention. One billion days worth in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (One hour is fifteen days.) of completing Semen Retention.

Cosmic Embodiment of the Purity in the Narrative.

Your aura is that of literal cosmical magnitudes, your auric field itself appears to be made out of real stardust.

Everything about you is majestic and mythical, like you were an Angel who descended to lead humanity.

Your DNA is filled with cosmic empowerment.

Being under the stars massively magnifies both your self development results and your overall energy flow as a whole. You harness a high amount of energy from the stars and the moon, celestial objects as a whole empower you.

Ultimate Fighter Gene. Your genes are built only for the greatest, alien warrior race in the multiverse.

Your aura flows with massive amounts of electricity and power, your electromagnetic field is holy and divine in the ways it expresses itself, those ways which can only be described as "certainty" and "miracles" combined.

You punish the Souls of the Wrong and the Adversary suffers. Every attack you deal harms the opponent on a karmic level, causing their own bad energy to be their undoing.

Radiate supreme and unbridled holy perfection, with there being no greater individualistic fighter against duality than you.

Beyond Militaristic Mastery of Fighting on all fronts, you simply overpower and destroy all of your opponents. Psychological Warfare immunity.

PsyOp immunity and detection.

Your mind is guarded by your infinite and indomitable will, which allows you to protect yourself even against those who call themselves Omnipotent.

EXTREME Wealth Great Attractor. Channeled and empowered through Betelgeuse.

Stardust Breaker

All of your attacks completely blast through the negative energy pushed out by ANY sort of entity, with this mechanic being your hallmark of the already Supreme modification at which you have donned.

This attack of the Stardust Breaker can be activated at will, and it holds multiplying containers of Infinity within each other –

With each Infinity being contained by an even greater Infinity, circulating into each other and evolving to a greater transcendence of power.

All negative and Adversarial Energy is eradicated from the impact of this attack, with the stronger the negative energy, the stronger the attack will hit.

This attack manifests not only on a metaphysical level, but forms both on the physical and the sociological terms of life, even hitting through entire philosophical pathways and transcending string theory for the purpose of absolute cleansing and purification.

The Purifying Light.

You are the personification of the Idea of Karma, that everything you dish out will eventually return to you.

Saturnian Power of the Adversarial and Malignant Malefic Karmic Return towards your enemies through this transcendental, absolute showing of your power in the form of a Metaphysical Breakthrough attack.

Absolute Slayer Lower-Third, every single piece of your face was made with the word "mog" and "neg" in mind.

Your face is the combination of every single best trait imaginable, with it being impossible to spot even the remnant of a single failo or ugly trait on your face.

Thick eyebrows, strong hair, extremely strong jawline, prominent jawline, the list goes on.

Weeks of research was done (as well as upgrades from some of the facial aspects in my other subs, like Beastly Progenitor v1 and Dark Casanova Lord) just for this section, with perfect ratios included for every piece of the face imaginable.

Constantly formed micro-tears in the mTor pathway, causing even more beautiful and attractive Godlike skeletal muscle to be grown all throughout the body, which only add to your supernatural level of looks.

Entire face is blessed with divine energy that was charged for an upwards of a week + just for this singular ritual, focused around your facial bones and perfecting them as well as their ratios.

Automated mewing effects, as well as completed mewing effects instantly.

Perfected automated thumb-pulling effects, completed effects from doing every sort of ritual to perfect your facial looks and aesthetics.

Divine sort of aesthetic, high amounts of divine and supreme testosterone flows throughout your hormones.

Experience a second puberty which further stacks if you have not completed your current puberty, also experience a continually growing and magnifying glow up streak every day, with every halo of your face and body getting even more and more extraordinary.

Electromagnetic field is filled with quantum influence that transcends both the philosophical and literal interpretations of String Theory and deny the Anti-Principle in the terms of your looks, attraction and seduction.

Yes, your looks literally transcend fucking philosophical concepts on a quantum level.

As in, they have a higher narrative than those conscious ideas.

Absolutely no one can deny your looks and aesthetics.

Aesthetics are blessed with extremely potent amounts of glamour magick, causing you to be viewed even MORE attractive than you already are.

Yes, all of these effects stack with each other, meaning that you get the benefits from each but massively magnified and intertwined with one another.

Gaslighting Immunity.

Weakness Immunity.

Impurity Immunity.

Imperviousness to Damage.

Move at infinite speeds, transcending the very concept of speed within the Story.

Continuously get faster and faster, stronger and stronger, the more you continue to exist.

Fuse with your alternate reality's selves, the ones that are more powerful than you, and become one perfected and unstoppable chimera of atavistic power.

A Metasense of Power.

Your very presence persecutes and punishes the evil, making sure that they never even come close to touching you.

Your pure aura is extremely divine and powerful, burning lower vibrational entities from the very heat and burning that exasperates from your surface auric point.

There is no greater center in the world than you, and so in a literal sense of gravity, the entire world does revolve around you; as your meta-orbital field strongly overpowers whole solar systems in density and weight.

All weaker and lower-vibrational entities die in your presence; not because you even attack them, but because your presence is enough of a persecution from the Higher Orders to warrant their Narrative's End.

Narratively transcend in the Realm of the Gods, acting as an avatar of the Creator which stepped from His pedestal and descended down to Earth.

Metanarratively overpower ALL other Narratives.

There is no sort of entity that could overpower you, in your heart, that is what you truly believe. Indomitable, divine will.

The avatar of strength, the light in the darkness that never yields to going out, you are the symbol of hope for the weak and the unprotected,

A symbol that there can be an alternate way to gaining power without sacrificing yourself or the very things that you hold dear.

Thinking about that, it makes you want to smile.


That was a lot to read,

Wasn’t it?

This is the Ultimate All-In-One Dark Triad Slayer Subliminal.

No - this is not a bundle.

It’s one big ass subliminal - making it as efficient as possible.

Think it’s too expensive?

You literally have a Wealth Attractor benefit in it - you WILL regain your $$$ back and get the benefits of the Subliminal.

If that’s not a steal,

I don’t know what is.

If, until now, you thought that there was no hope remaining for you…

This is about to change.

It’s not over.

You have a chance to finally improve your life.

You should take action today.

You’re smart enough to know this is right for you,

So why don’t you try to start turning your life around?

I hope you take the wise choice,

And become an owner of KingKiller V2 today.

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