Beastly Progenitor V2

14 ratings

“As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I shall fear no enemy,

For you are with me;

Your deathly fangs and your elegant sword,

As they comfort and protect me.”

The Dark Trio Of The Most Powerful Subliminals… Paired Into One!

The time is finally here.









Beastly Progenitor V2 contains:

  • Beastly Progenitor V2 UNCHAINED
  • Awakened Garou Remade.
  • Harem Generator.
  • EOM
  • DCL
  • * VEA
  • * The King’s Palace
  • * And many more.

This is the magnum opus of subliminals.

The biggest pillar of them all.

This is the BEST subliminal you could EVER put your hands on.

Words cannot express how much work I put into this subliminal to perfect it for you.

The doc is incredibly long.

It’s over 716 pages!

There are many submakers saying “i iNcLuDeD mY 999 pAgE dOc iNtO tHis pRoJeCT”...


Could they be lying?

I can’t say for sure,

But there isn’t any proof that they’re truthful, either.

With Beastly Progenitor V2, you’ll have access to the entire 716 pages, where you’ll be able to read it all, at your own pace…

Unlike the other makers who are lying.

They’re also simply layering their “999 page doc” onto the new project,

Instead of reworking it from scratch.

Beastly Progenitor V2 is everything you’d need.

It’s what Nameless’ “Dragon Mind” and “Evo” were supposed to be.

The pressure on me was insane,

But I finally did it,

And I’m extremely proud of what I achieved.

There’s literally no other subliminal on the face of this planet,

That would even DARE come close to BPv2.

Gone are the days where you’ll have to do all the nitty-gritty stuff,

Such as the annoying “tabmaxxing”,

Or creating a playlist and searching 24/7 over the perfect stack…

Wasting all your time reading the docs,

Testing the subliminals,

And listening to your whole playlist,

Then being annoyed at the subs not even working,

Losing your mind in the process.

You won’t even need a playlist anymore.

This is the ONLY sub you need in your rotation.

I treated Beastly Progenitor with such a delicate care,

That I haven’t overlooked any part.

I included every organ, every metaphysical upgrade, every psychological upgrade, etc.

I worked with a lot of people to make sure I included only the best.

This was like a whole quest.

I’d dare say that this is the most complex and complete subliminal ever seen.

The only person that can dethrone my subliminals,

Is me.

Every day,

I’m working harder and harder,

To only deliver the best for you,

To help you ascend.

PS: this version does NOT clash with other subliminal makers.

In order to prove the efficiency of BPv2,

I released a weaker version for free, on YouTube.

The YouTube version is only 0.01% of the power of this unchained version.

I only want to release the best,

So, the YouTube version of BPv2 along with the first version of BP were simply a test.

(of course, with the purpose of helping you ascend too, but testing was their primary purpose)

Months of testing and work went into THIS project.

If you thought the YouTube versions were good,

Then this Gumroad version is a nuke!

It’s literally on steroids.

Here’s what people are saying about Beastly Progenitor:

I know lots of people aren’t going to read the whole doc.

So here’s a quick TLDR,

Along with a summary of the benefits:


BPv2 will literally turn you into Dan Bilzerian.

You’ll be living in your perfect harem,

Getting the women of your dreams,

And executing your wildest fantasies and desires with them.

Your new environment will ALWAYS be centered around women.

You will know how to speak perfectly to them,

Making them cream, crave, and have a primal desire for you…

Simply through words.

You’ll have such an eloquent way with your words no one else has.

You’ll have an army of simps, like Gojo has.

Of course,

Your physical body isn’t forgotten.

Every organ and every body part of yours is ascended to the max.

Overlooking absolutely nothing,

All the limits to your physical growth are removed.

Whether that’d be imperfections, height, voice, recession, deformations, size, penis size, etc.

I’m telling you, NOTHING is overlooked.

Don’t believe me? Read the full doc.

This is our year.

Nothing can hold us back.

You have NO excuses now.

BPv2’s blessings shall make you wealthy, to the point where money becomes boring, and you’re not excited about material things anymore.

It’s your new normal.

You will also have a Monstrous mind,

Upgrading your intelligence to the likes of Sherlock Holmes.

You will be constantly analyzing people and situations,

Knowing what’s the best path of action.

Whether that’d be knowing how to flirt, how to win an argument, how to find out if your girl is cheating, and much more.

As a “Monstrous Mind” side effect,

Your strategic part isn’t forgotten, either.

You will have the mind of a Chess Grandmaster and the mind of the biggest kings in history,

Such as Alexander The Great, Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Niccolo Machiavelli, etc.

Truly, nothing is overlooked.

THIS is the King of the Subliminals.

THIS is the HONORED Subliminal.

NOTHING will come close to this.

If there’s any person making a better subliminal than this one,

Then that’d be me from the future ;)


The doc is extremely big.

I’m not going to list out all the benefits.

If you’d like to read them all,

Then do check out the document which is available on the public version.

Which you can find here:

This complete version has even MORE benefits, but I'll keep those a secret.

Any and all bundling or remade audios have been expertly and scientifically done so by me in a way that fully avoids clashing of energies, benefits or otherwise.

So none of the benefits will clash even if contradictory,

As the audio is an extremely intelligent ritualistic field.

Do not attempt to bundle or remake this audio yourself in any way, shape or form.

Most people will think it over about becoming an owner of BPv2,

And end up forgetting about it.

They literally forget about becoming a better person,

And forget about making a better future not only for themselves,

But for their family, too.

I don’t want that to be you.

Deep down,

You’re intelligent enough to know this is right for you.

This is what you ALWAYS wanted.

So why don’t you finally become a better version of yourself,

And get everything you could ever desire in this world?

We have a limited time living here anyway,

Might as well get the best out of it.

Gone are the days where society tells you that having multiple women is “immoral”.

This is a new era.

Will you be left behind,

Watching other people evolve?

Or will you evolve,

And become the Conqueror?

Understand that no one can save you.

Only you can.

Take action and become an owner of Beastly Progenitor V2,

And become The Epitome Of Perfection.

I want this!
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Beastly Progenitor V2

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